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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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// Copyright 2018-2020 authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, fail, test,} from "./test_deps.ts";import { Serializable } from "./serializable.ts";import { SerializeProperty } from "./serialize_property.ts";import { ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERIALIZE_KEY, ERROR_SYMBOL_PROPERTY_NAME,} from "./error_messages.ts";
test({ name: "Serializes properties as propertyName without options", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() testName = "toJSON"; } assertEquals(new Test().toJSON(), `{"testName":"toJSON"}`); const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"testName":"fromJSON"}`); assertEquals(testObj.testName, "fromJSON"); },});
test({ name: "Serializes properties with a string name", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("test_name") testName = "toJSON"; } assertEquals(new Test().toJSON(), `{"test_name":"toJSON"}`); const testObj = new Test().fromJSON({ test_name: "fromJSON" }); assertEquals(testObj.testName, "fromJSON"); },});
test({ name: "Serializes properties with a string name option", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "test_name" }) testName = "toJSON"; } assertEquals(new Test().toJSON(), `{"test_name":"toJSON"}`); const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"test_name":"fromJSON"}`); assertEquals(testObj.testName, "fromJSON"); },});
test({ name: "Errors on Symbol named properties", fn() { try { const TEST = Symbol("test"); class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() [TEST] = "toJSON"; } fail("Allowed Symbol name without propertyName"); } catch (e) { assertEquals(e.message, ERROR_SYMBOL_PROPERTY_NAME); } },});
test({ name: "Allows Symbol named properties with a string option name", fn() { const TEST = Symbol("test"); const TEST2 = Symbol("test"); class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("test_name") [TEST] = "toJSON"; @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "test_name2" }) [TEST2] = "toJSON2"; } assertEquals( new Test().toJSON(), `{"test_name":"toJSON","test_name2":"toJSON2"}`, ); const testObj = new Test().fromJSON( `{"test_name":"fromJSON","test_name2":"fromJSON2"}`, ); assertEquals(testObj[TEST], "fromJSON"); assertEquals(testObj[TEST2], "fromJSON2"); },});
test({ name: "Uses a provided fromJSONStrategy", fn() { const change = () => `hello world`; class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ fromJSONStrategy: change, }) change!: string; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"change":"hi earth"}`); assertEquals(testObj.change, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "Uses a provided replacer strategy", fn() { const change = () => `hello world`; class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ fromJSONStrategy: change, }) change!: string; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"change":"hi earth"}`); assertEquals(testObj.change, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "Preserves string type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() test!: string; } assertEquals( typeof new Test().fromJSON(`{"test":"string"}`).test, "string", ); },});
test({ name: "Preserves number type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() zero!: number; @SerializeProperty() one!: number; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"zero":0,"one":1}`); assertEquals(typeof, "number"); assertEquals(typeof, "number"); },});
test({ name: "Preserves boolean type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() true!: boolean; @SerializeProperty() false!: boolean; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"true":true,"false":false}`); assertEquals(typeof testObj.true, "boolean"); assertEquals(typeof testObj.false, "boolean"); },});
test({ name: "Preserves null type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() null!: null; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"null":null}`); assertStrictEquals(testObj.null, null); },});
test({ name: "Preserves object type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() object!: Record<string | symbol, unknown>; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(`{"object":{"test":"worked"}}`); assertEquals(testObj.object.test, "worked"); },});
test({ name: "Preserves array type", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() array!: any[]; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON( `{"array":["worked",0,{"subObj":["cool"]}]}`, ); assert(Array.isArray(testObj.array)); assertEquals(testObj.array.length, 3); assert(Array.isArray(testObj.array[2].subObj)); assertEquals(typeof testObj.array[1], "number"); },});
test({ name: "Revives an array of `type`", fn() { class OtherClass extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() id!: number; } class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ fromJSONStrategy: (v) => new OtherClass().fromJSON(v), }) array!: OtherClass[]; } const testObj = new Test().fromJSON( `{"array":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5}]}`, ); assertEquals(testObj.array.length, 5); assert(testObj.array[0] instanceof OtherClass); assertEquals(testObj.array[4].id, 5); },});
test({ name: "Will not serialize properties that are not decorated", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMe = "nice"; dontSerializeMe = "great"; } const testObj = new Test(); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice"); assertEquals(testObj.dontSerializeMe, "great"); assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me":"nice"}`); },});
test({ name: "Errors on duplicate map keys", fn() { try { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMe = "nice"; @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMeToo = "great"; } fail("Allowed duplicate propertyName"); } catch (e) { assertEquals( e.message, `${ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERIALIZE_KEY}: serialize_me`, ); } },});
