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Forked from
class MongoEntityManager
extends EntityManager
import { MongoEntityManager } from "";

Entity manager supposed to work with any entity, automatically find its repository and call its methods, whatever entity type are you passing.

This implementation is used for MongoDB driver which has some specifics in its EntityManager.


MongoEntityManager(connection: Connection)


queryRunner: MongoQueryRunner

Gets query runner used to execute queries.


applyEntityTransformationToCursor<Entity>(metadata: EntityMetadata, cursor: Cursor<Entity> | AggregationCursor<Entity>)

Overrides cursor's toArray and next methods to convert results to entity automatically.

convertFindManyOptionsOrConditionsToMongodbQuery<Entity>(optionsOrConditions: FindManyOptions<Entity> | Partial<Entity> | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined

Converts FindManyOptions to mongodb query.

convertFindOneOptionsOrConditionsToMongodbQuery<Entity>(optionsOrConditions: FindOneOptions<Entity> | Partial<Entity> | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined

Converts FindOneOptions to mongodb query.

convertFindOptionsOrderToOrderCriteria(order: ObjectLiteral)

Converts FindOptions into mongodb order by criteria.

convertFindOptionsSelectToProjectCriteria(selects: (keyof any)[])

Converts FindOptions into mongodb select by criteria.

convertMixedCriteria(metadata: EntityMetadata, idMap: any): ObjectLiteral

Ensures given id is an id for query.

aggregate<Entity, R = any>(
entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
pipeline: ObjectLiteral[],
options?: CollectionAggregationOptions,
): AggregationCursor<R>

Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
pipeline: ObjectLiteral[],
options?: CollectionAggregationOptions,
): AggregationCursor<Entity>

Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection. This returns modified version of cursor that transforms each result into Entity model.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
operations: ObjectLiteral[],
options?: CollectionBulkWriteOptions,
): Promise<BulkWriteOpResultObject>

Perform a bulkWrite operation without a fluent API.

collectionIndexes<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string): Promise<any>

Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.

collectionIndexExists<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, indexes: string | string[]): Promise<boolean>

Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.

collectionIndexInformation<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: { full: boolean; }): Promise<any>

Retrieves this collections index info.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query?: ObjectLiteral,
options?: MongoCountPreferences,
): Promise<number>

Count number of matching documents in the db to a query.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
fieldOrSpec: string | any,
options?: MongodbIndexOptions,
): Promise<string>

Creates an index on the db and collection.

createCollectionIndexes<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, indexSpecs: ObjectLiteral[]): Promise<void>

Creates multiple indexes in the collection, this method is only supported for MongoDB 2.6 or higher. Earlier version of MongoDB will throw a command not supported error. Index specifications are defined at

createCursor<Entity, T = any>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, query?: ObjectLiteral): Cursor<T>

Creates a cursor for a query that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB.

createEntityCursor<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, query?: ObjectLiteral): Cursor<Entity>

Creates a cursor for a query that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB. This returns modified version of cursor that transforms each result into Entity model.

delete<Entity>(target: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, criteria:
| string
| string[]
| number
| number[]
| Date
| Date[]
| ObjectID
| ObjectID[]
| FindConditions<Entity>
): Promise<DeleteResult>

Deletes entities by a given conditions. Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient DELETE query. Does not check if entity exist in the database.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
options?: CollectionOptions,
): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>

Delete multiple documents on MongoDB.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
options?: CollectionOptions,
): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>

Delete a document on MongoDB.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
key: string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
options?: { readPreference?: ReadPreference | string; },
): Promise<any>

The distinct command returns returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
indexName: string,
options?: CollectionOptions,
): Promise<any>

Drops an index from this collection.

dropCollectionIndexes<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string): Promise<any>

Drops all indexes from the collection.

find<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<Entity> | Partial<Entity>): Promise<Entity[]>

Finds entities that match given find options or conditions.

findAndCount<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<Entity> | Partial<Entity>): Promise<[Entity[], number]>

Finds entities that match given find options or conditions. Also counts all entities that match given conditions, but ignores pagination settings (from and take options).

