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Javascript/Typescript schema-based validation and sanitation
/**************************************************************************************** MODIFIED FROM* Title: component/component-type* Author: Component Org* Date: August 28, 2020* Code version: 1.2.1* Availability:****************************************************************************************/const toString = Object.prototype.toString;const funToString = Function.prototype.toString;const localGlobal = { Buffer: typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' ? Buffer : ArrayBuffer, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore globalThis: typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {}};/** * Return the type of `val` as a string. * * @param {Mixed} val * @return {String} * @public */
function getType(val) { switch ( { case '[object Date]': return 'date';
case '[object RegExp]': return 'regexp';
case '[object Arguments]': return 'arguments';
case '[object Array]': return 'array';
case '[object Error]': return 'error';
case '[object Map]': return 'map'; }
if (val === null) return 'null'; if (val === undefined) return 'undefined'; if (typeof val === 'number' && isNaN(val)) return 'nan'; if (typeof val === 'object' && isElement(val)) return 'element'; if (typeof val === 'object' && isNode(val)) return 'node'; if (typeof val === 'object' && isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer';
if (isWholeObject(val)) { val = val?.valueOf ? val?.valueOf() : Object.prototype.valueOf.apply(val); }
if (typeof val === 'function' &&, 5) === 'class') return 'class'; return typeof val;
function isWholeObject(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !!Object.keys(obj).length; }
function isBuffer(obj) { return !!( // Does not support Safari 5-7 (missing Object.prototype.constructor) // Accepted as Safari 5-7 (Mobile & Desktop) is at < 0.17% usage // obj instanceof localGlobal.Buffer); } // HTML Type Checking from //Returns true if it is a DOM node

function isNode(o) { const globalKey = 'Node'; return, globalKey) ? o instanceof localGlobal.globalThis[globalKey] : o && isWholeObject(o) && typeof o.nodeType === 'number' && typeof o.nodeName === 'string'; } //Returns true if it is a DOM element

