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🦕 A lightweight utility pack for handling unknown type
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import type { Predicate } from "./is.ts";
export type AssertMessageFactory = ( x: unknown, pred: Predicate<unknown>, name?: string,) => string;
export const defaultAssertMessageFactory: AssertMessageFactory = ( x, pred, name,) => { const p = || "anonymous predicate"; const t = typeof x; const v = JSON.stringify(x, null, 2); return `Expected ${ name ?? "a value" } that satisfies the predicate ${p}, got ${t}: ${v}`;};
let assertMessageFactory = defaultAssertMessageFactory;
/** * Represents an error that occurs when an assertion fails. */export class AssertError extends Error { /** * Constructs a new `AssertError` instance. * @param message The error message. */ constructor(message?: string) { super(message);
if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, AssertError); } =; }}
/** * Sets the factory function used to generate assertion error messages. * @param factory The factory function. * @example * ```ts * import { is, setAssertMessageFactory } from "@core/unknownutil"; * * setAssertMessageFactory((x, pred) => { * if (pred === is.String) { * return `Expected a string, got ${typeof x}`; * } else if (pred === is.Number) { * return `Expected a number, got ${typeof x}`; * } else if (pred === is.Boolean) { * return `Expected a boolean, got ${typeof x}`; * } else { * return `Expected a value that satisfies the predicate, got ${typeof x}`; * } * }); * ``` */export function setAssertMessageFactory(factory: AssertMessageFactory): void { assertMessageFactory = factory;}
/** * Asserts that the given value satisfies the provided predicate. * * ```ts * import { assert, is } from "@core/unknownutil"; * * const a: unknown = "hello"; * assert(a, is.String); * // a is now narrowed to string * ``` * * @param x The value to be asserted. * @param pred The predicate function to test the value against. * @param options Optional configuration for the assertion. * @returns Nothing. The function has a return type of `asserts x is T` to help TypeScript narrow down the type of `x` after the assertion. * @throws {AssertError} If the value does not satisfy the predicate. */export function assert<T>( x: unknown, pred: Predicate<T>, options: { message?: string; name?: string } = {},): asserts x is T { if (!pred(x)) { throw new AssertError( options.message ?? assertMessageFactory(x, pred,, ); }}
/** * Ensures that the given value satisfies the provided predicate. * * ```ts * import { ensure, is } from "@core/unknownutil"; * * const a: unknown = "hello"; * const _: string = ensure(a, is.String); * ``` * * @param x The value to be ensured. * @param pred The predicate function to test the value against. * @param options Optional configuration for the assertion. * @returns The input value `x`. * @throws {AssertError} If the value does not satisfy the predicate. */export function ensure<T>( x: unknown, pred: Predicate<T>, options: { message?: string; name?: string } = {},): T { assert(x, pred, options); return x;}
/** * Returns the input value if it satisfies the provided predicate, or `undefined` otherwise. * * ```ts * import { is, maybe } from "@core/unknownutil"; * * const a: unknown = "hello"; * const _: string = maybe(a, is.String) ?? "default value"; * ``` * * @param x The value to be tested. * @param pred The predicate function to test the value against. * @returns The input value `x` if it satisfies the predicate, or `undefined` otherwise. */export function maybe<T>( x: unknown, pred: Predicate<T>,): T | undefined { return pred(x) ? x : undefined;}