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The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data 🤖
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import * as valibot from "";


A Valibot error with useful information.




Creates a any schema.

Creates an async any schema.

Creates a array schema.

Creates an async array schema.

Creates a bigint schema.

Creates an async bigint schema.

Creates a blob schema.

Creates an async blob schema.

Creates a boolean schema.

Creates an async boolean schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates the byte length of a string.

Coerces the input of a schema to match the required type.

Coerces the input of a async schema to match the required type.

Creates a custom validation function.

Creates a async custom validation function.

Creates a date schema.

Creates an async date schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates a email.

Creates a validation functions that validates a emoji.

Creates a validation functions that validates the end of a string.

Creates a enum schema.

Creates an async enum schema.

Creates a validation function that checks the value for equality.

Executes the validation and transformation pipe.

Executes the async validation and transformation pipe.

Flatten the error messages of a Vali error.

Returns the current path.

Returns error and pipe from dynamic arguments.

Creates a validation functions that validates a IMEI.

Creates an instance schema.

Creates an async instance schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates a IP v4 or v6 address.

Creates a validation functions that validates a IP v4 address.

Creates a validation functions that validates a IP v6 address.

Checks if the input matches the scheme. By using a type predicate, this function can be used as a type guard.

Checks whether a string with numbers corresponds to the luhn algorithm.

Creates a validation functions that validates a date.

Creates a validation functions that validates a datetime.

Creates a validation functions that validates a time.

Creates a validation functions that validates a time with seconds.

Creates a validation functions that validates a timestamp.

Creates a validation functions that validates a week.

Creates a enum schema of object keys.

Creates a validation functions that validates the length of a string or array.

Creates a literal schema.

Creates an async literal schema.

Creates a map schema.

Creates an async map schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates the byte length of a string.

Creates a validation functions that validates the length of a string or array.

Creates a validation functions that validates the size of a map, set or blob.

Creates a validation functions that validates the value of a string, number or date.

Merges multiple object schemas into a single one. Subsequent object schemas overwrite the previous ones.

Merges multiple async object schemas into a single one. Subsequent object schemas overwrite the previous ones.

Creates a validation functions that validates the MIME type of a file.

Creates a validation functions that validates the byte length of a string.

Creates a validation functions that validates the length of a string or array.

Creates a validation functions that validates the size of a map, set or blob.

Creates a validation functions that validates the value of a string, number or date.

Creates a NaN schema.

Creates an async NaN schema.

Creates a enum schema.

Creates an async enum schema.

Creates a never schema.

Creates an async never schema.

Creates a non nullable schema.

Creates an async non nullable schema.

Creates a non nullish schema.

Creates an async non nullish schema.

Creates a non optional schema.

Creates an async non optional schema.

Creates a nullable schema.

Creates an async nullable schema.

Creates a nullish schema.

Creates an async nullish schema.

Creates a null schema.

Creates an async null schema.

Creates a number schema.

Creates an async number schema.

Creates an object schema.

Creates an async object schema.

Creates an object schema that contains not the selected keys of an existing schema.

Creates an async object schema that contains only the selected keys of an existing schema.

Creates a optional schema.

Creates an async optional schema.

Parses unknown input based on a schema.

Parses unknown input based on a schema.

Creates an object schema consisting of all properties of an existing object schema set to optional.

Creates an async object schema consisting of all properties of an existing object schema set to optional.

Creates an object schema that contains only the selected keys of an existing schema.

Creates an async object schema that contains only the selected keys of an existing schema.

Creates a record schema.

Creates an async record schema.

Creates a recursive schema.

Creates an async recursive schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates a string with a regex.

Creates an object schema consisting of all properties of an existing object schema set to none optional.

Creates an async object schema consisting of all properties of an existing object schema set to none optional.

Parses unknown input based on a schema.

Parses unknown input based on a schema.

Creates a set schema.

Creates an async set schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates the size of a map, set or blob.

Creates a special schema.

Creates an async special schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates the start of a string.

Creates a strict object schema that throws an error if an input contains unknown keys.

Creates a strict async object schema that throws an error if an input contains unknown keys.

Creates a string schema.

Creates an async string schema.

Creates a symbol schema.

Creates an async symbol schema.

Creates a custom transformation function.

Creates a async custom transformation function.

Creates a transformation function that converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase.

Creates a transformation function that sets a string, number or date to a maximum value.

Creates a transformation function that sets a string, number or date to a minimum value.

Creates a transformation function that removes the leading and trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string.

Creates a transformation function that removes the trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string.

Creates a transformation function that removes the leading white space and line terminator characters from a string.

Creates a transformation function that converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase.

Creates a tuple schema.

Creates an async tuple schema.

Creates a undefined schema.

Creates an async undefined schema.

Creates a union schema.

Creates an async union schema.

Creates a unknown schema.

Creates an async unknown schema.

Unwraps the wrapped schema.

Creates a validation functions that validates a URL.

Passes the default value to a schema in case of an undefined input.

Creates a validation functions that validates a UUID.

Creates a validation functions that validates the value of a string or number.

Creates a void schema.

Creates an async void schema.

Type Aliases

Any schema type.

Any schema type.

Array path item type.

Array schema type.

Array schema async type.

Base schema type.

Base schema async type.

Bigint schema type.

Bigint schema async type.

Blob schema type.

Blob schema async type.

Boolean schema type.

Boolean schema async type.

Class enum type.

Date schema type.

Date schema async type.

Enum schema type.

Enum schema async type.

Enum value type.

Flat errors type.

Input inference type.

Instance schema type.

Instance schema type.

Issue type.

Issue reason type.

Issues type.

Literal schema type.

Literal schema async type.

Map input inference type.

Map output inference type.

Map path item type.

Map schema type.

Map schema async type.

NaN schema type.

NaN schema async type.

Native enum type.

Native enum schema type.

Native enum schema async type.

Never schema type.

Never schema async type.

Non nullable type.

Non nullable schema type.

Non nullable schema async type.

Non nullish type.

Non nullish schema type.

Non nullish schema async type.

Non optional type.

Non optional schema type.

Non optional schema async type.

Nullable schema type.

Nullable schema async type.

Nullish schema type.

Nullish schema async type.

Null schema type.

Null schema async type.

Number schema type.

Number schema async type.

Object input inference type.

Object output inference type.

Object path item type.

Object schema type.

Object schema async type.

Object shape type.

Object shape async type.

Optional schema type.

Optional schema async type.

Output inference type.

Parse info type.

Path item type.

Validation and transformation pipe type.

Async validation and transformation pipe type.

Record input inference type.

Record key type.

Record key type.

Record output inference type.

Record path item type.

Record schema type.

Record schema async type.

Recursive schema type.

Recursive schema async type.

Resolve object type.

Set output inference type.

Set output inference type.

Set path item type.

Set schema type.

Set schema async type.

Special schema type.

Special schema async type.

String schema type.

String schema async type.

Symbol schema type.

Symbol schema async type.

Tuple input inference type.

Tuple with rest output inference type.

Tuple path item type.

Tuple schema type.

Tuple schema async type.

Tuple shape type.

Tuple shape async type.

Undefined schema type.

Undefined schema async type.

Union options type.

Union options async type.

Union schema type.

Union schema async type.

Unknown schema type.

Unknown schema async type.

Validate info type.

Void schema type.

Void schema async type.