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πŸ’Š Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
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import { StrictMode, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'import { fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react'import { proxy, ref, useSnapshot } from 'valtio'
const consoleError = console.errorbeforeEach(() => { console.error = jest.fn((message) => { if ( process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && message.startsWith('act(...) is not supported in production') ) { return } consoleError(message) })})afterEach(() => { console.error = consoleError})
it('should trigger re-render setting objects with ref wrapper', async () => { const obj = proxy({ nested: ref({ count: 0 }) })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) const commitsRef = useRef(1) useEffect(() => { commitsRef.current += 1 }) return ( <> <div> count: {snap.nested.count} ({commitsRef.current}) </div> <button onClick={() => (obj.nested = ref({ count: 0 }))}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <> <Counter /> </> )
await findByText('count: 0 (1)')'button')) await findByText('count: 0 (2)')})
it('should not track object wrapped in ref assigned to proxy state', async () => { const obj = proxy<{ ui: JSX.Element | null }>({ ui: null })
const Component = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> {snap.ui || <span>original</span>} <button onClick={() => (obj.ui = ref(<span>replace</span>))}> button </button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Component /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('original')'button')) await findByText('replace')})
it('should not trigger re-render when mutating object wrapped in ref', async () => { const obj = proxy({ nested: ref({ count: 0 }) })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>count: {snap.nested.count}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.nested.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 0')'button')) await findByText('count: 0')})