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🦕 Deno module for creating Terminal User Interfaces
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class Input
extends Box
import { Input } from "";

Component for creating interactive text input

This component is 1 character high only!

If you need multiline input use TextBox component.


Example 1

new Input({
 parent: tui,
 placeholder: "type here",
 theme: {
   base: crayon.bgGreen,
   focused: crayon.bgLightGreen,
   active: crayon.bgYellow,
 rectangle: {
   column: 1,
   row: 1,
   width: 10,
 zIndex: 0,

It supports validating input, e.g. number input would look like this:

Example 2

new Input({
 validator: /\d+/,

You can also define whether text should be censored with * character by specifying password property.

Example 3

new Input({
 password: true,

If you need to use emojis or other multi codepoint characters set multiCodePointSupport property to true.

Example 4

new Input({
 placeholder: "🧡",
 multiCodePointCharacter: true,


Input(options: InputOptions)


cursorPosition: Signal<number>
drawnObjects: { box: BoxObject; text: TextObject; cursor: TextObject; }
multiCodePointSupport: Signal<boolean>
password: Signal<boolean>
placeholder: Signal<string | undefined>
text: Signal<string>
theme: InputTheme
validator: Signal<RegExp | undefined>


draw(): void
interact(method: "keyboard" | "mouse"): void