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⚔️ Hypermodern Zero-Legacy Deno/React Framework
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import { brightBlue, deepMerge, fromFileUrl, green, join, outdent, relative, resolve, underline,} from "./lib/build/deps.ts";import { Builder } from "";import type { BuildOptions, BuildPlugin } from "./lib/build/types.ts";
/** * Re-export these types as convenience to build plugin authors */export type { BuildPlugin };
const defaultOptions: Omit< BuildOptions, "browserEntrypoint" | "serverEntrypoint" | "plugin"> = { output: ".ultra", exclude: [ ".git", join("**", ".DS_Store"), ],};
export default async function build( options: Partial<BuildOptions>,) { const resolvedOptions = deepMerge<BuildOptions>(defaultOptions, options); const root = Deno.cwd(); const output = resolvedOptions.output ? resolve(root, resolvedOptions.output) : resolve(root, ".ultra");
function makeRelative(path: string) { return `./${ relative( root, fromFileUrl(path), ) }`; }
const mainModule = makeRelative(Deno.mainModule); const browserEntrypoint = makeRelative(resolvedOptions.browserEntrypoint); const serverEntrypoint = makeRelative(resolvedOptions.serverEntrypoint);
const builder = new Builder({ root, output, name: "ultra", importMap: "./importMap.json", logLevel: "INFO", compiler: { minify: true, sourceMaps: false, }, });
builder.setEntrypoints({ [browserEntrypoint]: { vendorOutputDir: "browser", target: "browser", }, [serverEntrypoint]: { vendorOutputDir: "server", target: "deno", }, });
builder.setExcluded([ mainModule, ...(resolvedOptions.exclude || []), ]);
builder.setHashed([ "./src/**/*.+(ts|tsx|js|jsx|css)", "./public/**/*.+(css|ico|jpg|png|svg|gif|otf|ttf|woff)", browserEntrypoint, ]);
builder.setCompiled([ "./**/*.+(ts|tsx|js|jsx)", ]);
/** * Clean the output directory */ await builder.cleanOutput();
/** * Gather all sources from root */ const sources = await builder.gatherSources();
/** * Copy sources to output */ const buildSources = await builder.copySources(sources);
/** * Execute the build */ await;
// deno-fmt-ignore console.log(outdent`\n You can now deploy the "${brightBlue(output)}" output directory to a platform of your choice. Instructions for common deployment platforms can be found at ${green('')}.\n Alternatively, you can cd into "${brightBlue(output)}" and run: ${underline("deno task start")} `);}