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A small router middleware for vanilla-js.
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// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anytype TRet = any;type TObject = Record<string, TRet>;export type NextFunction = (err?: Error) => TRet;export interface Context { params: TObject; lazy(file: string, name?: string): void; html: TRet; cleanup(fn: () => void): void; useVanilla(fn: () => void): void; go(url: string, type?: string): void; url: string; pathname: string; [k: string]: TRet;}
export type Handler< Ctx extends Context = Context,> = ( ctx: Ctx, next: NextFunction,) => TRet;
type TOptions = { render: (elem: TRet) => TRet; base?: string; hash?: boolean;};
function concatRegexp(prefix: string, path: RegExp) { if (prefix === "") return path; const regex = new RegExp(prefix); return new RegExp(regex.source + path.source);}
const w = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {} as Window & { [k: string]: TRet };
export class VanRouter<Ctx extends Context = Context> { routes: TObject[] = []; private render: (elem: TRet) => TRet; private base = ""; private hash = true; private wares: Handler[] = []; private current!: string; private unmount!: (() => void) | undefined; private vNow = "?v=" +; private cFile = (file: string) => file.indexOf("?") !== -1 ? file.split("?")[0] : file; private controller: TObject = {}; private _onError = (_err: Error, _ctx: Ctx) => { return ""; }; constructor(opts: TOptions) { this.render = opts.render; if (opts.base !== void 0) this.base = opts.base; if (this.base === "/") this.base = ""; if (opts.hash !== void 0) this.hash = opts.hash; }
add(path: string | RegExp, ...fns: Array<Handler<Ctx>>): this; add(path: string | RegExp) { const fns = [], 1); if (path instanceof RegExp) { const regex = concatRegexp(this.base, path); this.routes.push({ fns, regex }); return this; } path = this.base + path; const str = path .replace(/\/$/, "") .replace(/:(\w+)(\?)?(\.)?/g, "$2(?<$1>[^/]+)$2$3") .replace(/(\/?)\*/g, (_, p) => `(${p}.*)?`) .replace(/\.(?=[\w(])/, "\\."); const regex = new RegExp(`^${str}/*$`); this.routes.push({ fns, regex }); return this; }
match(path: string) { let fns: TRet, params = {}, j = 0, el: TObject; const arr = this.routes, len = arr.length; while (j < len) { el = arr[j]; if (el.regex.test(path)) { params = el.regex.exec(path).groups || {}; fns = el.fns; break; } j++; } return { fns, params }; }
use(...fns: Array<Handler<Ctx>>): this; use() { this.wares = this.wares.concat([]; return this; }
handle() { if (this.unmount !== void 0) { this.unmount(); this.unmount = void 0; } let { pathname, search, hash: h } = w.location, i = 0, mount: TRet; if (h) { if (pathname[pathname.length - 1] === "/") { pathname = pathname.slice(0, -1); } pathname = (pathname === "/" ? "/" : pathname + "/") + h.substring(2); this.current = h + search; } else this.current = pathname + search; if (this.current !== "/") { if (this.hash && this.current[0] !== "#") { console.error( "use hash (#) in href. (requires config hash)", ); return; } if (!this.hash && this.current[0] === "#") { console.error( "don't use hash (#) in href. (requires config hash)", ); return; } } let { fns, params } = this.match(pathname); const ctx = {} as Ctx; ctx.url = this.current; ctx.pathname = pathname; ctx.params = params; ctx.go = this.goPath; ctx.cleanup = (fn) => { this.unmount = fn; }; ctx.useVanilla = (fn) => { mount = fn; }; ctx.html = this.html; const render = (elem: TRet) => { this.render(elem); this.listenLink(); if (mount) mount(); }; const next: NextFunction = (err) => { let ret: TRet; try { ret = err ? this._onError(err, ctx) : fns[i++](ctx, next); } catch (e) { next(e); } if (ret !== void 0) { render(ret); } }; ctx.lazy = (file, _name) => { file = this.cFile(file); const name = _name || file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace(".js", ""); if (this.controller[file]) { const ret = w[name](ctx, next); if (ret !== void 0) { render(ret); } return; } this.controller[file] = true; const script = w.document.createElement("script"); script.src = file + this.vNow; script.type = "text/javascript"; w.document.head.appendChild(script); script.onload = () => { const ret = w[name](ctx, next); if (ret !== void 0) { render(ret); } }; }; if (!fns) fns = [() => ""]; fns = this.wares.concat(fns); next(); }
listenLink() { const links = w.document.querySelectorAll("[van-link]"), len = links.length; let i = 0; while (i < len) { const link: TRet = links[i]; link.handle = (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const loc: string = link.getAttribute("href") || link.getAttribute("van-link"); if (this.current !== loc) { w.history.pushState({}, "", loc); w.__uHandler(); } }; link.addEventListener("click", link.handle); i++; } }
resolve() { if (!w.__uHandler) w.__uHandler = () => this.handle(); w.__uHandler(); this.listenLink(); w.addEventListener("popstate", () => { if (this.current !== w.location.hash) w.__uHandler(); }); }
html(ret: TRet) { const subs = [], 1); return ret.reduce(function (a: string, b: string, c: number) { let val = subs[c - 1] as TRet; if (val === null || val === undefined) val = ""; return a + String(val) + b; }); }
onError(fn: (err: Error, ctx: Ctx) => TRet) { this._onError = fn; return this; }
goPath(path: string, type = "pushState") { (w as TRet).history[type]({}, "", (this.hash ? "#" : "") + path); w.__uHandler(); }}