test({ name: "Inherited class key override serialize", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Test1 { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMeInstead = "nice2"; } const testObj = new Test2(); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice1"); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMeInstead, "nice2"); assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me":"nice2"}`); },});
test({ name: "Inherited class key override deserialize", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Test1 { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me") serializeMeInstead = "nice2"; } const testObj = new Test2(); testObj.fromJSON(`{"serialize_me":"override"}`);
assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice1"); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMeInstead, "override"); },});
test({ name: "Inherited serialize key override serialize", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_1") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Test1 { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_2") serializeMe = "nice2"; } const testObj = new Test2(); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice2"); assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me_2":"nice2"}`); },});
test({ name: "Inherited serialize key override deserialize", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_1") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Test1 { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_2") serializeMe = "nice2"; } const testObj = new Test2();
testObj.fromJSON( `{"serialize_me_1":"ignore me", "serialize_me_2":"override"}`, ); assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "override"); },});
test({ name: "deserialize nested", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_1") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "serialize_me_2", fromJSONStrategy: (json) => new Test1().fromJSON(json), }) nested!: Test1; } const testObj = new Test2();
testObj.fromJSON({ "serialize_me_2": { "serialize_me_1": "pass" } }); assertEquals(testObj.nested.serializeMe, "pass"); },});
test({ name: "Serialize nested", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("serialize_me_1") serializeMe = "nice1"; } class Test2 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "serialize_me_2", }) nested: Test1 = new Test1(); } const testObj = new Test2();
assertEquals( testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"nice1"}}`, ); },});
test({ name: "Serialize arrays of nested objects", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty("nested_property") serializeMe = 999; } class Test2 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "outer_property", }) nested: Test1[] = [new Test1()]; }
class Test3 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: "outer_outer_property", }) nested2: Test2[] = [new Test2()]; } const testObj = new Test3();
assertEquals( testObj.toJSON(), `{"outer_outer_property":[{"outer_property":[{"nested_property":999}]}]}`, ); },});
test({ name: "Serialize key function", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty((propertyName) => `_${String(propertyName)}`) serializeMe = "nice1"; } const testObj = new Test1(); assertEquals( testObj.toJSON(), `{"_serializeMe":"nice1"}`, ); },});
test({ name: "Deserialize key function", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty((propertyName) => `_${String(propertyName)}`) serializeMe = "nice1"; } assertEquals( new Test1().fromJSON({ "_serializeMe": "nice2" }).serializeMe, "nice2", ); },});
test({ name: "Serialize key function object", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty( ({ serializedKey: (propertyName) => `_${String(propertyName)}` }), ) serializeMe = "nice1"; } const testObj = new Test1(); assertEquals( testObj.toJSON(), `{"_serializeMe":"nice1"}`, ); },});
test({ name: "Deserialize key function object", fn() { class Test1 extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty( { serializedKey: (propertyName) => `_${String(propertyName)}` }, ) serializeMe = "nice1"; } assertEquals( new Test1().fromJSON({ "_serializeMe": "nice2" }).serializeMe, "nice2", ); },});
test({ name: "should be able to serialize a serializable without any properties", fn() { class TestSerializable extends Serializable {}
assertEquals(new TestSerializable().fromJSON({}), {}); const serializedClass = new TestSerializable().fromJSON({}); assertEquals(Object.keys(serializedClass).length, 0); },});
test({ name: "should be able to serialize child class and have it inherit it's parent's serialization logic correctly", fn() { class TestSerializable extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() public test_property = 1; } class TestSerializableChild extends TestSerializable {} // Parent assertEquals( new TestSerializable().toJSON(), `{"test_property":1}`, ); assertEquals( new TestSerializable().fromJSON(`{"test_property":32}`) .test_property, 32, ); // Child assertEquals( new TestSerializableChild().toJSON(), `{"test_property":1}`, ); assertEquals( new TestSerializableChild().fromJSON(`{"test_property":32}`) .test_property, 32, ); },});
test({ name: "should be able to serialize grandchild class and have it inherit it's grandparent's serialization logic correctly", fn() { class TestSerializable extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty() public test_property = 0; } class TestSerializableChild extends TestSerializable {} class TestSerializableGrandChild extends TestSerializableChild {}
// Grandchild assertEquals( new TestSerializableGrandChild().toJSON(), `{"test_property":0}`, ); assertEquals( new TestSerializableGrandChild().fromJSON(`{"test_property":33}`) .test_property, 33, ); },});
test({ name: "fromJSONStrategy with array", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ fromJSONStrategy: [(v) => v] }) public test_property = 0; } assertEquals(new Test().fromJSON({ test_property: 99 }).test_property, 99); },});
test({ name: "toJSONStrategy with array", fn() { class Test extends Serializable { @SerializeProperty({ toJSONStrategy: [(v) => v] }) public test_property = 0; } assertEquals(new Test().toJSON(), `{"test_property":0}`); },});