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πŸ’Š Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
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import { bundleMDX } from "mdx-bundler";import fs from "fs";import matter from "gray-matter";import path from "path";import { getAllFilesRecursively, slugify } from "_utils/file_helpers";import { remarkCodeSandboxURLUpdater } from "./remarkCodeSandboxURLUpdater";
// Remark packagesimport remarkGfm from "remark-gfm";import oembedTransformer from "@remark-embedder/transformer-oembed";import remarkEmbedder from "@remark-embedder/core";import type { TransformerInfo } from "@remark-embedder/core";import { remarkMdxImages } from "remark-mdx-images";
// Rehype packagesimport rehypePrismPlus from "rehype-prism-plus";import rehypeSlug from "rehype-slug";import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from "rehype-autolink-headings";import type * as U from "unified";
const root = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "../");const docsPath = path.join(root, "docs");
function handleEmbedderError({ url }: { url: string }) { return `<p>Error embedding <a href="${url}">${url}</a>.`;}
type GottenHTML = string | null;function handleEmbedderHtml(html: GottenHTML, info: TransformerInfo) { if (!html) return null;
const url = new URL(info.url); // matches and if (/youtu\.?be/.test(url.hostname)) { // this allows us to set youtube embeds to 100% width and the // height will be relative to that width with a good aspect ratio return makeEmbed(html, "youtube"); } if (url.hostname.includes("")) { return makeEmbed(html, "codesandbox"); } return html;}
function makeEmbed(html: string, type: string) { return ` <div class="embed" data-embed-type="${type}"> <div style="padding-bottom: 18px;"> ${html} </div> </div>`;}
const remarkPlugins: U.PluggableList = [ [ // @ts-expect-error remarkEmbedder, { handleError: handleEmbedderError, handleHTML: handleEmbedderHtml, transformers: [oembedTransformer], }, ],];
export function getAllDocs() { const files = getAllFilesRecursively(docsPath); // Only want to return docs/path and ignore root, replace is needed to work on Windows return => file.slice(docsPath.length + 1).replace(/\\/g, "/") );}
export function formatSlug(slug: string) { return slug.replace(/\.(mdx|md)/, "");}
export function getSlugs(p: string) { return formatSlug(p).split("/").map(slugify);}
export function dateSortDesc(a: any, b: any) { if (a > b) return -1; if (a < b) return 1; return 0;}
function getSourceFromSlug(slug: string) { const mdxPath = path.join(docsPath, slug);
return fs.readFileSync(mdxPath, "utf8");}
export async function getDocBySlug(slug: string) { const mdxPath = path.join(docsPath, `${slug}.mdx`); const mdPath = path.join(docsPath, `${slug}.md`); const source = fs.existsSync(mdxPath) ? fs.readFileSync(mdxPath, "utf8") : fs.readFileSync(mdPath, "utf8");
// if (process.platform === "win32") { process.env.ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH = path.join( root, "node_modules", "esbuild", "esbuild.exe" ); } else { process.env.ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH = path.join( root, "node_modules", "esbuild", "bin", "esbuild" ); }
// Parsing frontmatter here to pass it in as options to rehype plugin const { data: frontmatter } = matter(source); const cwd = path.dirname(mdxPath); const { code } = await bundleMDX({ source, // mdx imports can be automatically source from the components directory // cwd: path.join(root, "components"), cwd, xdmOptions(options) { // this is the recommended way to add custom remark/rehype plugins: // The syntax might look weird, but it protects you in case we add/remove // plugins in the future. options.remarkPlugins = [ ...(options.remarkPlugins ?? []), remarkCodeSandboxURLUpdater, rehypeSlug, [rehypeAutolinkHeadings, { behavior: "wrap" }], remarkGfm, remarkMdxImages, ...remarkPlugins, ]; options.rehypePlugins = [ ...(options.rehypePlugins ?? []), rehypeSlug, rehypeAutolinkHeadings, [rehypePrismPlus, { ignoreMissing: true }], ]; return options; }, esbuildOptions: (options) => { options.loader = { ...options.loader, ".js": "jsx", ".ts": "tsx", ".svg": "dataurl", ".png": "dataurl", }; options.outdir = path.join(root, "build"); // Set the public path to /img options.publicPath = "/docs/img";
// Set write to true so that esbuild will output the files. options.write = true;
return options; }, });
return { mdxSource: code, frontMatter: { slug: slug || null, fileName: fs.existsSync(mdxPath) ? `${slug}.mdx` : `${slug}.md`, ...frontmatter, date: ? new Date( : null, }, };}
export async function getAllFilesFrontMatter(folder: string) { const prefixPaths = path.join(docsPath, folder);
const files = getAllFilesRecursively(prefixPaths);
const allFrontMatter: any[] = [];
files.forEach((file) => { // Replace is needed to work on Windows const fileName = file.slice(prefixPaths.length + 1).replace(/\\/g, "/"); // Remove Unexpected File if (path.extname(fileName) !== ".md" && path.extname(fileName) !== ".mdx") { return; } const source = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); const { data: frontmatter } = matter(source); if (frontmatter.draft !== true) { allFrontMatter.push({ ...frontmatter, slug: getSlugs(fileName), date: ? new Date( : null, }); } });
return allFrontMatter.sort((a, b) => dateSortDesc(,;}
const removeExtension = (path: string) => { return path.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");};
const getTitle = (path: string) => { return removeExtension(path.split("/").pop() || "");};
function prepareDoc(doc: string) { const slugs = getSlugs(doc); const href = `/docs/${"/")}`; const source = getSourceFromSlug(doc); const { data: frontmatter } = matter(source); const title = frontmatter.title ?? getTitle(doc); // console.log(frontmatter); return { title, href, slug: slugs[slugs.length - 1], };}
export function getDocsMap(): Record<string, Navigation> { const docs = getAllDocs(); return docs.reduce((acc, d) => { const doc = prepareDoc(d);
return { ...acc, [doc.slug]: doc as Navigation }; }, {});}
export function getDocsNav(): Record<string, Navigation[]> { const pages = getDocsMap(); return { Introduction: [pages["getting-started"]], Basic: [pages["proxy"], pages["useSnapshot"]], Advanced: [pages["ref"], pages["subscribe"], pages["snapshot"]], Utils: [ pages["subscribeKey"], pages["watch"], pages["devtools"], pages["derive"], pages["proxyWithComputed"], pages["proxyWithHistory"], pages["proxySet"], pages["proxyMap"], ], Hacks: [pages["getVersion"], pages["unstable_getHandler"]], Resources: [pages["community"], pages["libraries"], pages["learn"]], };}