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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, Deno, and Bun
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import vs from "value-schema";import {describe, expect, it} from "@jest/globals";import {camel} from "case";
{ describe("type", testType); describe("ifUndefined", testIfUndefined); describe("ifNull", testIfNull); describe("ifEmptyString", testIfEmptyString); describe("schema", testSchema); describe("converter", testConverter);}
/** * type */function testType(): void{ it("should be OK", () => { expect( vs.object().applyTo({}) ).toEqual({});
expect( vs.object().applyTo({ abc: 1, xyz: 2, }) ).toEqual({ abc: 1, xyz: 2, }); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { vs.object().applyTo(123); }).toThrow(vs.CAUSE.TYPE); });}
/** * if undefined */function testIfUndefined(): void{ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect( vs.object({ ifUndefined: {}, }).applyTo(undefined) ).toEqual({}); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { vs.object().applyTo(undefined); }).toThrow(vs.CAUSE.UNDEFINED); });}
/** * if null */function testIfNull(): void{ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect( vs.object({ ifNull: {}, }).applyTo(null) ).toEqual({});
expect( vs.object({ ifNull: null, }).applyTo(null) ).toEqual(null); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { vs.object().applyTo(null); }).toThrow(vs.CAUSE.NULL); });}
/** * if empty string */function testIfEmptyString(): void{ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect( vs.object({ ifEmptyString: {}, }).applyTo("") ).toEqual({});
expect( vs.object({ ifEmptyString: null, }).applyTo("") ).toEqual(null); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { vs.object().applyTo(""); }).toThrow(vs.CAUSE.EMPTY_STRING); });}
/** * schema */function testSchema(): void{ it("should be adjusted", () => { const schemaObject = { id: vs.number({ minValue: 1, }), name: vs.string({ maxLength: { length: 4, trims: true, }, }), }; const input = { id: "123", name: "John Doe", dummy: true, }; const expected = { id: 123, name: "John", }; expect( vs.object({ schemaObject: schemaObject, }).applyTo(input) ).toEqual(expected); });}
/** * converter */function testConverter(): void{ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect( vs.object({ converter: (values) => { // converts case of keys to camelCase return Object.entries(values).reduce((prev, [key, value]) => { return { ...prev, [camel(key)]: value, }; }, {}); }, }).applyTo({ "first name": "John", "last-name": "Doe", "credit_card": "4111111111111111", }) ).toEqual({ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", creditCard: "4111111111111111", }); });}