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
ids: any[],
optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<Entity> | Partial<Entity>,
): Promise<Entity[]>

Finds entities by ids. Optionally find options can be applied.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
| string
| string[]
| number
| number[]
| Date
| Date[]
| ObjectID
| ObjectID[]
| FindOneOptions<Entity>
| DeepPartial<Entity>
maybeOptions?: FindOneOptions<Entity>,
): Promise<Entity | undefined>

Finds first entity that matches given conditions and/or find options.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
options?: { projection?: Object; sort?: Object; maxTimeMS?: number; },
): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>

Find a document and delete it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
replacement: Object,
options?: FindOneAndReplaceOption,
): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>

Find a document and replace it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
update: Object,
options?: FindOneAndReplaceOption,
): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>

Find a document and update it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
x: number,
y: number,
options?: GeoHaystackSearchOptions,
): Promise<any>

Execute a geo search using a geo haystack index on a collection.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
x: number,
y: number,
options?: GeoNearOptions,
): Promise<any>

Execute the geoNear command to search for items in the collection.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
| Object
| Array<any>
| Function
| Code
condition: Object,
initial: Object,
reduce: Function | Code,
finalize: Function | Code,
command: boolean,
options?: { readPreference?: ReadPreference | string; },
): Promise<any>

Run a group command across a collection.

initializeOrderedBulkOp<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: CollectionOptions): OrderedBulkOperation

Initiate an In order bulk write operation, operations will be serially executed in the order they are added, creating a new operation for each switch in types.

initializeUnorderedBulkOp<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: CollectionOptions): UnorderedBulkOperation

Initiate a Out of order batch write operation. All operations will be buffered into insert/update/remove commands executed out of order.

insert<Entity>(target: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, entity: QueryDeepPartialEntity<Entity> | QueryDeepPartialEntity<Entity>[]): Promise<InsertResult>

Inserts a given entity into the database. Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient INSERT query. Does not check if entity exist in the database, so query will fail if duplicate entity is being inserted. You can execute bulk inserts using this method.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
docs: ObjectLiteral[],
options?: CollectionInsertManyOptions,
): Promise<InsertWriteOpResult>

Inserts an array of documents into MongoDB.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
doc: ObjectLiteral,
options?: CollectionInsertOneOptions,
): Promise<InsertOneWriteOpResult>

Inserts a single document into MongoDB.

isCapped<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string): Promise<any>

Returns if the collection is a capped collection.

listCollectionIndexes<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: { batchSize?: number; readPreference?: ReadPreference | string; }): CommandCursor

Get the list of all indexes information for the collection.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
map: Function | string,
reduce: Function | string,
options?: MapReduceOptions,
): Promise<any>

Run Map Reduce across a collection. Be aware that the inline option for out will return an array of results not a collection.

parallelCollectionScan<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: ParallelCollectionScanOptions): Promise<Cursor<Entity>[]>

Return N number of parallel cursors for a collection allowing parallel reading of entire collection. There are no ordering guarantees for returned results.

reIndex<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string): Promise<any>

Reindex all indexes on the collection Warning: reIndex is a blocking operation (indexes are rebuilt in the foreground) and will be slow for large collections.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
newName: string,
options?: { dropTarget?: boolean; },
): Promise<Collection<any>>

Reindex all indexes on the collection Warning: reIndex is a blocking operation (indexes are rebuilt in the foreground) and will be slow for large collections.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
doc: ObjectLiteral,
options?: ReplaceOneOptions,
): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>

Replace a document on MongoDB.

stats<Entity>(entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string, options?: { scale: number; }): Promise<CollStats>

Get all the collection statistics.

target: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
| string
| string[]
| number
| number[]
| Date
| Date[]
| ObjectID
| ObjectID[]
| FindConditions<Entity>
partialEntity: QueryDeepPartialEntity<Entity>,
): Promise<UpdateResult>

Updates entity partially. Entity can be found by a given conditions. Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient UPDATE query. Does not check if entity exist in the database.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
update: ObjectLiteral,
options?: { upsert?: boolean; w?: any; wtimeout?: number; j?: boolean; },
): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>

Update multiple documents on MongoDB.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
query: ObjectLiteral,
update: ObjectLiteral,
options?: ReplaceOneOptions,
): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>

Update a single document on MongoDB.

entityClassOrName: ObjectType<Entity> | EntitySchema<Entity> | string,
pipeline?: Object[],
options?: ChangeStreamOptions,
): ChangeStream