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TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
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import { ts } from "../common/mod.ts";
/** * Holds the compiler options. */export declare class CompilerOptionsContainer extends SettingsContainer<ts.CompilerOptions> { constructor(); /** * Sets one or all of the compiler options. * * WARNING: Setting the compiler options will cause a complete reparse of all the source files. * @param settings - Compiler options to set. */ set(settings: Partial<ts.CompilerOptions>): void; /** * Gets the encoding from the compiler options or returns utf-8. */ getEncoding(): string;}
/** * Represents a file system that can be interacted with. */export interface FileSystemHost { /** Gets if this file system is case sensitive. */ isCaseSensitive(): boolean; /** Asynchronously deletes the specified file or directory. */ delete(path: string): Promise<void>; /** Synchronously deletes the specified file or directory */ deleteSync(path: string): void; /** * Reads all the child directories and files. * @remarks Implementers should have this return the full file path. */ readDirSync(dirPath: string): string[]; /** Asynchronously reads a file at the specified path. */ readFile(filePath: string, encoding?: string): Promise<string>; /** Synchronously reads a file at the specified path. */ readFileSync(filePath: string, encoding?: string): string; /** Asynchronously writes a file to the file system. */ writeFile(filePath: string, fileText: string): Promise<void>; /** Synchronously writes a file to the file system. */ writeFileSync(filePath: string, fileText: string): void; /** Asynchronously creates a directory at the specified path. */ mkdir(dirPath: string): Promise<void>; /** Synchronously creates a directory at the specified path. */ mkdirSync(dirPath: string): void; /** Asynchronously moves a file or directory. */ move(srcPath: string, destPath: string): Promise<void>; /** Synchronously moves a file or directory. */ moveSync(srcPath: string, destPath: string): void; /** Asynchronously copies a file or directory. */ copy(srcPath: string, destPath: string): Promise<void>; /** Synchronously copies a file or directory. */ copySync(srcPath: string, destPath: string): void; /** Asynchronously checks if a file exists. */ fileExists(filePath: string): Promise<boolean>; /** Synchronously checks if a file exists. */ fileExistsSync(filePath: string): boolean; /** Asynchronously checks if a directory exists. */ directoryExists(dirPath: string): Promise<boolean>; /** Synchronously checks if a directory exists. */ directoryExistsSync(dirPath: string): boolean; /** See */ realpathSync(path: string): string; /** Gets the current directory of the environment. */ getCurrentDirectory(): string; /** Uses pattern matching to find files or directories. */ glob(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<string[]>; /** Synchronously uses pattern matching to find files or directories. */ globSync(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>): string[];}
/** An implementation of a file system that exists in memory only. */export declare class InMemoryFileSystemHost implements FileSystemHost { /** * Constructor. */ constructor(); /** @inheritdoc */ isCaseSensitive(): boolean; /** @inheritdoc */ delete(path: string): Promise<void>; /** @inheritdoc */ deleteSync(path: string): void; /** @inheritdoc */ readDirSync(dirPath: string): string[]; /** @inheritdoc */ readFile(filePath: string, encoding?: string): Promise<string>; /** @inheritdoc */ readFileSync(filePath: string, encoding?: string): string; /** @inheritdoc */ writeFile(filePath: string, fileText: string): Promise<void>; /** @inheritdoc */ writeFileSync(filePath: string, fileText: string): void; /** @inheritdoc */ mkdir(dirPath: string): Promise<void>; /** @inheritdoc */ mkdirSync(dirPath: string): void; /** @inheritdoc */ move(srcPath: string, destPath: string): Promise<void>; /** @inheritdoc */ moveSync(srcPath: string, destPath: string): void; /** @inheritdoc */ copy(srcPath: string, destPath: string): Promise<void>; /** @inheritdoc */ copySync(srcPath: string, destPath: string): void; /** @inheritdoc */ fileExists(filePath: string): Promise<boolean>; /** @inheritdoc */ fileExistsSync(filePath: string): boolean; /** @inheritdoc */ directoryExists(dirPath: string): Promise<boolean>; /** @inheritdoc */ directoryExistsSync(dirPath: string): boolean; /** @inheritdoc */ realpathSync(path: string): string; /** @inheritdoc */ getCurrentDirectory(): string; /** @inheritdoc */ glob(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<string[]>; /** @inheritdoc */ globSync(patterns: ReadonlyArray<string>): string[];}
/** Host for implementing custom module and/or type reference directive resolution. */export interface ResolutionHost { resolveModuleNames?: ts.LanguageServiceHost["resolveModuleNames"]; getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache?: ts.LanguageServiceHost["getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache"]; resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?: ts.LanguageServiceHost["resolveTypeReferenceDirectives"];}
