import * as valibot from "";
Base64 regex. | |
BIC regex. | |
Brand symbol. | |
Cuid2 regex. | |
Decimal regex. | |
Digits regex. | |
Email regex. | |
Emoji regex from emoji-regex-xs v1.0.0 (MIT license). | |
Hex color regex. | |
Hexadecimal regex. | |
IMEI regex. | |
IP regex. | |
IPv4 regex. | |
IPv6 regex. | |
ISO 8601 date regex. | |
ISO 8601 date-time regex. | |
ISO 8601 time regex. | |
ISO 8601 time with seconds regex. | |
ISO 8601 timestamp regex. | |
ISO 8601 week regex. | |
MAC regex. | |
MAC 48 bit regex. | |
MAC 64 bit regex. | |
Nano ID regex. | |
Octal regex. | |
ULID regex. | |
UUID regex. |
Adds an issue to the dataset. | |
Returns the byte count of the input. | |
Returns the grapheme count of the input. | |
Returns the Standard Schema properties. | |
Returns the word count of the input. | |
Checks whether a string with numbers corresponds to the luhn algorithm. | |
Disallows inherited object properties and prevents object prototype pollution by disallowing certain keys. | |
Joins multiple | |
Stringifies an unknown input to a literal or type string. | |
f any | Creates an any schema. |
f args | Creates a function arguments transformation action. |
Creates a function arguments transformation action. | |
Creates an array schema. | |
Creates an array schema. | |
Checks if the input matches the schema. As this is an assertion function, it can be used as a type guard. | |
Creates an await transformation action. | |
Creates a Base64 validation action. | |
f bic | Creates a BIC validation action. |
Creates a bigint schema. | |
f blob | Creates a blob schema. |
Creates a boolean schema. | |
Creates a brand transformation action. | |
Creates a bytes validation action. | |
Creates a check validation action. | |
Creates a check validation action. | |
Creates an check items validation action. | |
Creates a check items validation action. | |
Changes the local configuration of a schema. | |
Creates a credit card validation action. | |
Creates a Cuid2 validation action. | |
Creates a custom schema. | |
Creates a custom schema. | |
f date | Creates a date schema. |
Creates a decimal validation action. | |
Deletes the global configuration. | |
Deletes a global error message. | |
Deletes a schema error message. | |
Deletes a specific error message. | |
Creates a description metadata action. | |
Creates a digits validation action. | |
Creates an email validation action. | |
Creates an emoji validation action. | |
Creates an empty validation action. | |
Creates an ends with validation action. | |
Creates an object entries definition from a list of keys and a schema. | |
f enum | |
Creates an enum schema. | |
Creates an every item validation action. | |
Creates an excludes validation action. | |
Returns a fallback value as output if the input does not match the schema. | |
Returns a fallback value as output if the input does not match the schema. | |
f file | Creates a file schema. |
Creates a filter items transformation action. | |
Creates a find item transformation action. | |
Creates a finite validation action. | |
Flatten the error messages of issues. | |
Forwards the issues of the passed validation action. | |
Forwards the issues of the passed validation action. | |
Creates a function schema. | |
Returns the default value of the schema. | |
Returns the default values of the schema. | |
Returns the default values of the schema. | |
Creates and returns the dot path of an issue if possible. | |
Returns the fallback value of the schema. | |
Returns the fallback values of the schema. | |
Returns the fallback values of the schema. | |
Returns the global configuration. | |
Returns a global error message. | |
Returns a schema error message. | |
Returns a specific error message. | |
Creates a graphemes validation action. | |
f hash | Creates a hash validation action. |
Creates a hexadecimal validation action. | |
Creates a hex color validation action. | |
f imei | Creates an IMEI validation action. |
Creates an includes validation action. | |
Creates an instance schema. | |
Creates an integer validation action. | |
Creates an intersect schema. | |
Creates an intersect schema. | |
f ip | Creates an IP address validation action. |
f ipv4 | Creates an IPv4 address validation action. |
f ipv6 | Creates an IPv6 address validation action. |
f is | Checks if the input matches the schema. By using a type predicate, this function can be used as a type guard. |
