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A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
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import * as path from "std/path/mod.ts";import { debounce } from "std/async/debounce.ts";import { Application, Router, ServerSentEvent, ServerSentEventTarget,} from "x/oak/mod.ts";import { getEnv, isTest } from "./env.ts";
const sessions = new Map<number, ServerSentEventTarget>();let nextSessionId = 0;
function createDevApp(appPort = 9000) { const app = new Application(); const router = new Router() .get("/live-reload", (context) => { const target = context.sendEvents({ headers: new Headers({ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": `http://localhost:${appPort}`, }), keepAlive: true, });
const sessionId = nextSessionId++; target.addEventListener("close", () => { sessions.delete(sessionId); }); target.addEventListener("error", (event) => { console.log("Live reload: Error", event); }); sessions.set(sessionId, target); target.dispatchMessage("Waiting"); }) .get("/listening", ({ response }) => { response.status = 200;
if (reload) { console.log("Server restarted"); reload = false; queueMicrotask(() => { for (const target of [...sessions.values()]) { target.dispatchEvent(new ServerSentEvent("reload", null)); } }); } else { console.log("Server started"); } });
app.use(router.routes(), router.allowedMethods());
app.addEventListener("error", ({ error }) => { console.error("Uncaught app error", error); });
app.addEventListener("listen", ({ hostname, port, secure }) => { const origin = `${secure ? "https://" : "http://"}${hostname}`; console.log(`Live reload listening on: ${origin}:${port}`); });
return app;}
let runProcess: Deno.Process | null = null;function runDev(entryPoint: string) { runProcess ={ cmd: ["deno", "run", "-A", entryPoint], env: { APP_ENV: "development", }, });}
let building = false;let buildAgain = false;let buildAgainFor = "";let restarting = false;let restartAgain = false;let reload = false;
async function buildDev(entryPoint: string, changedPath?: string) { if (building) { buildAgain = true; buildAgainFor = changedPath ?? ""; } else { buildAgain = false; buildAgainFor = ""; restartAgain = false; reload = false; building = true;
if (changedPath) { console.log(`Detected change: ${changedPath}`); }
try { await Deno.remove(buildDir, { recursive: true }); } catch { // Ignore error }
let status: Deno.ProcessStatus | null = null; try { const buildProcess ={ cmd: ["deno", "task", "build"], env: { APP_ENV: "development", }, stdin: "null", }); status = await buildProcess.status(); } finally { building = false; if (buildAgain) { await buildDev(entryPoint, buildAgainFor); } else if (status?.success && runProcess) { await restartApp(entryPoint); } } }}
async function restartApp(entryPoint: string) { if (restarting) { restartAgain = true; } else if (runProcess) { restartAgain = false; reload = false; restarting = true; console.log("Restarting app"); queueMicrotask(() => { try { runProcess!.kill(); runProcess!.close(); } catch { // Ignore error } }); try { await runProcess.status(); } catch { // Ignore error } queueMicrotask(async () => { runDev(entryPoint); restarting = false; if (restartAgain) { await restartApp(entryPoint); } else if (!building) { reload = true; } }); }}
const cwd = Deno.cwd();const buildDir = path.resolve( cwd, `./public/${isTest() ? "test-" : ""}build`,);const artifacts = new Set();artifacts.add(path.resolve(cwd, "./routes/_main.tsx"));artifacts.add(path.resolve(cwd, "./routes/_main.ts"));
function isBuildArtifact(pathname: string) { return pathname.startsWith(buildDir) || artifacts.has(pathname);}
export interface DevOptions { /** * Used to identify and ignore additional build artifacts created in your preBuild and postBuild functions. */ isCustomBuildArtifact?: (pathname: string) => boolean; /** The port that the application uses. Defaults to APP_PORT environment variable or 9000. */ appPort?: number; /** The port for the dev script's live reload server. Defaults to DEV_PORT environment variable or 9001. */ devPort?: number; /** The entry point for the application server. Defaults to getEnv("APP_ENTRY_POINT") or "./main.ts". */ entryPoint?: string;}
/** * Starts a file watcher for triggering new builds to be generated. * When changes are made, the app will be re-built and the app will be restarted. * Any active browser sessions will be reloaded once the new build is ready and the app has been restarted. */export function startDev({ isCustomBuildArtifact, appPort, devPort, entryPoint,}: DevOptions = {}) { if (!appPort) { const APP_PORT = +(getEnv("APP_PORT") ?? ""); if (APP_PORT && !isNaN(APP_PORT)) { appPort = APP_PORT; } } if (!devPort) { const DEV_PORT = +(getEnv("DEV_PORT") ?? ""); if (DEV_PORT && !isNaN(DEV_PORT)) { devPort = DEV_PORT; } } entryPoint ??= getEnv("APP_ENTRY_POINT") ?? "./main.ts";
const shouldBuild = isCustomBuildArtifact ? ((pathname: string) => !isBuildArtifact(pathname) && !isCustomBuildArtifact(pathname)) : ((pathname: string) => !isBuildArtifact(pathname));
queueMicrotask(async () => { await buildDev(entryPoint!); console.log("Starting app"); queueMicrotask(() => runDev(entryPoint!)); });
async function watcher() { console.log(`Watching ${cwd}`); const build = debounce( (changedPath: string) => queueMicrotask(() => buildDev(entryPoint!, changedPath)), 20, ); for await (const event of Deno.watchFs(Deno.cwd())) { if (event.kind === "modify") { const path = event.paths.find(shouldBuild); if (path) build(path); } } } queueMicrotask(watcher);
queueMicrotask(() => { const app = createDevApp(appPort); app.listen({ port: devPort ?? 9002 }); });}
if (import.meta.main) { startDev();}