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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, Deno, and Bun
import * as assert from "bun:assert";import vs from "value-schema";
const schemaObject = { // schema for input id: vs.number({ // number, >=1 minValue: 1, }), name: vs.string({ // string, max 16 characters (trims if over) maxLength: { length: 16, trims: true, }, }), birthday:, age: vs.number({ // number, integer (trims if decimal), >=0 integer: vs.NUMBER.INTEGER.FLOOR_RZ, minValue: 0, }), email:, // email state: vs.string({ // string, accepts only "active" and "inactive" only: ["active", "inactive"], }), classes: vs.array({ // array of number, separated by ",", ignores errors separatedBy: ",", each: { schema: vs.number(), ignoresErrors: true, }, }), skills: vs.array({ // array of string, separated by ",", ignores errors separatedBy: ",", each: { schema: vs.string(), ignoresErrors: true, }, }), creditCard: vs.numericString({ // numeric string, separated by "-", checks by Luhn algorithm separatedBy: "-", checksum: vs.NUMERIC_STRING.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM.CREDIT_CARD, }), remoteAddr: vs.string({ // IPv4 pattern: vs.STRING.PATTERN.IPV4, }), remoteAddrIpv6: vs.string({ // IPv6 pattern: vs.STRING.PATTERN.IPV6, }), limit: vs.number({ // number, integer, omittable (sets 10 if omitted), >=1 (sets 1 if less), <=100 (sets 100 if greater) ifUndefined: 10, integer: true, minValue: { value: 1, adjusts: true, }, maxValue: { value: 100, adjusts: true, }, }), offset: vs.number({ // number, integer, omittable (sets 0 if omitted), >=0 (sets 0 if less) ifUndefined: 0, integer: true, minValue: { value: 0, adjusts: true, }, }),};const input = { // input values id: "1", name: "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Ciprin Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso", birthday: "2000-01-02T03:04:05.678Z", age: 20.5, email: "", state: "active", classes: "1,3,abc,4", skills: "c,c++,javascript,python,,swift,kotlin", creditCard: "4111-1111-1111-1111", remoteAddr: "", remoteAddrIpv6: "::1", limit: "0",};const expected = { // should be transformed to this id: 1, name: "Pablo Diego José", birthday: new Date("2000-01-02T03:04:05.678Z"), age: 20, email: "", state: "active", classes: [1, 3, 4], skills: ["c", "c++", "javascript", "python", "swift", "kotlin"], creditCard: "4111111111111111", remoteAddr: "", remoteAddrIpv6: "::1", limit: 1, offset: 0,};
// Let's apply!const actual = vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input);
// verificationassert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
console.log("Bun: OK!🎉");