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Rate limiting library for serverless runtimes
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import type { Duration } from "./duration.ts";import { ms } from "./duration.ts";import type { Algorithm, MultiRegionContext } from "./types.ts";import { Ratelimit } from "./ratelimit.ts";import type { Redis } from "./types.ts";
export type MultiRegionRatelimitConfig = { /** * Instances of `@upstash/redis` * @see */ redis: Redis[]; /** * The ratelimiter function to use. * * Choose one of the predefined ones or implement your own. * Available algorithms are exposed via static methods: * - MultiRegionRatelimit.fixedWindow */ limiter: Algorithm<MultiRegionContext>; /** * All keys in redis are prefixed with this. * * @default `@upstash/ratelimit` */ prefix?: string;};
/** * Ratelimiter using serverless redis from * * @example * ```ts * const { limit } = new MultiRegionRatelimit({ * redis: Redis.fromEnv(), * limiter: MultiRegionRatelimit.fixedWindow( * 10, // Allow 10 requests per window of 30 minutes * "30 m", // interval of 30 minutes * ) * }) * * ``` */export class MultiRegionRatelimit extends Ratelimit<MultiRegionContext> { /** * Create a new Ratelimit instance by providing a `@upstash/redis` instance and the algorithn of your choice. */ constructor(config: MultiRegionRatelimitConfig) { super({ prefix: config.prefix, limiter: config.limiter, ctx: { redis: config.redis }, }); }
/** * Each requests inside a fixed time increases a counter. * Once the counter reaches a maxmimum allowed number, all further requests are * rejected. * * **Pro:** * * - Newer requests are not starved by old ones. * - Low storage cost. * * **Con:** * * A burst of requests near the boundary of a window can result in a very * high request rate because two windows will be filled with requests quickly. * * @param tokens - How many requests a user can make in each time window. * @param window - A fixed timeframe */ static fixedWindow( /** * How many requests are allowed per window. */ tokens: number, /** * The duration in which `tokens` requests are allowed. */ window: Duration, ): Algorithm<MultiRegionContext> { const windowDuration = ms(window); const script = ` local key = KEYS[1] local id = ARGV[1] local window = ARGV[2]"SADD", key, id) local members ="SMEMBERS", key) if #members == 1 then -- The first time this key is set, the value will be 1. -- So we only need the expire command once"PEXPIRE", key, window) end return members`;
return async function (ctx: MultiRegionContext, identifier: string) { const requestID = crypto.randomUUID(); const bucket = Math.floor( / windowDuration); const key = [identifier, bucket].join(":");
const dbs: { redis: Redis; request: Promise<string[]> }[] = (redis) => ({ redis, request: redis.eval( script, [key], [requestID, windowDuration], ) as Promise<string[]>, }), );
const firstResponse = await Promise.any( => s.request));
const usedTokens = firstResponse.length;
const remaining = tokens - usedTokens - 1;
/** * If the length between two databases does not match, we sync the two databases */ async function sync() { const individualIDs = await Promise.all( => s.request)); const allIDs = Array.from( new Set(individualIDs.flatMap((_) => _)).values(), );
for (const db of dbs) { const ids = await db.request; /** * If the bucket in this db is already full, it doesn't matter which ids it contains. * So we do not have to sync. */ if (ids.length >= tokens) { continue; } const diff = allIDs.filter((id) => !ids.includes(id)); /** * Don't waste a request if there is nothing to send */ if (diff.length === 0) { continue; }
await db.redis.sadd(key, ...allIDs); } }
/** * Do not await sync. This should not run in the critical path. */
return { success: remaining > 0, limit: tokens, remaining, reset: (bucket + 1) * windowDuration, pending: sync(), }; }; }
/** * Combined approach of `slidingLogs` and `fixedWindow` with lower storage * costs than `slidingLogs` and improved boundary behavior by calcualting a * weighted score between two windows. * * **Pro:** * * Good performance allows this to scale to very high loads. * * **Con:** * * Nothing major. * * @param tokens - How many requests a user can make in each time window. * @param window - The duration in which the user can max X requests. */ static slidingWindow( /** * How many requests are allowed per window. */ tokens: number, /** * The duration in which `tokens` requests are allowed. */ window: Duration, ): Algorithm<MultiRegionContext> { const windowSize = ms(window); const script = ` local currentKey = KEYS[1] -- identifier including prefixes local previousKey = KEYS[2] -- key of the previous bucket local tokens = tonumber(ARGV[1]) -- tokens per window local now = ARGV[2] -- current timestamp in milliseconds local window = ARGV[3] -- interval in milliseconds local requestID = ARGV[4] -- uuid for this request

local currentMembers ="SMEMBERS", currentKey) local requestsInCurrentWindow = #currentMembers local previousMembers ="SMEMBERS", previousKey) local requestsInPreviousWindow = #previousMembers
local percentageInCurrent = ( now % window) / window if requestsInPreviousWindow * ( 1 - percentageInCurrent ) + requestsInCurrentWindow >= tokens then return {currentMembers, previousMembers} end"SADD", currentKey, requestID) table.insert(currentMembers, requestID) if requestsInCurrentWindow == 0 then -- The first time this key is set, the value will be 1. -- So we only need the expire command once"PEXPIRE", currentKey, window * 2 + 1000) -- Enough time to overlap with a new window + 1 second end return {currentMembers, previousMembers} `; const windowDuration = ms(window);
return async function (ctx: MultiRegionContext, identifier: string) { const requestID = crypto.randomUUID(); const now =;
const currentWindow = Math.floor(now / windowSize); const currentKey = [identifier, currentWindow].join(":"); const previousWindow = currentWindow - windowSize; const previousKey = [identifier, previousWindow].join(":");
const dbs: { redis: Redis; request: Promise<[string[], string[]]> }[] = => ({ redis, request: redis.eval( script, [currentKey, previousKey], [tokens, now, windowDuration, requestID], ) as Promise<[string[], string[]]>, }));
const percentageInCurrent = (now % windowDuration) / windowDuration; const [current, previous] = await Promise.any( => s.request));
const usedTokens = previous.length * (1 - percentageInCurrent) + current.length;
const remaining = tokens - usedTokens;
/** * If a database differs from the consensus, we sync it */ async function sync() { const [individualIDs] = await Promise.all( => s.request)); const allIDs = Array.from( new Set(individualIDs.flatMap((_) => _)).values(), );
for (const db of dbs) { const [ids] = await db.request; /** * If the bucket in this db is already full, it doesn't matter which ids it contains. * So we do not have to sync. */ if (ids.length >= tokens) { continue; } const diff = allIDs.filter((id) => !ids.includes(id)); /** * Don't waste a request if there is nothing to send */ if (diff.length === 0) { continue; }
await db.redis.sadd(currentKey, ...allIDs); } }
/** * Do not await sync. This should not run in the critical path. */ return { success: remaining > 0, limit: tokens, remaining, reset: (currentWindow + 1) * windowDuration, pending: sync(), }; }; }}