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class DefaultNamingStrategy
implements NamingStrategyInterface
import { DefaultNamingStrategy } from "";

Naming strategy that is used by default.


checkConstraintName(tableOrName: Table | string, expression: string): string
closureJunctionTableName(originalClosureTableName: string): string

Creates a table name for a junction table of a closure table.

propertyName: string,
customName: string,
embeddedPrefixes: string[],
): string
defaultConstraintName(tableOrName: Table | string, columnName: string): string
eagerJoinRelationAlias(alias: string, propertyPath: string): string
exclusionConstraintName(tableOrName: Table | string, expression: string): string
tableOrName: Table | string,
columnNames: string[],
_referencedTablePath?: string,
_referencedColumnNames?: string[],
): string
tableOrName: Table | string,
columnNames: string[],
where?: string,
): string
joinColumnName(relationName: string, referencedColumnName: string): string
joinTableColumnDuplicationPrefix(columnName: string, index: number): string
tableName: string,
propertyName: string,
columnName?: string,
): string
tableName: string,
propertyName: string,
columnName?: string,
): string
firstTableName: string,
secondTableName: string,
firstPropertyName: string,
secondPropertyName: string,
): string
prefixTableName(prefix: string, tableName: string): string

Adds globally set prefix to the table name. This method is executed no matter if prefix was set or not. Table name is either user's given table name, either name generated from entity target. Note that table name comes here already normalized by #tableName method.

primaryKeyName(tableOrName: Table | string, columnNames: string[]): string
tableOrName: Table | string,
columnNames: string[],
where?: string,
): string
relationName(propertyName: string): string
tableName(targetName: string, userSpecifiedName: string | undefined): string

Normalizes table name.

uniqueConstraintName(tableOrName: Table | string, columnNames: string[]): string