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Zero-Legacy Deno/React Suspense SSR Framework
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import { crayon, outdent } from "./lib/build/deps.ts";import type { BuildOptions, BuildPlugin } from "./lib/build/types.ts";import { UltraBuilder } from "./lib/build/ultra.ts";
/** * Re-export these types as convenience to build plugin authors */export type { BuildPlugin };
export function createBuilder(options: Partial<BuildOptions>) { return new UltraBuilder(options, (builder) => { // deno-fmt-ignore console.log(outdent`\n You can now deploy the "${crayon.lightBlue(builder.context.output)}" output directory to a platform of your choice. Instructions for common deployment platforms can be found at ${'')}.\n Alternatively, you can cd into "${crayon.lightBlue(builder.context.output)}" and run: ${crayon.underline("deno task start")} `); });}