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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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🥣 ts_serialize tests release License: MIT

A zero dependency library for serializing data.

ts_serialize can help you with:

  • converting camelCase class members to snake_case JSON properties for use with a REST API
  • excluding internal fields from REST API payloads
  • converting data types to an internal format, for example: Date’s

Supported Serialize Types



import/export what you need from<version>/mod.ts in your deps.ts file. <version> will be a a tag found on the deno releases page. The version can be omitted to get the develop branch, however, for stability it is recommended to use a tagged version.



npm i @gamebridgeai/ts_serialize




Import Serializable and SerializeProperty, extend Serializable with your class and use the SerializeProperty decorator on any properties you want serialized. Passing a string as an argument to SerializeProperty causes the property to use that name as the key when serialized.

class Test extends Serializable {
  propertyOne = "Hello";
  propertyTwo = "World!";
  notSerialized = "not-serialized";

assertEquals(new Test().toJson(), `{"propertyOne":"Hello","property_two":"World!"}`);
const testObj = new Test().fromJson(
assertEquals(testObj.propertyOne, "From");
assertEquals(testObj.propertyTwo, "Json!");
assertEquals(testObj.notSerialized, "changed");
assertEquals(testObj.toJson(), `{"propertyOne":"From","property_two":"Json!"}`);


SerializeProperty also excepts an options object with the properties:

  • serializedKey (Optional) {string} - Used as the key in the serialized object
  • toJsonStrategy (Optional) {ToJsonStrategy} - Function or ToJsonStrategy used when serializing
  • fromJsonStrategy (Optional) {FromJsonStrategy} - Function or FromJsonStrategy used when deserializing


Strategies are functions or a composed list of functions to execute on the values when serializing or deserializing. The functions take one argument which is the value to process.

const fromJsonStrategy = (v: string): BigInt => BigInt(v);
const toJsonStrategy = (v: BigInt): string => v.toString();

class Test extends Serializable {
    serializedKey: "big_int",
  bigInt!: BigInt;

const testObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"big_int":"9007199254740991"}`);
assertEquals(testObj.bigInt.toString(), "9007199254740991");


Dates can use the fromJsonStrategy to revive a serialized string into a Date object. ts_serialize provides a ISODateFromJson function to parse ISO Dates.

class Test extends Serializable {
    fromJsonStrategy: ISODateFromJson,
  date!: Date;

const testObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"date":"2020-06-04T19:01:47.831Z"}`);
assert( instanceof Date);
assertEquals(, 2020);

createDateStrategy() can be use to make a reviving date strategy. Pass a regex to make your own.

class Test extends Serializable {
    fromJsonStrategy: createDateStrategy(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/),
  date!: Date;

const testObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"date":"2099-11-25"}`);
assert( instanceof Date);
assertEquals(, 2099);


Inherited classes override the key when serializing. If you override a property any value used for that key will be overridden by the child value. With collisions the child always overrides the parent

class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Test1 {
  serializeMeInstead = "nice2";

const testObj = new Test2();
assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice1");
assertEquals(testObj.serializeMeInstead, "nice2");
assertEquals(testObj.toJson(), `{"serialize_me":"nice2"}`);

Nested Class Serialization


class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
  nested: Test1 = new Test1();

const testObj = new Test2();
assertEquals(testObj.toJson(), `{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"nice1"}}`);


fromJsonAs is a provided function export that takes one parameter, the instance type the object will take when revived. fromJson is used to revive the object.

class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
    fromJsonStrategy: fromJsonAs(Test1),
  nested!: Test1;

const testObj = new Test2();
testObj.fromJson(`{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"custom value"}}`);
assertEquals(testObj.nested.serializeMe, "custom value");

Multiple strategy functions

toJsonStrategy and fromJsonStrategy can use composeStrategy to build out strategies with multiple functions.

const addWord = (word: string) => (v: string) => `${v} ${word}`;
const shout = (v: string) => `${v}!!!`;

class Test extends Serializable {
    fromJsonStrategy: composeStrategy(addWord("World"), shout),
  property!: string;

  new Test().fromJson(`{"property":"Hello"}`).property,
  "Hello World!!!"

Built With


We have provided resources to help you request a new feature or report and fix a bug.

  • - for guidelines when requesting a feature or reporting a bug or opening a pull request
  • - for instructions on setting up the environment and running the test suite
  • - for community guidelines


We use SemVer for versioning.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