Creates an ISO date validation action. | |
Creates an ISO date time validation action. | |
A generic type guard to check the kind of an object. | |
A generic type guard to check the type of an object. | |
Creates an ISO time validation action. | |
Creates an ISO time second validation action. | |
Creates an ISO timestamp validation action. | |
Creates an ISO week validation action. | |
A type guard to check if an error is a ValiError. | |
Creates a picklist schema of object keys. | |
f lazy | Creates a lazy schema. |
Creates a lazy schema. | |
Creates a length validation action. | |
Creates a literal schema. | |
Creates a loose object schema. | |
Creates a loose object schema. | |
Creates a loose tuple schema. | |
Creates a loose tuple schema. | |
f mac | Creates a MAC address validation action. |
Creates a 48-bit MAC address validation action. | |
Creates a 64-bit MAC address validation action. | |
f map | Creates a map schema. |
Creates a map schema. | |
Creates a map items transformation action. | |
Creates a max bytes validation action. | |
Creates a max graphemes validation action. | |
Creates a max length validation action. | |
Creates a max size validation action. | |
Creates a max value validation action. | |
Creates a max words validation action. | |
Creates a custom metadata action. | |
Creates a MIME type validation action. | |
Creates a min bytes validation action. | |
Creates a min graphemes validation action. | |
Creates a min length validation action. | |
Creates a min size validation action. | |
Creates a min value validation action. | |
Creates a min words validation action. | |
Creates a multiple of validation action. | |
f nan | Creates a NaN schema. |
Creates a Nano ID validation action. | |
Creates a never schema. | |
Creates a non-empty validation action. | |
Creates a non nullable schema. | |
Creates a non nullable schema. | |
Creates a non nullish schema. | |
Creates a non nullish schema. | |
Creates a non optional schema. | |
Creates a non optional schema. | |
Creates a normalize transformation action. | |
Creates a not bytes validation action. | |
Creates a not graphemes validation action. | |
Creates a not length validation action. | |
Creates a not size validation action. | |
Creates a not value validation action. | |
Creates a not words validation action. | |
f null | |
Creates a null schema. | |
Creates a nullable schema. | |
Creates a nullable schema. | |
Creates a nullish schema. | |
Creates a nullish schema. | |
Creates a number schema. | |
Creates an object schema. | |
Creates an object schema. | |
Creates an object with rest schema. | |
Creates an object with rest schema. | |
Creates an octal validation action. | |
f omit | Creates a modified copy of an object schema that does not contain the selected entries. |
Creates a optional schema. | |
Creates an optional schema. | |
Parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Returns a function that parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Returns a function that parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Creates a modified copy of an object schema that marks all entries as optional. | |
Creates a modified copy of an object schema that marks all entries as optional. | |
Creates a partial check validation action. | |
Creates a partial check validation action. | |
f pick | Creates a modified copy of an object schema that contains only the selected entries. |
Creates a picklist schema. | |
f pipe | Adds a pipeline to a schema, that can validate and transform its input. |
Adds a pipeline to a schema, that can validate and transform its input. | |
Creates a promise schema. | |
Creates a raw check validation action. | |
Creates a raw check validation action. | |
Creates a raw transformation action. | |
Creates a raw transformation action. | |
Creates a readonly transformation action. | |
Creates a record schema. | |
Creates a record schema. | |
Creates a reduce items transformation action. | |
Creates a regex validation action. | |
Creates a modified copy of an object schema that marks all entries as required. | |
Creates a modified copy of an object schema that marks all entries as required. | |
Creates a function return transformation action. | |
Creates a function arguments transformation action. | |
Creates a safe integer validation action. | |
Parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Returns a function that parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
Returns a function that parses an unknown input based on a schema. | |
f set | Creates a set schema. |
Creates a set schema. | |
Sets the global configuration. | |
Sets a global error message. | |
Sets a schema error message. | |
Sets a specific error message. | |
f size | Creates a size validation action. |
Creates a some item validation action. | |
Creates a sort items transformation action. | |
Creates a starts with validation action. | |
Creates a strict object schema. | |
Creates a strict object schema. | |
Creates a strict tuple schema. | |
Creates a strict tuple schema. | |
Creates a string schema. | |
Creates a symbol schema. | |
Creates a title metadata action. | |
Creates a to lower case transformation action. | |
Creates a to max value transformation action. | |
Creates a to min value transformation action. | |
Creates a to upper case transformation action. | |
Creates a custom transformation action. | |
Creates a custom transformation action. | |
f trim | Creates a trim transformation action. |
Creates a trim end transformation action. | |
Creates a trim start transformation action. | |
Creates a tuple schema. | |
Creates a tuple schema. | |
Creates a tuple with rest schema. | |
Creates a tuple with rest schema. | |
f ulid | Creates an ULID validation action. |
Creates an undefined schema. | |
Creates a undefinedable schema. | |
Creates an undefinedable schema. | |
Creates an union schema. | |
Creates an union schema. | |
Creates a unknown schema. | |
Unwraps the wrapped schema. | |
f url | Creates an URL validation action. |
f uuid | Creates an UUID validation action. |
Creates a value validation action. | |
Creates a variant schema. | |
Creates a variant schema. | |
f void | |
Creates a void schema. | |
Creates a words validation action. |
Any schema type. | |
Args action type. | |
Args action async type. | |
Array issue type. | |
Array path item type. | |
Array schema type. | |
Array schema type. | |
Await action async type. | |
Base64 action type. | |
Base64 issue type. | |
Base issue type. | |
Base metadata type. | |
Base schema type. | |
Base schema async type. | |
Base transformation type. | |
Base transformation async type. | |
Base validation type. | |
Base validation async type. | |
BIC action type. | |
BIC issue type. | |
Bigint issue type. | |
Bigint schema type. | |
Blob issue type. | |
Blob schema type. | |
Boolean issue type. | |
Boolean schema type. | |
Brand type. | |
Brand action type. | |
Bytes action type. | |
Bytes issue type. | |
Check action type. | |
Check action async type. | |
Check issue type. | |
Check items action type. | |
Check items action async type. | |
Check items issue type. | |
Config type. | |
Credit card action type. | |
Credit card issue type. | |
Cuid2 action type. | |
Cuid2 issue type. | |
Custom issue type. | |
Custom schema type. | |
Custom schema async type. | |
Date issue type. | |
Date schema type. | |
Decimal action type. | |
Decimal issue type. | |
Description action type. | |
Digits action type. | |
Digits issue type. | |
Email action type. | |
Email issue type. | |
Emoji action type. | |
Emoji issue type. | |
Empty action type. | |
Empty issue type. | |
Ends with action type. | |
Ends with issue type. | |
I Enum | Enum type. |
Enum issue type. | |
Enum schema type. | |
Every item action type. | |
Every item issue type. | |
Excludes action type. | |
Excludes issue type. | |
Failure dataset type. | |
File issue type. | |
File schema type. | |
Filter items action type. | |
Find item action type. | |
Finite action type. | |
Finite issue type. | |
Function issue type. | |
Function schema type. | |
Generic issue type. | |
Generic metadata type. | |
Generic schema type. | |
Generic schema async type. | |
Generic transformation type. | |
Generic transformation async type. | |
Generic validation type. | |
Generic validation async type. | |
Graphemes action type. | |
Graphemes issue type. | |
Hash action type. | |
Hash issue type. | |
Hexadecimal action type. | |
Hexadecimal issue type. | |
Hex color action type. | |
Hex color issue type. | |
IMEI action type. | |
IMEI issue type. | |
Includes action type. | |
Includes issue type. | |
Instance issue type. | |
Instance schema type. | |
Integer action type. | |
Integer issue type. | |
Intersect issue type. | |
