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⚔️ Hypermodern Zero-Legacy Deno/React Framework
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import { walk } from "";import { globToRegExp } from "";
export const VERSION = "2.0.0-alpha.10";export const VERSION_REGEX = /\/\/deno\.land\/x\/ultra@v[\w\.\-]+\//;
export const ULTRA_OUTPUT_REGEX = globToRegExp("examples/**/.ultra", { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: false,});
export const IMPORT_MAP_REGEX = globToRegExp("examples/**/importMap.json", { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: false,});
if (import.meta.main) { const version = prompt("Whats the new version?"); if (version) { const newDenoLandVersion = `//${version}/`;
const readme = await Deno.readTextFile("./");
console.log("Patching"); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./", readme.replace( VERSION_REGEX, `//${version}/`, ), );
console.log("Patching examples importMaps");
for await ( const entry of walk("./", { match: [IMPORT_MAP_REGEX], skip: [ULTRA_OUTPUT_REGEX], }) ) { const content = await Deno.readTextFile(entry.path); await Deno.writeTextFile( entry.path, content.replace(VERSION_REGEX, newDenoLandVersion), ); } }}