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A TypeScript module to help construct type assertion functions and type guards.
import * as typeguardkit from "";


An ObjectAsserter is an Asserter for the object type defined by its propertyAsserters.

An ObjectIntersectionAsserter is an ObjectAsserter for the intersection of the asserted types of the provided ObjectAsserters.

A PartialAsserter is an ObjectAsserter for the asserted type of the provided ObjectAsserter with all properties set to optional.

A PickAsserter is an ObjectAsserter for the type constructed by picking the set of properties Keys from the asserted type of the provided ObjectAsserter.


objectIntersection can be used to create an ObjectIntersectionAsserter without specifying a typeName.

partial can be used to create a PartialAsserter without specifying a typeName.

pick can be used to create a PickAsserter without specifying a typeName.