function isElement(o) { const globalKey = 'HTMLElement'; return, globalKey) ? o instanceof localGlobal.globalThis[globalKey] : o && isWholeObject(o) && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === 'string'; }}
/** * Assign given key and value (or object) to given object * * @private */function assign(key, val, obj) { if (typeof key === 'string') { obj[key] = val; return; }
if (typeof key === 'object') { Object.keys(key).forEach(k => obj[k] = key[k]); }}/** * Join `path` with `prefix` * * @private */
function join(path, prefix) { return prefix ? `${prefix.toString()}.${path.toString()}` : path.toString();}function isWholeObject(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !!Object.keys(obj).length;}function isLimitedKey(prop) { return typeof prop === 'string' || typeof prop === 'number';}function isIntegerLike(prop) { return typeof prop !== 'symbol' && !isNaN(parseInt('' + prop, 10));}function isRule(obj) { return typeof obj === 'function' || typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'string' || Array.isArray(obj) || typeof obj === 'boolean';}function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) { return, prop);}function hasConstructor(obj) { return typeof obj['constructor'] === 'function';}function isSomething(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'string' || typeof obj === 'number' || typeof obj === 'boolean';}/*** @private*/
function isSafe(obj, prop) { if (isObject(obj)) { return obj[prop] === undefined || hasOwnProperty(obj, prop); }
if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return !isNaN(parseInt('' + prop, 10)); }
return false;}/*** @private*/
function isObject(obj) { return === '[object Object]';}/*** @private*/
function isRecord(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null;}
/**************************************************************************************** Title: eivindfjeldstad/dot* Author: Eivind Fjeldstad* Date: August 28, 2020* Code version: 1.0.3* Availability:****************************************************************************************//** * Get and set points in an object by their 'dot' path */
const dot = { name: 'Dot',
/** * Set given `path` * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} path * @param {Mixed} val * @return {Object} * @public */ set(obj, path, val) { const segs = path.split('.'); const attr = segs.pop(); const src = obj; let currentLayer = obj;
for (let i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { const seg = segs[i];
if (isSafe(currentLayer, seg)) { if (Array.isArray(currentLayer) && isIntegerLike(seg)) { currentLayer[seg] = currentLayer[seg] || []; currentLayer = currentLayer[seg]; } else { const overCurrent = currentLayer; overCurrent[seg] = overCurrent[seg] || {}; currentLayer = overCurrent[seg]; } } else { return src; } }
if (attr !== null && attr !== undefined && isSafe(currentLayer, attr)) { if (Array.isArray(currentLayer) && isIntegerLike(attr)) { currentLayer[attr] = val; } else if (isObject(currentLayer)) { currentLayer[attr] = val; } }
return src; },
/** * Get given `path` * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} path * @return {Mixed} * @public */ get(obj, path) { const segs = path.split('.'); const attr = segs.pop(); let currentLayer = obj;
for (let i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { const seg = segs[i];
if (isSafe(currentLayer, seg)) { if (Array.isArray(currentLayer) && isIntegerLike(seg)) { currentLayer = currentLayer[seg]; } else { const overCurrent = currentLayer; currentLayer = overCurrent[seg]; } } else { return; } }
if (attr !== null && attr !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(currentLayer) && isIntegerLike(attr)) { return currentLayer[attr]; } else if (isObject(currentLayer)) { return currentLayer[attr]; } else { return; } } else { return; } },
/** * Delete given `path` * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} path * @return {Mixed} * @public */ delete(obj, path) { const segs = path.split('.'); const attr = segs.pop(); let reObj = obj;
for (let i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { const seg = segs[i]; if (!isRecord(reObj) || !reObj[seg]) return;
if (isSafe(reObj, seg)) { reObj = reObj[seg]; } else { return; } }
if (attr === null || attr === undefined || !isSafe(reObj, attr)) return;
if (Array.isArray(reObj)) { reObj.splice(parseInt(attr), 1); } else { delete reObj[attr]; } }
};const typeOf = getType;/** * Enumerate all permutations of `path`, replacing $ with array indices and * with object indices * * @private */
function enumerate(path, obj, callback) { const parts = path.split(/\.[$*](?=\.|$|\*)/); const first = parts.shift(); const arr = dot.get(obj, first || '');
if (!parts.length) { return callback(first || '', arr); }
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { if (typeOf(arr) === 'object') { const keys = Object.keys(arr);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const current = join(keys[i], first); const next = current + parts.join('.*'); enumerate(next, obj, callback); } }
return; }
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { const current = join(i, first); const next = current + parts.join('.$'); enumerate(next, obj, callback); }}/** * Walk object and call `callback` with path and prop name * * @private */
function walk(obj, callback, path, prop) { const type = typeOf(obj);
if (type === 'array') { const localObj = obj; localObj.forEach((v, i) => walk(v, callback, join(i, path), join('$', prop))); return; }
if (type !== 'object') { return; }
const localObj = obj;
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(localObj)) { const newPath = join(key, path); const newProp = join(key, prop); const newCatchProp = join('*', prop);
if (callback(newPath, newCatchProp, true)) { walk(val, callback, newPath, newCatchProp); } else if (callback(newPath, newProp)) { walk(val, callback, newPath, newProp); } }}
/**************************************************************************************** MODIFIED FROM* Title: eivindfjeldstad/typecast* Author: Eivind Fjeldstad* Date: August 28, 2020* Code version: 1.0.1* Availability:****************************************************************************************/
/** * @module typecast * @category Bonus Modules */
/** * Cast given `val` to `type` * @name typecast * @property {casters} casters * @param {Mixed} val * @param {String} type * @public */const typecast = function (val, type) { const fn = typecast.casters[type]; if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new Error('cannot cast to ' + type); return fn(val);};
const casters = { /** * Cast `val` to `String` * @alias casters.string * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {string} * @public */ string: function (val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) return '';
if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null && Object.entries(val).length) { return JSON.stringify(val); }
return String(val).toString(); },
/** * Cast `val` to `Number` * @alias casters.number * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {number} * @public */ number: function (val) { const num = parseFloat(String(val).toString()); return isNaN(num) ? 0 : num; },
/** * Cast `val` to a`Date` * @alias * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {Date} * @public */ date: function (val) { if (!(typeof val === 'string' || typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Date)) { return new Date(0); } else { const date = new Date(val); return isNaN(date.valueOf()) ? new Date(0) : date; } },
/** * Cast `val` to `Array` * @alias casters.array * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {Array} * @public */ array: function (val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) return []; if (val instanceof Array) return val; if (typeof val !== 'string') return [val]; const arr = val.split(',');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i].trim(); }
return arr; },
/** * Cast `val` to `Boolean` * @alias casters.boolean * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {boolean} * @public */ boolean: function (val) { return !!val && val !== 'false' && val !== '0'; },
/** * Cast `val` to `Object` * @alias casters.object * @memberof! typecast * @param {Mixed} val * @returns {object} * @public */ object: function (val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) return {}; if (Array.isArray(val)) return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(val)); if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) return val; if (typeof val !== 'string') return { value: val }; let obj = {};
try { obj = JSON.parse(val); } catch (error) { obj = { value: val }; }
return obj; }};typecast.casters = casters;Object.defineProperty(typecast, 'name', { value: 'Typecast'});
/*! *****************************************************************************Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for anypurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;}
function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);}
const nonenumerable = (target, name, desc) => { if (desc) { desc.enumerable = false; return desc; }
Object.defineProperty(target, name, { set(value) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { value, writable: true, configurable: true }); },
configurable: true });};
/** * Custom errors. * */
class ValidationError extends Error { constructor(message, path) { super(message); this.path = path; this.expose = true; this.status = 400;
if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, ValidationError); } }
__decorate([nonenumerable, __metadata("design:type", Object)], ValidationError.prototype, "path", void 0);
__decorate([nonenumerable, __metadata("design:type", Boolean)], ValidationError.prototype, "expose", void 0);
__decorate([nonenumerable, __metadata("design:type", Number)], ValidationError.prototype, "status", void 0);
function isValidationFunctionArr(arr) { return Array.isArray(arr) && typeof arr[0] === 'function';}/** * A property instance gets returned whenever you call `schema.path()`. * Properties are also created internally when an object is passed to the Schema constructor. * * @param {String} name - the name of the property * @param {Schema} schema - parent schema */