Intersect schema type. | |
Intersect schema async type. | |
IP action type. | |
IP issue type. | |
IPv4 action type. | |
IPv4 issue type. | |
IPv6 action type. | |
IPv6 issue type. | |
ISO date action type. | |
ISO date issue type. | |
ISO date time action type. | |
ISO date time issue type. | |
ISO time action type. | |
ISO time issue type. | |
ISO time second action type. | |
ISO time second issue type. | |
ISO timestamp action type. | |
ISO timestamp issue type. | |
ISO week action type. | |
ISO week issue type. | |
Lazy schema type. | |
Lazy schema async type. | |
Length action type. | |
Length issue type. | |
Literal issue type. | |
Literal schema type. | |
Loose object issue type. | |
Loose object schema type. | |
Object schema async type. | |
Loose tuple issue type. | |
Loose tuple schema type. | |
Loose tuple schema async type. | |
48-bit MAC action type. | |
48-bit MAC issue type. | |
64-bit MAC action type. | |
64-bit MAC issue type. | |
MAC action type. | |
MAC issue type. | |
Map issue type. | |
Map items action type. | |
Map path item type. | |
Map schema type. | |
Map schema async type. | |
Max bytes action type. | |
Max bytes issue type. | |
Max graphemes action type. | |
Max graphemes issue type. | |
Max length action type. | |
Max length issue type. | |
Max size action type. | |
Max size issue type. | |
Max value action type. | |
Max value issue type. | |
Max words action type. | |
Max words issue type. | |
Metadata action type. | |
MIME type action type. | |
MIME type issue type. | |
Min bytes action type. | |
Min bytes issue type. | |
Min graphemes action type. | |
Min graphemes issue type. | |
Min length action type. | |
Min length issue type. | |
Min size action type. | |
Min size issue type. | |
Min value action type. | |
Min value issue type. | |
Min words action type. | |
Min words issue type. | |
Multiple of action type. | |
Multiple of issue type. | |
NaN issue type. | |
Nano ID action type. | |
Nano ID issue type. | |
NaN schema type. | |
Never issue type. | |
Never schema type. | |
Non empty action type. | |
Non empty issue type. | |
Non nullable issue type. | |
Non nullable schema type. | |
Non nullable schema async type. | |
Non nullish issue type. | |
Non nullish schema type. | |
Non nullish schema async type. | |
Non optional issue type. | |
Non optional schema type. | |
Non optional schema async type. | |
Normalize action type. | |
Not bytes action type. | |
Not bytes issue type. | |
Not graphemes action type. | |
Not graphemes issue type. | |
Not length action type. | |
Not length issue type. | |
Not size action type. | |
Not size issue type. | |
Not value action type. | |
Not value issue type. | |
Not words action type. | |
Not words issue type. | |
Nullable schema type. | |
Nullable schema async type. | |
Nullish schema type. | |
Nullish schema async type. | |
Null issue type. | |
Null schema type. | |
Number issue type. | |
Number schema type. | |
Object entries type. | |
Object entries async type. | |
Object issue type. | |
Object path item type. | |
Object schema type. | |
Object schema async type. | |
Object with rest issue type. | |
Object with rest schema type. | |
Object schema async type. | |
Octal action type. | |
Octal issue type. | |
Optional schema type. | |
Optional schema async type. | |
The parser type. | |
The parser async type. | |
Partial check action type. | |
Partial check action async type. | |
Partial check issue type. | |
Partial dataset type. | |
Picklist issue type. | |
Picklist schema type. | |
Promise issue type. | |
Promise schema type. | |
Raw check action type. | |
Raw check action async type. | |
Raw check issue type. | |
Raw transform action type. | |
Raw transform action async type. | |
Raw transform issue type. | |
Readonly action type. | |
Record issue type. | |
Record schema type. | |
Record schema async type. | |
Reduce items action type. | |
Regex action type. | |
Regex issue type. | |
Returns action type. | |
Returns action async type. | |
Safe integer action type. | |
Safe integer issue type. | |
The safe parser type. | |
The safe parser async type. | |
Set issue type. | |
Set path item type. | |
Set schema type. | |
Set schema async type. | |
Size action type. | |
Size issue type. | |
Some item action type. | |
Some item issue type. | |
Sort items action type. | |
The result interface if validation fails. | |
The Standard Schema properties interface. | |
