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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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// Copyright 2018-2020 authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { JSONValue, Serializable } from "./serializable.ts";import { ERROR_FAILED_TO_RESOLVE_POLYMORPHIC_CLASS, ERROR_MISSING_STATIC_OR_VALUE_ON_POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH,} from "./error_messages.ts";
/** Polymorphic class deserializer * * There are currently 2 ways of doing polymorphic deserialization: * 1. Manually using @PolymorphicResolver on a static method on the parent class * * This works by keeping a map of target 'parent' classes to resolver functions. * These are set when a static method is annotated with @PolymorphicResolver. * You can then call `serializePolymorphicClass` with the parent class and an * input the input is passed to whatever the corresponding resolver function, * which will make a determination and returns an instance of a 'child' class * * 2. Implicitly using @PolymorphicSwitch on a static or instance property on a child class. * * This works by getting the decorated class' parent prototype and creating a map * for a specific class, property key, and value combination to the provided * initializer function */
/** @PolymorphicResolver method decorator */export function PolymorphicResolver( target: unknown, propertyKey: string | symbol,): void { registerPolymorphicResolver( target, (target as Record<typeof propertyKey, () => Serializable>)[ propertyKey as string ], );}
export type ResolverFunction = ( input: string | JSONValue | Object,) => Serializable;
/** Map of class constructors to functions that take in a JSON input and output a class instance that inherits Serializable */const POLYMORPHIC_RESOLVER_MAP = new Map<unknown, ResolverFunction>();
/** Adds a class and a resolver function to the resolver map */function registerPolymorphicResolver( classPrototype: unknown, resolver: ResolverFunction,): void { POLYMORPHIC_RESOLVER_MAP.set(classPrototype, resolver);}
/** @PolymorphicSwitch property decorator * Note: This will only create de-serializer logic for the target class' direct parent class */export function PolymorphicSwitch( initializerFunction: InitializerFunction, value?: unknown,): PropertyDecorator { // Because `undefined` can be used as a value here, we need to check if the argument was even set const hasValue = arguments.hasOwnProperty("1"); return function _PolymorphicSwitch( target: Function | Object, // The constructor of the class for static properties, and the class it's self for instance properties propertyKey: string | symbol, ) { // Assert property should be static if ( !, propertyKey) && !hasValue ) { throw new Error(ERROR_MISSING_STATIC_OR_VALUE_ON_POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH); }
let targetConstructor = target;
if (typeof target !== "function") { targetConstructor = target.constructor; }
const parentPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(targetConstructor);
// BUG: propertyKey can also be symbol, but typescript/deno throws an error due to const propertyValue = (target as Record<typeof propertyKey, unknown>)[ (propertyKey as string) ] || value;
registerPolymorphicSwitch( parentPrototype, propertyKey, propertyValue, initializerFunction, ); };}
export type InitializerFunction = () => Serializable;/** Parent constructor -> property key -> value -> initializer */const POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH_MAP = new Map< unknown, Map<string | symbol, Map<unknown, InitializerFunction>>>();
/** Add an initializer function or a specific combination of parent prototype, property key, and value */function registerPolymorphicSwitch( parentPrototype: unknown, propertyKey: string | symbol, propertyValue: unknown, initializerFunction: InitializerFunction,): void { // Get map for parent prototype, or initialize if it doesn't exist let classMap = POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH_MAP.get(parentPrototype); if (!classMap) { POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH_MAP.set(parentPrototype, new Map()); classMap = POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH_MAP.get(parentPrototype); }
// Get map for property key, or initialize if it doesn't exist let propertyKeyMap = classMap?.get(propertyKey); if (!propertyKeyMap) { classMap?.set(propertyKey, new Map()); propertyKeyMap = classMap?.get(propertyKey); }
// Add value to initializer mapping propertyKeyMap?.set(propertyValue, initializerFunction);}
/** Uses either the polymorphic resolver or the polymorphic switch resolver to determine the * appropriate class, then deserialize the input using Serializable#fromJSON, returning the result */export function polymorphicClassFromJSON<T extends Serializable>( classPrototype: Object & { prototype: T }, input: string | JSONValue | Object,): T { return (resolvePolymorphicClass(classPrototype, input)).fromJSON(input);}
/** Calls the polymorphic resolver or polymorphic switch resolver for the provided class prototype * and input, and returns the initialized child class. Throws an exception */function resolvePolymorphicClass<T extends Serializable>( classPrototype: Object & { prototype: T }, input: string | JSONValue | Object,): T { const classResolver = POLYMORPHIC_RESOLVER_MAP.get(classPrototype); if (classResolver) { return classResolver(input) as T; }
const resolvedClass = resolveSwitchMap(classPrototype, input);
if (resolvedClass) { return resolvedClass as T; }
/** Return a resolved class type by checking types on the input. Currently the input is simply `JSON.parse` */function resolveSwitchMap( classPrototype: unknown, input: string | JSONValue | Object,): Serializable | null { const classMap = POLYMORPHIC_SWITCH_MAP.get(classPrototype);
if (!classMap) { throw new Error(ERROR_FAILED_TO_RESOLVE_POLYMORPHIC_CLASS); }
const inputObject = typeof input === "string" ? JSON.parse(input) : input;
for (const [propertyKey, valueMap] of classMap.entries()) { const value = inputObject[propertyKey]; const initializer = valueMap.get(value); if (initializer) { return initializer(); } }
return null;}