/** * Factory used to create a resolution host. * @remarks The compiler options are retrieved via a function in order to get the project's current compiler options. */export declare type ResolutionHostFactory = (moduleResolutionHost: ts.ModuleResolutionHost, getCompilerOptions: () => ts.CompilerOptions) => ResolutionHost;
/** Collection of reusable resolution hosts. */export declare const ResolutionHosts: { deno: ResolutionHostFactory;};
export declare abstract class SettingsContainer<T extends object> { protected _settings: T; /** * Constructor. * @param defaultSettings - The settings to use by default. */ constructor(defaultSettings: T); /** * Resets the settings to the default. */ reset(): void; /** * Gets a copy of the settings as an object. */ get(): T; /** * Sets one or all of the settings. * @param settings - Settings to set. */ set(settings: Partial<T>): void; /** * Subscribe to modifications in the settings container. * @param action - Action to execute when the settings change. */ onModified(action: () => void): void;}
/** * Asynchronously creates a new collection of source files to analyze. * @param options Options for creating the project. */export declare function createProject(options?: ProjectOptions): Promise<Project>;
/** * Synchronously creates a new collection of source files to analyze. * @param options Options for creating the project. */export declare function createProjectSync(options?: ProjectOptions): Project;
/** Options for creating a project. */export interface ProjectOptions { /** Compiler options */ compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions; /** File path to the tsconfig.json file. */ tsConfigFilePath?: string; /** Whether to skip adding source files from the specified tsconfig.json. @default false */ skipAddingFilesFromTsConfig?: boolean; /** Skip resolving file dependencies when providing a ts config file path and adding the files from tsconfig. @default false */ skipFileDependencyResolution?: boolean; /** * Skip loading the lib files. Unlike the compiler API, ts-morph does not load these * from the node_modules folder, but instead loads them from some other JS code * and uses a fake path for their existence. If you want to use a custom lib files * folder path, then provide one using the libFolderPath options. * @default false */ skipLoadingLibFiles?: boolean; /** The folder to use for loading lib files. */ libFolderPath?: string; /** Whether to use an in-memory file system. */ useInMemoryFileSystem?: boolean; /** * Optional file system host. Useful for mocking access to the file system. * @remarks Consider using `useInMemoryFileSystem` instead. */ fileSystem?: FileSystemHost; /** Creates a resolution host for specifying custom module and/or type reference directive resolution. */ resolutionHost?: ResolutionHostFactory; /** * Unstable and will probably be removed in the future. * I believe this option should be internal to the library and if you know how to achieve * that then please consider submitting a PR. */ isKnownTypesPackageName?: ts.LanguageServiceHost["isKnownTypesPackageName"];}
/** Project that holds source files. */export declare class Project { private constructor(); /** Gets the compiler options for modification. */ readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptionsContainer; /** Gets the file system host used for this project. */ readonly fileSystem: FileSystemHost; /** * Asynchronously adds an existing source file from a file path or throws if it doesn't exist. * * Will return the source file if it was already added. * @param filePath - File path to get the file from. * @param options - Options for adding the file. * @throws FileNotFoundError when the file is not found. */ addSourceFileAtPath(filePath: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): Promise<ts.SourceFile>; /** * Synchronously adds an existing source file from a file path or throws if it doesn't exist. * * Will return the source file if it was already added. * @param filePath - File path to get the file from. * @param options - Options for adding the file. * @throws FileNotFoundError when the file is not found. */ addSourceFileAtPathSync(filePath: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): ts.SourceFile; /** * Asynchronously adds a source file from a file path if it exists or returns undefined. * * Will return the source file if it was already added. * @param filePath - File path to get the file from. * @param options - Options for adding the file. * @skipOrThrowCheck */ addSourceFileAtPathIfExists(filePath: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): Promise<ts.SourceFile | undefined>; /** * Synchronously adds a source file from a file path if it exists or returns undefined. * * Will return the source file if it was already added. * @param filePath - File path to get the file from. * @param options - Options for adding the file. * @skipOrThrowCheck */ addSourceFileAtPathIfExistsSync(filePath: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): ts.SourceFile | undefined; /** * Asynchronously adds source files based on file globs. * @param fileGlobs - File glob or globs to add files based on. * @returns The matched source files. */ addSourceFilesByPaths(fileGlobs: string | ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<ts.SourceFile[]>; /** * Synchronously adds source files based on file globs. * @param fileGlobs - File glob or globs to add files based on. * @returns The matched source files. * @remarks This is much slower than the asynchronous version. */ addSourceFilesByPathsSync(fileGlobs: string | ReadonlyArray<string>): ts.SourceFile[]; /** * Asynchronously adds all the source files from the specified tsconfig.json. * * Note that this is done by default when specifying a tsconfig file in the constructor and not explicitly setting the * `skipAddingSourceFilesFromTsConfig` option to `true`. * @param tsConfigFilePath - File path to the tsconfig.json file. */ addSourceFilesFromTsConfig(tsConfigFilePath: string): Promise<ts.SourceFile[]>; /** * Synchronously adds all the source files from the specified tsconfig.json. * * Note that this is done by default when specifying a tsconfig file in the constructor and not explicitly setting the * `skipAddingSourceFilesFromTsConfig` option to `true`. * @param tsConfigFilePath - File path to the tsconfig.json file. */ addSourceFilesFromTsConfigSync(tsConfigFilePath: string): ts.SourceFile[]; /** * Creates a source file at the specified file path with the specified text. * * Note: The file will not be created and saved to the file system until .save() is called on the source file. * @param filePath - File path of the source file. * @param sourceFileText - Text to use for the source file. * @param options - Options. * @throws - InvalidOperationError if a source file already exists at the provided file path. */ createSourceFile(filePath: string, sourceFileText?: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): ts.SourceFile; /** * Updates the source file stored in the project at the specified path. * @param filePath - File path of the source file. * @param sourceFileText - Text of the source file. * @param options - Options for updating the source file. */ updateSourceFile(filePath: string, sourceFileText: string, options?: { scriptKind?: ts.ScriptKind; }): ts.SourceFile; /** * Updates the source file stored in the project. The `fileName` of the source file object is used to tell which file to update. * @param newSourceFile - The new source file. */ updateSourceFile(newSourceFile: ts.SourceFile): ts.SourceFile; /** * Removes the source file at the provided file path. * @param filePath - File path of the source file. */ removeSourceFile(filePath: string): void; /** * Removes the provided source file based on its `fileName`. * @param sourceFile - Source file to remove. */ removeSourceFile(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): void; /** * Adds the source files the project's source files depend on to the project. * @remarks * * This should be done after source files are added to the project, preferably once to * avoid doing more work than necessary. * * This is done by default when creating a Project and providing a tsconfig.json and * not specifying to not add the source files. */ resolveSourceFileDependencies(): void; /** * Creates a new program. * Note: You should get a new program any time source files are added, removed, or changed. */ createProgram(options?: ts.CreateProgramOptions): ts.Program; /** * Gets the language service. */ getLanguageService(): ts.LanguageService; /** * Gets a source file by a file name or file path. Throws an error if it doesn't exist. * @param fileNameOrPath - File name or path that the path could end with or equal. */ getSourceFileOrThrow(fileNameOrPath: string): ts.SourceFile; /** * Gets a source file by a search function. Throws an error if it doesn't exist. * @param searchFunction - Search function. */ getSourceFileOrThrow(searchFunction: (file: ts.SourceFile) => boolean): ts.SourceFile; /** * Gets a source file by a file name or file path. Returns undefined if none exists. * @param fileNameOrPath - File name or path that the path could end with or equal. */ getSourceFile(fileNameOrPath: string): ts.SourceFile | undefined; /** * Gets a source file by a search function. Returns undefined if none exists. * @param searchFunction - Search function. */ getSourceFile(searchFunction: (file: ts.SourceFile) => boolean): ts.SourceFile | undefined; /** Gets the source files in the project. */ getSourceFiles(): ts.SourceFile[]; /** * Formats an array of diagnostics with their color and context into a string. * @param diagnostics - Diagnostics to get a string of. * @param options - Collection of options. For example, the new line character to use (defaults to the OS' new line character). */ formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic>, opts?: { newLineChar?: "\n" | "\r\n"; }): string; /** * Gets a ts.ModuleResolutionHost for the project. */ getModuleResolutionHost(): ts.ModuleResolutionHost;}
export { ts };