The result interface if validation succeeds. | |
Starts with action type. | |
Starts with issue type. | |
Strict object issue type. | |
Strict object schema type. | |
Strict object schema async type. | |
Strict tuple issue type. | |
Strict tuple schema type. | |
Strict tuple schema async type. | |
String issue type. | |
String schema type. | |
Success dataset type. | |
Symbol issue type. | |
Symbol schema type. | |
Title action type. | |
To lower case action type. | |
To max value action type. | |
To min value action type. | |
To upper case action type. | |
Transform action type. | |
Transform action async type. | |
Trim action type. | |
Trim end action type. | |
Trim start action type. | |
Tuple issue type. | |
Tuple schema type. | |
Tuple schema async type. | |
Tuple with rest issue type. | |
Tuple with rest schema type. | |
Tuple with rest schema async type. | |
ULID action type. | |
ULID issue type. | |
Undefinedable schema type. | |
Undefinedable schema async type. | |
Undefined issue type. | |
Undefined schema type. | |
Union issue type. | |
Union schema type. | |
Union schema async type. | |
Unknown dataset type. | |
Unknown path item type. | |
Unknown schema type. | |
URL action type. | |
URL issue type. | |
UUID action type. | |
UUID issue type. | |
Value action type. | |
Value issue type. | |
Variant issue type. | |
Variant option schema type. | |
Variant option schema async type. | |
Variant schema type. | |
Variant schema async type. | |
Void issue type. | |
Void schema type. | |
Words action type. | |
Words issue type. |
Type Aliases
Array input type. | |
Array requirement type. | |
Array requirement async type. | |
Brand name type. | |
Class type. | |
Content input type. | |
Content requirement type. | |
Deeply picks N specific keys. | |
Default type. | |
Default async type. | |
Default value type. | |
Error message type. | |
Fallback type. | |
Fallback async type. | |
Extracts first tuple item. | |
Flat errors type. | |
The global config type. | |
Hash type type. | |
Infer default type. | |
Infer defaults type. | |
Infer fallback type. | |
Infer fallbacks type. | |
Infer input type. | |
Infer intersect input type. | |
Infer intersect output type. | |
Infer issue type. | |
Infer map input type. | |
Infer map output type. | |
Infer non nullable input type. | |
Infer non nullable issue type. | |
Infer non nullable output type. | |
Infer non nullish input type. | |
Infer non nullish issue type. | |
Infer non nullish output type. | |
Infer non optional input type. | |
Infer non optional issue type. | |
Infer non optional output type. | |
Infer nullable output type. | |
Infer nullish output type. | |
Infer object input type. | |
Infer object issue type. | |
Infer object output type. | |
Infer optional output type. | |
Infer output type. | |
Infer record input type. | |
Infer record output type. | |
Infer set input type. | |
Infer set output type. | |
Infer tuple input type. | |
Infer tuple issue type. | |
Infer tuple output type. | |
Infer undefinedable output type. | |
Infer variant issue type. | |
Intersect options type. | |
Intersect options async type. | |
Issue dot path type. | |
Issue path item type. | |
Extracts last tuple item. | |
Length input type. | |
Literal type. | |
Marks specific keys as optional. | |
Constructs a type that is maybe a promise. | |
Constructs a type that is maybe readonly. | |
Extracts | |
Extracts | |
Extracts | |
Normalize form type. | |
Object keys type. | |
Output dataset type. | |
Extracts tuples with path keys. | |
Picklist options type. | |
Pipe action type. | |
Pipe action async type. | |
Pipe item type. | |
Pipe item async type. | |
Prettifies a type for better readability. | |
Safe parse result type. | |
Schema with fallback type. | |
Schema with fallback async type. | |
Schema with omit type. | |
Schema without pipe type. | |
Schema with partial type. | |
Schema with partial type. | |
Schema with pick type. | |
Schema with pipe type. | |
Schema with pipe async type. | |
Schema with required type. | |
Schema with required type. | |
Size input type. | |
The result interface of the validate function. | |
Tuple items type. | |
Tuple items async type. | |
Union options type. | |
Union options async type. | |
Converts union to intersection type. | |
Converts union to tuple type. | |
Value input type. | |
Variant options type. | |
Variant options async type. |