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🚩 Simple tailwind like CLI tool for deno πŸ¦•
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />/// <reference lib="dom" />/// <reference lib="esnext" />import { parse } from "";import { join, toFileUrl } from "";import { walk } from "";import { magenta, red } from "";import { generate, GenerateConfig, init as initTw, TwInfo } from "./mod.ts";import { Config } from "./types.ts";import debounce from "";
const NAME = "twd";const VERSION = "0.4.8";
function usage() { console.log(`Usage: ${NAME} [-h|-v|-i] <input files, ...> [-d][-w][-o <output>]
Options: -i, --init Initializes 'twd.ts' config file. -w, --watch Watches the input file. If you set this option, you also need to specify -o option. -o, --output Specifies the output file. If not specified, it prints in stdout. -d, --debug Output warnings during extracting tailwind classes. -v, --version Shows the version number. -h, --help Shows the help message.`.trim());}
type CliArgs = { help: boolean; version: boolean; watch: boolean; output: string; debug: boolean; init: boolean; _: string[];};
export async function main(cliArgs: string[]): Promise<number> { const { help, version, watch, output, debug, init, _: paths, } = parse(cliArgs, { boolean: ["help", "version", "watch", "debug", "init"], string: ["output"], alias: { v: "version", h: "help", w: "watch", o: "output", d: "debug", i: "init", }, }) as CliArgs;
if (version) { console.log(`${NAME}@${VERSION}`); return 0; }
if (help) { usage(); return 0; }
if (init) { try { await Deno.lstat("twd.ts"); console.log(red("Error: twd.ts already exists")); return 1; } catch (e) { if ( === "NotFound") { console.log("Creating config file 'twd.ts'"); await Deno.writeTextFile( "twd.ts", `import { Config } from "";
export const config: Config = { preflight: true, theme: {}, plugins: {},};`.trim() + "\n", ); console.log("Done!"); return 0; } throw e; } }
const files: string[] = []; for (const path of paths) { try { files.push(...await expandFiles(path)); } catch (e) { if ( === "NotFound") { console.log(`Error: The given path not found: '${path}'`); return 1; } throw e; } }
if (files.length === 0) { console.error(red("No input is given")); usage(); return 1; }
const config: GenerateConfig = { ...await readConfig(), mode: debug ? "warn" : "silent", };
const info: TwInfo = initTw(config);
if (watch) { if (!output) { console.log( "Error: --output option is not specified. You need to specify --output option with --watch option", ); return 1; }
const perform = debounce(async (retry?: boolean) => { try { await writeStyles(output, files, info); } catch (e) { if ( === "NotFound" && !retry) { await perform(true); return; } throw e; } });
perform(); for await (const _e of Deno.watchFs(files)) { perform(); } return 0; }
if (output) { await writeStyles(output, files, info); return 0; } console.log(await genStyles(files, info)); return 0;}
async function genStyles(files: string[], info: TwInfo) { const start =; const styles = generate( await Promise.all( => Deno.readTextFile(file))), info, ); console.log(`Builtin ${ - start}ms`); return styles;}
async function writeStyles( output: string, files: string[], info: TwInfo,) { console.log(`Writing styles to file '${output}'`); await Deno.writeTextFile(output, await genStyles(files, info));}
export async function readConfig(): Promise<Config> { let config: Config; try { const path = toFileUrl(join(Deno.cwd(), "twd.ts")); config = (await import(path.href)).config; console.error(magenta(`Using config file: '${path}'`)); } catch { console.error( `Using default settings. You can optionally configure it by 'twd.ts' config file.`, ); config = {}; } return config;}
export async function expandFiles(path: string): Promise<string[]> { const result: string[] = []; const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); if (stat.isDirectory) { for await (const entry of walk(path)) { const stat = await Deno.lstat(entry.path); if (!stat.isDirectory) { result.push(entry.path); } } } else { result.push(path); } return result;}
if (import.meta.main) { Deno.exit(await main(Deno.args));}