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A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
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import { createContext } from "npm/react";
import { HttpErrorOptions } from "./error.tsx";
/** For internal use only. */export const _env = { isServer: "Deno" in globalThis,};
/** Used to determine if the code is running on the server. */export const isServer = () => _env.isServer;
/** Used to determine if the code is running in the browser. */export const isBrowser = () => !isServer();
export interface AppEnvironment { [key: string]: string | undefined;}
export type AppWindow< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,> = typeof window & { app: { env: AppEnvironment; context: AppContext; error?: HttpErrorOptions };};
/** * Gets environmental variables. * In the browser, only environmental variables shared with it by the server will be accessible. */export const getEnv = ( key: string,) => (isServer() ? Deno.env.get(key) : (window as AppWindow).app.env[key]);
/** Used to determine if the code is running in the test environment. */export const isTest = () => getEnv("APP_ENV") === "test";
/** Used to determine if the code is running in the development environment. */export const isDevelopment = () => { const env = getEnv("APP_ENV"); return !env || env === "development";};
/** Used to determine if the code is running in the production environment. */export const isProduction = () => getEnv("APP_ENV") === "production";
/** Creates a context object for the App. State stored within the AppContext will be serialized and shared with the browser. */export function createAppContext< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,>(defaultValue?: AppContext) { return createContext<AppContext>(defaultValue ?? {} as AppContext);}