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A URL builder library for JavaScript.
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import { subst } from '../src';import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('subst', () => {
it('Returns empty string if the template is empty and there are no params', () => { const expected = ''; const actual = subst('', {}); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Returns empty string if the template is empty but a param is passed', () => { const expected = ''; const actual = subst('', { p: 1 }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Substitutes all params present in the object passed', () => { const expected = '/1/a/false'; const actual = subst('/:p/:q/:r', { p: 1, q: 'a', r: false }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Allows parameters at the beginning of the template', () => { const expected = '42'; const actual = subst(':p', { p: 42 }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Renders boolean (true) params', () => { const expected = 'true'; const actual = subst(':p', { p: true }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Renders boolean (false) params', () => { const expected = 'false'; const actual = subst(':p', { p: false }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Renders string params', () => { const expected = 'test'; const actual = subst(':p', { p: 'test' }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Renders number params', () => { const expected = '234'; const actual = subst(':p', { p: 234 }); expect(actual).to.equal(expected); });
it('Throws if a param is an array', () => { expect(() => subst(':p', { p: [] })) .to.throw(TypeError, "Path parameter p cannot be of type object. Allowed types are: boolean, string, number."); });
it('Throws if a param is an object', () => { expect(() => subst(':p', { p: {} })) .to.throw(TypeError, "Path parameter p cannot be of type object. Allowed types are: boolean, string, number."); });
it('Throws if a param is a symbol', () => { expect(() => subst(':p', { p: Symbol() })) .to.throw(TypeError, "Path parameter p cannot be of type symbol. Allowed types are: boolean, string, number."); });
it('Throws if a param is missing', () => { expect(() => subst(':p', {})).to.throw(); });});