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A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
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import { ComponentType, Context, lazy as reactLazy, LazyExoticComponent, ReactNode, startTransition, StrictMode,} from "npm/react";import { HelmetProvider } from "npm/react-helmet-async";import { hydrateRoot } from "npm/react-dom/client";import { createBrowserRouter, RouteObject, RouterProvider,} from "npm/react-router-dom";
import { AppWindow, createAppContext } from "./env.ts";export { createAppContext, getEnv, isBrowser, isDevelopment, isProduction, isServer, isTest,} from "./env.ts";export type { AppEnvironment } from "./env.ts";import { AppErrorBoundaryProps, AppErrorContext, FallbackProps, HttpError, withAppErrorBoundary,} from "./error.tsx";export { AppErrorBoundary, DefaultErrorFallback, HttpError, isHttpError, NotFound, useAutoReset, withAppErrorBoundary,} from "./error.tsx";export type { AppErrorBoundaryProps, ErrorBoundaryProps, FallbackProps, HttpErrorOptions,} from "./error.tsx";
export interface HydrateOptions< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,> { /** * A react router route object. * The build script will automatically generate these for your application's routes. * The route object is a default export from `_main.tsx` in your routes directory. */ route: RouteObject; /** Adds your own providers around the application. */ Provider?: ComponentType<{ children: ReactNode }>; /** A context object for the App. */ Context?: Context<AppContext>;}
interface AppOptions< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,> extends HydrateOptions<AppContext> { Provider: ComponentType<{ children: ReactNode }>; Context: Context<AppContext>;}
function App< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,>({ route, Provider, Context }: AppOptions<AppContext>) { const router = createBrowserRouter([route]); const rawError = (window as AppWindow).app.error; const { stack, ...errorOptions } = rawError ?? {}; const error = rawError && new HttpError(errorOptions); if (error && typeof stack === "string") { error.stack = stack; } console.error(error);
const context = (window as AppWindow<AppContext>).app.context ?? {}; const appErrorContext = { error }; return ( <StrictMode> <HelmetProvider> <AppErrorContext.Provider value={appErrorContext}> <Context.Provider value={context}> <Provider> <RouterProvider router={router} /> </Provider> </Context.Provider> </AppErrorContext.Provider> </HelmetProvider> </StrictMode> );}
/** * Used to hydrate the app in the browser. * Hydration isn't required if you want to do server side rendering only. * This function will turn the application into an SPA. * * If you are using the default configuration, this will load the route generated from your application's routes. * * ```tsx * import { hydrate } from "x/udibo_react_app/app.tsx"; * * import route from "./routes/_main.tsx"; * * hydrate({ route }); * ``` * * You can optionally add a Provider argument to add your own providers around the application. */export function hydrate< AppContext extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,>({ route, Provider, Context }: HydrateOptions<AppContext>) { const hydrate = () => startTransition(() => { hydrateRoot( document.body, <App route={route} Provider={Provider ?? (({ children }) => <>{children}</>)} Context={Context ?? createAppContext<AppContext>()} />, ); });
if (typeof requestIdleCallback !== "undefined") { requestIdleCallback(hydrate); } else { // Safari doesn't support requestIdleCallback // setTimeout(hydrate, 1); }}
/** * A file containing the react component for a route. * Optionally, it can export an ErrorFallback that will be used for an AppErrorBoundary on the component. */export type RouteFile = { /** The react component for the route. */ default: ComponentType; /** An ErrorFallback for an AppErrorBoundary around the react component for the route. */ ErrorFallback?: ComponentType<FallbackProps>; /** The boundary used by the route. If there is an ErrorFallback exported, exporting a boundary will override the default boundary. */ boundary?: string;};
/** * For internal use only. * This is used in the generated _main.tsx file for routes to automatically add error boundaries to routes that have a FallbackComponent. */export function lazy< T extends RouteFile,>(factory: () => Promise<T>): LazyExoticComponent<ComponentType>;export function lazy< T extends RouteFile,>( boundary: string, factory: () => Promise<T>,): LazyExoticComponent<ComponentType>;export function lazy< T extends RouteFile,>( boundaryOrFactory?: string | (() => Promise<T>), factory?: () => Promise<T>,): LazyExoticComponent<ComponentType> { let boundary = typeof boundaryOrFactory === "string" ? boundaryOrFactory : undefined; if (typeof boundaryOrFactory !== "string") factory = boundaryOrFactory; return reactLazy(async () => { const { default: Component, ErrorFallback, boundary: boundaryOverride } = await factory!(); const errorBoundaryProps = { FallbackComponent: ErrorFallback, } as AppErrorBoundaryProps; if (boundaryOverride) boundary = boundaryOverride; if (boundary) errorBoundaryProps.boundary = boundaryOverride ?? boundary;
return { default: errorBoundaryProps.FallbackComponent ? withAppErrorBoundary(Component, errorBoundaryProps) : Component, }; });}