class Property { constructor(name, schema) { = name; this.registry = {}; this._schema = schema; this._type = null; this.messages = {}; } /** * Registers messages. * * @example * prop.message('something is wrong') * prop.message({ required: 'thing is required.' }) * * @param {Object|String} messages * @return {Property} */

message(messages) { if (typeof messages === 'string') { messages = { default: messages }; }
const entries = Object.entries(messages);
for (const [key, val] of entries) { this.messages[key] = val; }
return this; } /** * Mount given `schema` on current path. * * @example * const user = new Schema({ email: String }) * prop.schema(user) * * @param {Schema} schema - the schema to mount * @return {Property} */

schema(schema) { this._schema.path(, schema);
return this; } /** * Validate using named functions from the given object. * Error messages can be defined by providing an object with * named error messages/generators to `schema.message()` * * The message generator receives the value being validated, * the object it belongs to and any additional arguments. * * @example * const schema = new Schema() * const prop = schema.path('some.path') * * schema.message({ * binary: (path, ctx) => `${path} must be binary.`, * bits: (path, ctx, bits) => `${path} must be ${bits}-bit` * }) * * prop.use({ * binary: (val, ctx) => /^[01]+$/i.test(val), * bits: [(val, ctx, bits) => val.length == bits, 32] * }) * * @param {Object} fns - object with named validation functions to call * @return {Property} */

use(fns) { Object.keys(fns).forEach(name => { const arr = fns[name];
if (isValidationFunctionArr(arr)) { const [fn, ...args] = arr;
this._register(name, args, fn); } else { this._register(name, [], arr); } }); return this; } /** * Registers a validator that checks for presence. * * @example * prop.required() * * @param {Boolean} [bool] - `true` if required, `false` otherwise * @return {Property} */

