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A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
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import { HttpError, HttpErrorOptions, isHttpError } from "x/http_error/mod.ts";import { ComponentType, createContext, isValidElement, PropsWithChildren, ReactElement, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState,} from "npm/react";import { useLocation } from "npm/react-router-dom";import { ErrorBoundary } from "npm/react-error-boundary";import type { ErrorBoundaryProps, FallbackProps,} from "npm/react-error-boundary";
import { isDevelopment } from "./env.ts";
export { HttpError, isHttpError };export type { ErrorBoundaryProps, FallbackProps, HttpErrorOptions };
/** * For internal use only. * Used to provider errors on the server to the browser. */export const AppErrorContext = createContext<{ error?: HttpError }>({});
export type AppErrorBoundaryProps = ErrorBoundaryProps & { /** Used to associate errors on the server side with the boundary when using server side rendering. */ boundary?: string;};
/** * Any errors within the boundary will be captured by it. * Unlike ErrorBoundary, the AppErrorBoundary can be used to render errors on the server. * For the error on the server to be caught by it, it must have the same boundary. */export function AppErrorBoundary( props: PropsWithChildren<AppErrorBoundaryProps>,) { const { children, boundary, ...errorBoundaryProps } = props; const errorContext = useContext(AppErrorContext); const initialError = errorContext.error ?? null; const [error, setError] = useState(initialError);
useEffect(() => { return () => { if (error) setError(null); }; }, []);
if (!error || boundary !== { return ( <ErrorBoundary {...errorBoundaryProps} > {children} </ErrorBoundary> ); }
delete errorContext.error;
const fallbackProps = { error, resetErrorBoundary: (...args: unknown[]) => { setError(null); errorBoundaryProps.onReset?.(...args); }, } as FallbackProps;
const { fallback, fallbackRender, FallbackComponent } = errorBoundaryProps; if (isValidElement(fallback)) { return fallback; } else if (typeof fallbackRender === "function") { return fallbackRender(fallbackProps); } else if (FallbackComponent) { return <FallbackComponent {...fallbackProps} />; } else { throw new Error( "AppErrorBoundary requires either a fallback, fallbackRender, or FallbackComponent prop.", ); }}
/** * Wraps a component with an AppErrorBoundary. * Any errors within the boundary will be captured by it. * Unlike withErrorBoundary, withAppErrorBoundary can be used to render errors on the server. * For the error on the server to be caught by it, it must have the same boundary. */export function withAppErrorBoundary<P>( Component: ComponentType<P>, errorBoundaryProps: AppErrorBoundaryProps,): ComponentType<P> { const Wrapped = ((props) => { return ( <AppErrorBoundary {...errorBoundaryProps}> <Component { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...props as any } /> </AppErrorBoundary> ); }) as ComponentType<P>;
// Format for display in DevTools const name = Component.displayName || || "Unknown"; Wrapped.displayName = `withAppErrorBoundary(${name})`;
return Wrapped;}
/** * Automatically resets the error boundary if the location changes. * Returns a reset function that will prevent the reset callback from being called more than once. */export function useAutoReset(reset: () => void) { const location = useLocation(); const [initialLocation] = useState(location);
const resetOnce = useMemo(() => { let resetCalled = false; return () => { if (!resetCalled) { resetCalled = true; reset(); } }; }, []);
useEffect(() => { if (location !== initialLocation) resetOnce(); }, [location]);
return reset;}
/** * A simple error fallback that will show the error and provide a button for trying again. * The error will clear when clicking the try again button or navigating to a different route. */export function DefaultErrorFallback( { error, resetErrorBoundary }: FallbackProps,) { const reset = useAutoReset(resetErrorBoundary);
return ( <div role="alert"> <p>{error.message || "Something went wrong"}</p> {isDevelopment() && error.stack ? <pre>{error.stack}</pre> : null} <button onClick={reset}>Try again</button> </div> );}
/** * This component can be used to throw a 404 not found error. * It's used as the default wildcard route at the top level of your app. */export function NotFound(): ReactElement { throw new HttpError(404, "Not found");}