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🦕 A lightweight utility pack for handling unknown type
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function isTupleOf
import { isTupleOf } from "";

Return a type predicate function that returns true if the type of x is TupleOf<T> or TupleOf<T, E>.

To enhance performance, users are advised to cache the return value of this function and mitigate the creation cost.

import { is } from "";

const isMyType = is.TupleOf([is.Number, is.String, is.Boolean]);
const a: unknown = [0, "a", true];
if (isMyType(a)) {
  // a is narrowed to [number, string, boolean]
  const _: [number, string, boolean] = a;

With predElse:

import { is } from "";

const isMyType = is.TupleOf(
  [is.Number, is.String, is.Boolean],
const a: unknown = [0, "a", true, 0, 1, 2];
if (isMyType(a)) {
  // a is narrowed to [number, string, boolean, ...number[]]
  const _: [number, string, boolean, ...number[]] = a;

Depending on the version of TypeScript and how values are provided, it may be necessary to add as const to the array used as predTup. If a type error occurs, try adding as const as follows:

import { is } from "";

const predTup = [is.Number, is.String, is.Boolean] as const;
const isMyType = is.TupleOf(predTup);
const a: unknown = [0, "a", true];
if (isMyType(a)) {
  // a is narrowed to [number, string, boolean]
  const _: [number, string, boolean] = a;

Type Parameters

T extends readonly [Predicate<unknown>, ...Predicate<unknown>[]]


predTup: T


Predicate<TupleOf<T>> & WithMetadata<IsTupleOfMetadata>

Type Parameters

T extends readonly [Predicate<unknown>, ...Predicate<unknown>[]]
E extends Predicate<unknown[]>


predTup: T
predElse: E


Predicate<[...TupleOf<T>, ...PredicateType<E>]> & WithMetadata<IsTupleOfMetadata>