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πŸ’Š Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
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import { useCallback, useDebugValue, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useReducer, useRef,} from 'react'import { affectedToPathList, createProxy as createProxyToCompare, isChanged,} from 'proxy-compare'import { createMutableSource, useMutableSource } from './useMutableSource'import { getVersion, snapshot, subscribe } from './vanilla'
// Unfortunatly, this doesn't work with tsc.// Hope to find a solution to make this work.//// class SnapshotWrapper<T extends object> {// fn(p: T) {// return snapshot(p)// }// }// type Snapshot<T extends object> = ReturnType<SnapshotWrapper<T>['fn']>//// Using copy-paste types for now:type AsRef = { $$valtioRef: true }type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => anytype Snapshot<T> = T extends AnyFunction ? T : T extends AsRef ? T : T extends Promise<infer V> ? Snapshot<V> : { readonly [K in keyof T]: Snapshot<T[K]> }
const isSSR = typeof window === 'undefined' || !window.navigator || /ServerSideRendering|^Deno\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = isSSR ? useEffect : useLayoutEffect
const useAffectedDebugValue = <State>( state: State, affected: WeakMap<object, unknown>) => { const pathList = useRef<(string | number | symbol)[][]>() useEffect(() => { pathList.current = affectedToPathList(state, affected) }) useDebugValue(pathList.current)}
const mutableSourceCache = new WeakMap<object, unknown>()const getMutableSource = <T extends object>(proxyObject: T) => { // Note this is just for inferring type const create = () => createMutableSource(proxyObject, getVersion) type MutableSource = ReturnType<typeof create> if (!mutableSourceCache.has(proxyObject)) { mutableSourceCache.set( proxyObject, createMutableSource(proxyObject, getVersion) ) } return mutableSourceCache.get(proxyObject) as MutableSource}
type Options = { sync?: boolean}
/** * useSnapshot * * Create a local snapshot that catches changes. This hook actually returns a wrapped snapshot in a proxy for * render optimization instead of a plain object compared to `snapshot()` method. * Rule of thumb: read from snapshots, mutate the source. * The component will only re-render when the parts of the state you access have changed, it is render-optimized. * * @example A * function Counter() { * const snap = useSnapshot(state) * return ( * <div> * {snap.count} * <button onClick={() => ++state.count}>+1</button> * </div> * ) * } * * [Notes] * Every object inside your proxy also becomes a proxy (if you don't use "ref"), so you can also use them to create * the local snapshot as seen on example B. * * @example B * function ProfileName() { * const snap = useSnapshot(state.profile) * return ( * <div> * {} * </div> * ) * } * * Beware that you still can replace the child proxy with something else so it will break your snapshot. You can see * above what happens with the original proxy when you replace the child proxy. * * > console.log(state) * { profile: { name: "valtio" } } * > childState = state.profile * > console.log(childState) * { name: "valtio" } * > = "react" * > console.log(childState) * { name: "react" } * > state.profile = { name: "new name" } * > console.log(childState) * { name: "react" } * > console.log(state) * { profile: { name: "new name" } } * * `useSnapshot()` depends on the original reference of the child proxy so if you replace it with a new one, the component * that is subscribed to the old proxy won't receive new updates because it is still subscribed to the old one. * * In this case we recommend the example C or D. On both examples you don't need to worry with re-render, * because it is render-optimized. * * @example C * const snap = useSnapshot(state) * return ( * <div> * {} * </div> * ) * * @example D * const { profile } = useSnapshot(state) * return ( * <div> * {} * </div> * ) */export const useSnapshot = <T extends object>( proxyObject: T, options?: Options): Snapshot<T> => { const forceUpdate = useReducer((c) => c + 1, 0)[1] const affected = new WeakMap() const lastAffected = useRef<typeof affected>() const prevSnapshot = useRef<Snapshot<T>>() const lastSnapshot = useRef<Snapshot<T>>() useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { lastSnapshot.current = prevSnapshot.current = snapshot(proxyObject) }, [proxyObject]) useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { lastAffected.current = affected if ( prevSnapshot.current !== lastSnapshot.current && isChanged( prevSnapshot.current, lastSnapshot.current, affected, new WeakMap() ) ) { prevSnapshot.current = lastSnapshot.current forceUpdate() } }) const notifyInSync = options?.sync const sub = useCallback( (proxyObject: T, cb: () => void) => subscribe( proxyObject, () => { const nextSnapshot = snapshot(proxyObject) lastSnapshot.current = nextSnapshot try { if ( lastAffected.current && !isChanged( prevSnapshot.current, nextSnapshot, lastAffected.current, new WeakMap() ) ) { // not changed return } } catch (e) { // ignore if a promise or something is thrown } prevSnapshot.current = nextSnapshot cb() }, notifyInSync ), [notifyInSync] ) const currSnapshot = useMutableSource( getMutableSource(proxyObject), snapshot, sub ) if (typeof process === 'object' && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks useAffectedDebugValue(currSnapshot, affected) } const proxyCache = useMemo(() => new WeakMap(), []) // per-hook proxyCache return createProxyToCompare(currSnapshot, affected, proxyCache)}