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class SubjectDatabaseEntityLoader
import { SubjectDatabaseEntityLoader } from "";

Loads database entities for all operate subjects which do not have database entity set. All entities that we load database entities for are marked as updated or inserted. To understand which of them really needs to be inserted or updated we need to load their original representations from the database.


SubjectDatabaseEntityLoader(queryRunner: QueryRunner, subjects: Subject[])


findByPersistEntityLike(entityTarget: Function | string, entity: ObjectLiteral): Subject[]

Finds subjects where entity like given subject's entity. Comparision made by entity id. Multiple subjects may be returned if duplicates are present in the subject array. This will likely result in the same row being updated multiple times during a transaction.

groupByEntityTargets(): { target: Function | string; subjects: Subject[]; }[]

Groups given Subject objects into groups separated by entity targets.

load(operationType: "save" | "remove"): Promise<void>

Loads database entities for all subjects.

loadAllRelations flag is used to load all relation ids of the object, no matter if they present in subject entity or not. This option is used for deletion.