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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, Deno, and Bun
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types and constants


The ValueSchemaError object represents an error.

ambient declaration

export interface ValueSchemaError extends Error
    name: string
    message: string
    rule: string
    value: any
    keyStack: (string | number)[]

     * check whether error is instance of ValueSchemaError or not
     * @param err error to check
     * @returns Yes/No
    static is(err: unknown): err is ValueSchemaError;


name description
name "ValueSchemaError"
message human-readable description of the error, including a string rule
rule the rule that input value didn’t satisfy; see RULE
value value to apply
keyStack array consists of path to key name(for object) or index(for array) that caused error; for nested object or array

See below example. For detail about schema / value-schema, see basic usage

import vs from "value-schema";
import assert from "assert";

// {foo: Array<{bar: {baz: number}}>}
const schemaObject = {
    foo: vs.array({
        each: vs.object({
            schemaObject: {
                bar: vs.object({
                    schemaObject: {
                        baz: vs.number(),
const input = {
    foo: [
            bar: {
                baz: 1,
            bar: {
                baz: 2,
        { // index 2
            bar: {
                baz: "three", // ERROR!
            bar: {
                baz: 4,
    () => {
        vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input);
        name: "ValueSchemaError",
        rule: vs.RULE.TYPE,
        keyStack: ["foo", 2, "bar", "baz"], // route to error key/index: object(key="foo") -> array(index=2) -> object(key="bar") -> object(key="baz")


The rule that input value didn’t satisfy.

For more information, see below examples.


Rounding mode.

For more information, see number.


Checksum algorithms for numeric string.

For more information, see numeric string.


Regular expressions for string.

For more information, see string.


Precisions for unixtime.

For more information, see date.