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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
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#!/bin/bash# requires following packages:# - git; I believe already installed.# - sed; GNU sed is preferred. POSIX sed may not work.
function main() { cd `dirname ${0}`
# check version number if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo -e "\033[1;41mERROR:\033[0;39m Specify package version" >&2 return 2 fi if [[ ! $1 =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ]]; then echo -e "\033[1;41mERROR:\033[0;39m Use \"Semantic Versioning\" for version:" >&2 return 2 fi
# check current branch local CURRENT_BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` if [ ${CURRENT_BRANCH} != ${BASE_BRANCH} ]; then echo -e "\033[1;41mERROR:\033[0;39m Work on \033[1;31m${BASE_BRANCH}\033[0;39m branch" >&2 echo -e "\tgit checkout ${BASE_BRANCH}" >&2 return 2 fi
local VERSION=$1 local BRANCH="feature-v${VERSION}" local TAG="v${VERSION}"
create_branch ${BRANCH} && update_changelog ${VERSION} && update_package_version ${VERSION} && update_dependencies_version && regenerate_npm_shrinkwrap && verify_package && commit_changes ${VERSION} && finish ${VERSION} ${BRANCH} ${TAG}}
function create_branch() { local BRANCH=$1
git checkout -b ${BRANCH} ${BASE_BRANCH}}
function update_changelog() { local VERSION=$1 local DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
sed -i".bak" -r \ -e "s/^((##\s+)\[Unreleased\])$/\1\n\n\2[${VERSION}] - ${DATE}/" \ -e "s/^(\[Unreleased\](.*))(v.*)\.\.\.HEAD$/\1v${VERSION}...HEAD\n[${VERSION}]\2\3...v${VERSION}/" \}
function update_package_version() { local VERSION=$1
sed -i".bak" -r \ -e "s/(\"version\"\s*:\s*)\".*?\"/\1\"${VERSION}\"/" \ package.json}
function update_dependencies_version() { npm run check-updates -- -u}
function regenerate_npm_shrinkwrap() { rm -rf npm-shrinkwrap.json node_modules && npm install && npm shrinkwrap}
function verify_package() { npm test && npm run lint}
function commit_changes() { local VERSION=$1
git add package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json && git commit -m "version ${VERSION}"}
function finish() { local VERSION=$1 local BRANCH=$2 local TAG=$3
echo -e "Branch \033[1;31m${BRANCH}\033[0;39m has been created." echo -e "Reamining processes are..." echo -e "" echo -e "1. Make sure all changes are correct" echo -e "\tgit diff develop ${BRANCH}" echo -e "2. Push to remote origin" echo -e "\tgit push --set-upstream origin ${BRANCH}" echo -e "3. Visit ${URL_PRODUCT}" echo -e "4. Create a pull-request: \033[1;31m${BRANCH}\033[0;39m to \033[1;31mdevelop\033[0;39m" echo -e "\tselect \033[1;32mSquash and merge\033[0;39m" echo -e "5. Create a pull-request: \033[1;31mdevelop\033[0;39m to \033[1;31mmaster\033[0;39m" echo -e "\tselect \033[1;32mCreate a merge commit\033[0;39m" echo -e "6. Create release: ${URL_RELEASE}" echo -e "\tTag version: \033[1;31m${TAG}\033[0;39m" echo -e "\tTarget: \033[1;31mmaster\033[0;39m" echo -e "\tRelease title: \033[1;31mnode-adjuster ${VERSION} released\033[0;39m" echo -e "\tDescription this release: (see" echo -e "7. Publish!" echo -e "\tnpm publish --access=public" echo -e "" echo -e "That's all!"}
main "$@"