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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
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import adjuster from "adjuster"; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
{ describe("adjust", testAdjust); describe("error", testError);}
/** * test for adjust multiple variables * @returns {void} */function testAdjust(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { const constraints = { id: adjuster.number().minValue(1), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(16, true), age: adjuster.number().integer(true).minValue(0), email:, state: adjuster.string().only("active", "inactive"), classes: adjuster.array().separatedBy(",").each(adjuster.number(), true), skills: adjuster.array().separatedBy(",").each(adjuster.string(), true), credit_card: adjuster.numericString().separatedBy("-").checksum(adjuster.NUMERIC_STRING.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM.CREDIT_CARD), remote_addr: adjuster.string().pattern(adjuster.STRING.PATTERN.IPV4), remote_addr_ipv6: adjuster.string().pattern(adjuster.STRING.PATTERN.IPV6), limit: adjuster.number().integer().default(10).minValue(1, true).maxValue(100, true), offset: adjuster.number().integer().default(0).minValue(0, true), }; const input = { id: "1", name: "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Ciprin Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso", age: 20.5, email: "", state: "active", classes: "1,3,abc,4", skills: "c,c++,javascript,python,,swift,kotlin", credit_card: "4111-1111-1111-1111", remote_addr: "", remote_addr_ipv6: "::1", limit: "0", }; const expected = { id: 1, name: "Pablo Diego José", age: 20, email: "", state: "active", classes: [1, 3, 4], skills: ["c", "c++", "javascript", "python", "swift", "kotlin"], credit_card: "4111111111111111", remote_addr: "", remote_addr_ipv6: "::1", limit: 1, offset: 0, };
const adjusted = adjuster.adjust(input, constraints); expect(adjusted).toEqual(expected); });}
/** * error handling * @returns {void} */function testError(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { const constraints = { id: adjuster.number().minValue(1), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(16, true), email:, }; const input = { id: 0, // error! (>= 1) name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed) email: "", // OK }; const expected = { id: 100, email: "", };
const adjusted = adjuster.adjust(input, constraints, (err) => { if(err === null) { // adjustment finished return; }
switch(err.keyStack.shift()) { case "id": return 100; } }); expect(adjusted).toEqual(expected); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { const constraints = {}; const input = 0;
adjuster.adjust(input, constraints); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.TYPE); // input must be an object
expect(() => { const constraints = {}; const input = null;
adjuster.adjust(input, constraints); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.TYPE); // input must be an object; typeof null === "object"
expect(() => { const constraints = {}; const input = [];
adjuster.adjust(input, constraints); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.TYPE); // input must be an object; typeof [] === "object"
expect(() => { const constraints = { id: adjuster.number().minValue(1), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(16, true), email:, }; const input = { id: 0, // error! (>= 1) name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed) email: "", // OK };
adjuster.adjust(input, constraints, generateErrorHandler());
/** * error handler generator * @returns {ErrorHandler} error handler */ function generateErrorHandler() { const messages = []; return (err) => { if(err === null) { // adjustment finished; join key name as message throw new Error(messages.join(",")); }
if(err.keyStack.length === 0) { return; } // append key name messages.push(err.keyStack[0]); }; } }).toThrow("id,name");
expect(() => { const constraints = { id: adjuster.number().minValue(1), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(16, true), email:, }; const input = { id: 0, // error! (>= 1) name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed) email: "", // OK };
adjuster.adjust(input, constraints); }).toThrow(); // throw a first error if error handler is omitted
try { const constraints = { id: adjuster.number().minValue(1), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(4, true), }; const input = { id: "0", name: "John Doe", dummy: true, }; adjuster.object().constraints(constraints) .adjust(input); expect(true).toEqual(false); } catch(err) { expect(err.cause).toEqual(adjuster.CAUSE.MIN_VALUE); expect(err.keyStack).toEqual(["id"]); }
try { const constraints = { ids: adjuster.array().each(adjuster.number().minValue(1)), }; const input = { ids: [true, "2", "+3", "four", 5], }; adjuster.object().constraints(constraints) .adjust(input); expect(true).toEqual(false); } catch(err) { expect(err.cause).toEqual(adjuster.CAUSE.TYPE); expect(err.keyStack).toEqual(["ids", 3]); }
try { // complex constraints const constraints = { infoList: adjuster.array().each(adjuster.object().constraints({ id: adjuster.number(), name: adjuster.string().maxLength(8), })), }; const input = { infoList: [ { id: "1", name: "John Doe", }, { id: "two", // ERROR! name: "John Doe", }, { id: 3, name: "John Doe 2", // ERROR! }, ], }; adjuster.object().constraints(constraints) .adjust(input); expect(true).toEqual(false); } catch(err) { expect(err.cause).toEqual(adjuster.CAUSE.TYPE); expect(err.keyStack).toEqual(["infoList", 1, "id"]); } });}