required(bool = true) { return this._register('required', [bool]); } /** * Registers a validator that checks if a value is of a given `type` * * @example * prop.type(String) * * @example * prop.type('string') * * @param {String|Function} type - type to check for * @return {Property} */

type(type) { this._type = type; return this._register('type', [type]); } /** * Convenience method for setting type to `String` * * @example * prop.string() * * @return {Property} */

string() { return this.type(String); } /** * Convenience method for setting type to `Number` * * @example * prop.number() * * @return {Property} */

number() { return this.type(Number); } /** * Convenience method for setting type to `Array` * * @example * prop.array() * * @return {Property} */

array() { return this.type(Array); } /** * Convenience method for setting type to `Object` * * @example * prop.object() * * @return {Property} */

object() { return this.type(Object); } /** * Convenience method for setting type to `Date` * * @example * * * @return {Property} */

date() { return this.type(Date); } /** * Registers a validator that checks length. * * @example * prop.length({ min: 8, max: 255 }) * prop.length(10) * * @param {Object|Number} rules - object with `.min` and `.max` properties or a number * @param {Number} rules.min - minimum length * @param {Number} rules.max - maximum length * @return {Property} */

length(rules) { return this._register('length', [rules]); } /** * Registers a validator that checks size. * * @example * prop.size({ min: 8, max: 255 }) * prop.size(10) * * @param {Object|Number} rules - object with `.min` and `.max` properties or a number * @param {Number} rules.min - minimum size * @param {Number} rules.max - maximum size * @return {Property} */

size(rules) { return this._register('size', [rules]); } /** * Registers a validator for enums. * * @example * prop.enum(['cat', 'dog']) * * @param {Array} rules - allowed values * @return {Property} */

enum(enums) { return this._register('enum', [enums]); } /** * Registers a validator that checks if a value matches given `regexp`. * * @example * prop.match(/some\sregular\sexpression/) * * @param {RegExp} regexp - regular expression to match * @return {Property} */

match(regexp) { return this._register('match', [regexp]); } /** * Registers a validator that checks each value in an array against given `rules`. * * @example * prop.each({ type: String }) * prop.each([{ type: Number }]) * prop.each({ things: [{ type: String }]}) * prop.each(schema) * * @param {Array|Object|Schema|Property} rules - rules to use * @return {Property} */

each(rules) { this._schema.path(join('$',, rules);
return this; } /** * Registers paths for array elements on the parent schema, with given array of rules. * * @example * prop.elements([{ type: String }, { type: Number }]) * * @param {Array} arr - array of rules to use * @return {Property} */

elements(arr) { arr.forEach((rules, i) => { this._schema.path(join(i,, rules); }); return this; } /** * Registers all properties from the given object as nested properties * * @example *{ * name: String, * email: String * }) * * @param {Object} props - properties with rules * @return {Property} */

properties(props) { for (const [prop, rule] of Object.entries(props)) { this._schema.path(join(prop,, rule); }
return this; } /** * Proxy method for schema path. Makes chaining properties together easier. * * @example * schema * .path('name').type(String).required() * .path('email').type(String).required() * */

path(path, rules) { return this._schema.path(path, rules); } /** * Typecast given `value` * * @example * prop.type(String) * prop.typecast(123) // => '123' * * @param {Mixed} value - value to typecast * @return {Mixed} */

typecast(value) { const schema = this._schema; let type = this._type; if (!type) return value;
if (typeof type === 'function') { type =; }
const cast = schema.typecasters[type] || typeof type === 'string' && schema.typecasters[type.toLowerCase()];
if (typeof cast !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Typecasting failed: No typecaster defined for ${type.toString()}.`); }
return cast(value); } /** * Validate given `value` * * @example * prop.type(Number) * assert(prop.validate(2) == null) * assert(prop.validate('hello world') instanceof Error) * * @param {Mixed} value - value to validate * @param {Object} ctx - the object containing the value * @param {String} [path] - path of the value being validated * @return {ValidationError} */

validate(value, ctx, path = { const types = Object.keys(this.registry);
for (const type of types) { const err = this._run(type, value, ctx, path);
if (err) return err; }
return null; } /** * Run validator of given `type` * * @param {String} type - type of validator * @param {Mixed} value - value to validate * @param {Object} ctx - the object containing the value * @param {String} path - path of the value being validated * @return {ValidationError} * @private */

