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Forked from
class DeleteQueryBuilder
implements WhereExpression
extends QueryBuilder<Entity>
import { DeleteQueryBuilder } from "";

Allows to build complex sql queries in a fashion way and execute those queries.


queryBuilderFactory: AbstractQueryBuilderFactory,
connectionOrQueryBuilder: Connection | QueryBuilder<any>,
queryRunner?: QueryRunner,


Creates DELETE express used to perform query.

andWhere(where: Brackets | string | ((qb: this) => string), parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this

Adds new AND WHERE condition in the query builder. Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.

andWhereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this

Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids.

execute(): Promise<DeleteResult>

Executes sql generated by query builder and returns raw database results.

from<T>(entityTarget: ObjectType<T> | EntitySchema<T> | string, aliasName?: string): DeleteQueryBuilder<T>

Specifies FROM which entity's table select/update/delete will be executed. Also sets a main string alias of the selection data.

getQuery(): string

Gets generated sql query without parameters being replaced.

orWhere(where: Brackets | string | ((qb: this) => string), parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this

Adds new OR WHERE condition in the query builder. Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.

orWhereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this

Adds new OR WHERE with conditions for the given ids.

output(columns: string[]): this

Optional returning/output clause. This will return given column values.

output(output: string): this

Optional returning/output clause. Returning is a SQL string containing returning statement.

output(output: string | string[]): this

Optional returning/output clause.

returning(columns: string[]): this

Optional returning/output clause. This will return given column values.

returning(returning: string): this

Optional returning/output clause. Returning is a SQL string containing returning statement.

returning(returning: string | string[]): this

Optional returning/output clause.

| Brackets
| string
| ((qb: this) => string)
| ObjectLiteral
| ObjectLiteral[]
, parameters?: ObjectLiteral
): this

Sets WHERE condition in the query builder. If you had previously WHERE expression defined, calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions. Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.

whereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this

Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids.