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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run=npm,cmd
// Copyright 2018-2022 authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { build, emptyDir } from "";import { parse } from "";
const entryPointDefault = "./mod.ts";const outDirDefault = "./dist";const versionDefault = "v0.0.0-test";
const helpText = `Deno to node transpiler, converts the ts_serialize module to a node compatible \module, and writes it to .github/workflows/npm, or the directory of your choice.
This must be run from the project root if using the default arguments.
Usage: ./_build_npm.ts [-v ${versionDefault}] [-e ${entryPointDefault}] [-o ${outDirDefault}] ./_build_npm.ts --help
Command line arguments: -h, --help Prints this help message, then exits. -v, --version=[version] The version value to set in the resulting package.json. Defaults to "${versionDefault}". -e, --entry-point=[path] The path to the mod.ts file to transpile into the npm package. Defaults to "${entryPointDefault}" -o, --out=[path] The path to the target directory where the built files should be placed. Defaults to "${outDirDefault}"`;
function printHelpText(message = "") { if (message.length) { console.error(`\n${message}`); console.log(helpText); Deno.exit(1); } console.log(helpText); Deno.exit(0);}
const flags = parse(Deno.args, { string: ["v", "e", "o"], boolean: ["h"], alias: { h: "help", e: "entry-point", v: "version", o: "out" }, default: { e: entryPointDefault, o: outDirDefault, v: versionDefault }, unknown: () => printHelpText("Unknown argument"),});
if (flags.h) { printHelpText();}
try { await emptyDir(flags.o);
await build({ entryPoints: [flags.e], outDir: flags.o, compilerOptions: { target: "ES2021" }, shims: { deno: true, }, package: { name: "@gamebridgeai/ts_serialize", version: flags.v, description: "A zero dependency library for serializing data.", repository: { type: "git", url: "", }, author: "GameBridgeAI", license: "MIT", bugs: { url: "", }, homepage: "", keywords: [ "ts_serialize", "ts_serializable", "ts-serialize", "ts-serializable", "typescript", "serializable", "serialize", "deserialize", "serialization", "deserialization", "json", "node", "deno", ], }, });
await Deno.copyFile("LICENSE", `${flags.o}/LICENSE`); await Deno.copyFile("", `${flags.o}/`); await Deno.copyFile("", `${flags.o}/`);} catch (e) { printHelpText(e.message);}