_run(type, value, ctx, path) { if (!this.registry[type]) return; const isValidator = this._isValidator; const schema = this._schema; const { args, fn } = this.registry[type]; let validator = false; let valid = false;
if (fn) { validator = fn; } else if (, type)) { validator = schema.validators[type]; }
if (validator) { valid = validator(value, ctx, ...args, path); }
if (!valid) return this._error(type, ctx, args, path); } /** * Register validator * * @param {String} type - type of validator * @param {Array} args - argument to pass to validator * @param {Function} [fn] - custom validation function to call * @return {Property} * @private */

_register(type, args, fn) { this.registry[type] = { args, fn }; return this; } /** * Create an error * * @param {String} type - type of validator * @param {Object} ctx - the object containing the value * @param {Array} args - arguments to pass * @param {String} path - path of the value being validated * @return {ValidationError} * @private */

_error(type, ctx, args, path) { const schema = this._schema; const isMessage = this._isMessage; let message = this.messages[type] || this.messages.default;
if (!message) { if (, type)) { message = schema.messages[type]; } else { message = schema.messages.default; } }
if (typeof message === 'function') { message = message(path, ctx, ...args); }
return new ValidationError(message.toString(), path); }
_isValidator(fnName) { const schema = this._schema; const isProp =, fnName); return isProp && typeof schema.validators[fnName] === 'function'; }
_isMessage(fnName) { const schema = this._schema; const isProp =, fnName); return isProp && typeof schema.messages[fnName] === 'function' || typeof schema.messages[fnName] === 'string'; }
const Messages = { // Type message type(prop, ctx, type) { if (typeof type === 'function') { type =; }
return `${prop} must be of type ${type}.`; },
// Required message required(prop) { return `${prop} is required.`; },
// Match message match(prop, ctx, regexp) { return `${prop} must match ${regexp}.`; },
// Length message length(prop, ctx, len) { if (typeof len === 'number') { return `${prop} must have a length of ${len}.`; }
const { min, max } = len;
if (min && max) { return `${prop} must have a length between ${min} and ${max}.`; }
if (max) { return `${prop} must have a maximum length of ${max}.`; }
if (min) { return `${prop} must have a minimum length of ${min}.`; }
return `${prop} must have a valid length`; },
// Size message size(prop, ctx, size) { if (typeof size === 'number') { return `${prop} must have a size of ${size}.`; }
const { min, max } = size;
if (min !== undefined && max !== undefined) { return `${prop} must be between ${min} and ${max}.`; }
if (max !== undefined) { return `${prop} must be less than ${max}.`; }
if (min !== undefined) { return `${prop} must be greater than ${min}.`; }
return `${prop} must have a valid size`; },
// Enum message enum(prop, ctx, enums) { const copy = enums.slice(); const last = copy.pop(); return `${prop} must be either ${copy.join(', ')} or ${last?.toString()}.`; },
// Illegal property illegal(prop) { return `${prop} is not allowed.`; },
// Default message default(prop) { return `Validation failed for ${prop}.`; }
function compareMagnitudes(len, length) { if ('min' in len) { if (typeof len.min === 'string') len.min = parseInt(len.min); if (typeof len.min === 'number' && length < len.min) return false; }
if ('max' in len) { if (typeof len.max === 'string') len.max = parseInt(len.max); if (typeof len.max === 'number' && length > len.max) return false; }
return true;}/** * Default validators. * * @private */

const Validators = { /** * Validates presence. * * @param {Mixed} value - the value being validated * @param {Object} ctx - the object being validated * @param {Bolean} required * @return {Boolean} */ required(value, ctx, required) { if (required === false) return true; return value !== null && value !== undefined && value !== ''; },
/** * Validates type. * * @param {Mixed} value - the value being validated * @param {Object} ctx - the object being validated * @param {String|Function} name name of the type or a constructor * @return {Boolean} */ type(value, ctx, name) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return true;
if (typeof name === 'function' && value !== null && isSomething(value) && hasConstructor(value)) { return value['constructor'] === name; }
return getType(value) === name; },
/** * Validates length. * * @param {String} value the string being validated * @param {Object} ctx the object being validated * @param {Object|Number} rules object with .min and/or .max props or a number * @param {Number} [rules.min] - minimum length * @param {Number} [rules.max] - maximum length * @return {Boolean} */ length(value, ctx, len) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return true;
if (typeof len === 'number') { return value.length === len; }
return compareMagnitudes(len, value.length); },
/** * Validates size. * * @param {Number} value the number being validated * @param {Object} ctx the object being validated * @param {Object|Number} size object with .min and/or .max props or a number * @param {String|Number} [size.min] - minimum size * @param {String|Number} [size.max] - maximum size * @return {Boolean} */ size(value, ctx, size) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return true;
if (typeof size === 'number') { return value === size; }
return compareMagnitudes(size, value); },
/** * Validates enums. * * @param {String} value the string being validated * @param {Object} ctx the object being validated * @param {Array} enums array with allowed values * @return {Boolean} */ enum(value, ctx, enums) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return true; return enums.includes(value); },
/** * Validates against given `regexp`. * * @param {String} value the string beign validated * @param {Object} ctx the object being validated * @param {RegExp} regexp the regexp to validate against * @return {Boolean} */ match(value, ctx, regexp) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return true; return regexp.test(value); }
const dot$1 = dot;const typecast$1 = typecast;/** * @module Schema */
/** * A Schema defines the structure that objects should be validated against. * @example * const post = new Schema({ * title: { * type: String, * required: true, * length: { min: 1, max: 255 } * }, * content: { * type: String, * required: true * }, * published: { * type: Date, * required: true * }, * keywords: [{ type: String }] * }) * * @param {Object} [obj] - schema definition * @param {Object} [opts] - options * @param {Boolean} [opts.typecast=false] - typecast values before validation * @param {Boolean} [opts.strip=true] - strip properties not defined in the schema * @param {Boolean} [opts.strict=false] - validation fails when object contains properties not defined in the schema */
class Schema { constructor(obj = {}, opts = {}) { this.opts = opts; this.hooks = []; this.props = {}; this.messages = Object.assign({}, Messages); this.validators = Object.assign({}, Validators); this.typecasters = Object.assign({}, typecast$1.casters); Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => this.path(k, obj[k])); } /** * Create or update `path` with given `rules`. * * @example * const schema = new Schema() * schema.path('name.first', { type: String }) * schema.path('name.last').type(String).required() * * @param {String} path - full path using dot-notation * @param {Object|Array|String|Schema|Property} [rules] - rules to apply * @return {Property} */

path(path, rules) { const parts = path.split('.'); const suffix = parts.pop(); const prefix = parts.join('.'); // Make sure full path is created
if (prefix) { this.path(prefix); } // Array index placeholder

if (suffix === '$') { this.path(prefix).type(Array); } // Catchall Object placeholder

if (suffix === '*') { this.path(prefix).type(Object); } // Nested schema

if (rules instanceof Schema) { rules.hook((k, v) => this.path(join(k, path), v)); return this.path(path, rules.props); } // Return early when given a `Property`

if (rules instanceof Property) { this.props[path] = rules; // Notify parents if mounted
this.propagate(path, rules); return rules; }
const prop = this.props[path] || new Property(path, this); this.props[path] = prop; // Notify parents if mounted
this.propagate(path, prop); // No rules?
if (!rules) return prop; // type shorthand // `{ name: String }`
if (typeof rules === 'string' || typeof rules === 'function') { prop.type(rules); return prop; } // Allow arrays to be defined implicitly: // `{ keywords: [String] }` // `{ keyVal: [[String, Number]] }`

if (Array.isArray(rules)) { prop.type(Array);
if (rules.length === 1) { if (isRule(rules[0])) { prop.each(rules[0]); } } else { if (rules.every(x => isRule(x))) { prop.elements(rules); } }
return prop; }
const keys = Object.keys(rules); let nested = false; // Check for nested objects
for (const key of keys) { if (isWholeObject(prop) && typeof prop[key] === 'function') continue; prop.type(Object); nested = true; break; }
keys.forEach(key => { const rule = rules[key];
if (isRule(rule)) { if (nested) { return this.path(join(key, path), rule); }
if (isWholeObject(prop)) { const pathFn = prop[key];
if (typeof pathFn === 'function') {, rule); } } } }); return prop; } /** * Typecast given `obj`. * * @param {Object} obj - the object to typecast * @return {Schema} * @private */

typecast(obj) { for (const [path, prop] of Object.entries(this.props)) { if (isWholeObject(obj)) { enumerate(path, obj, (key, value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) return; const cast = prop.typecast(value); if (cast === value) return; dot$1.set(obj, key, cast); }); } }
return this; } /** * Strip all keys not defined in the schema * * @param {Object} obj - the object to strip * @param {String} [prefix] * @return {Schema} * @private */

strip(obj) { walk(obj, (path, prop, isCatchall = false) => { if (isLimitedKey(prop) && this.props[prop]) return true; if (isCatchall) return false; if (isWholeObject(obj)) dot$1.delete(obj, path); return false; }); return this; } /** * Create errors for all properties that are not defined in the schema * * @param {Object} obj - the object to check * @return {Schema} * @private */

enforce(obj) { const errors = []; walk(obj, (path, prop, isCatchall = false) => { if (isLimitedKey(prop) && this.props[prop]) return true; if (isCatchall) return false; const error = new ValidationError(Messages.illegal(path), path); errors.push(error); return false; }); return errors; } /** * Validate given `obj`. * * @example * const schema = new Schema({ name: { required: true }}) * const errors = schema.validate({}) * assert(errors.length == 1) * assert(errors[0].message == 'name is required') * assert(errors[0].path == 'name') * * @param {Object} obj - the object to validate * @param {Object} [opts] - options, see [Schema](#schema-1) * @return {Array} */

validate(obj, opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign(this.opts, opts); const errors = [];
if (opts.typecast) { this.typecast(obj); }
if (opts.strict) { errors.push(...this.enforce(obj)); }
if (opts.strip !== false) { this.strip(obj); }
for (const [path, prop] of Object.entries(this.props)) { enumerate(path, obj, (key, value) => { const err = prop.validate(value, obj, key); if (err) errors.push(err); }); }
return errors; } /** * Assert that given `obj` is valid. * * @example * const schema = new Schema({ name: String }) * schema.assert({ name: 1 }) // Throws an error * * @param {Object} obj * @param {Object} [opts] */

assert(obj, opts) { const [err] = this.validate(obj, opts); if (err) throw err; }
message(name, message) { assign(name, message, this.messages); return this; }
validator(name, fn) { assign(name, fn, this.validators); return this; }
typecaster(name, fn) { assign(name, fn, this.typecasters); return this; } /** * Accepts a function that is called whenever new props are added. * * @param {Function} fn - the function to call * @return {Schema} * @private */

hook(fn) { this.hooks.push(fn); return this; } /** * Notify all subscribers that a property has been added. * * @param {String} path - the path of the property * @param {Property} prop - the new property * @return {Schema} * @private */

propagate(path, prop) { this.hooks.forEach(fn => fn(path, prop)); return this; }
}Schema.ValidationError = ValidationError;
export { Schema, dot$1 as dot, typecast$1 as typecast };