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A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import { Align, Axis as VgAxis, AxisEncode, AxisOrient, BaseAxis, Color, FontStyle, FontWeight, LabelOverlap, SignalRef, TextBaseline, TimeInterval, TimeIntervalStep} from 'vega';import {ConditionalPredicate, Value, ValueDef} from './channeldef';import {DateTime} from './datetime';import {ExprRef} from './expr';import {Guide, GuideEncodingEntry, TitleMixins, VlOnlyGuideConfig} from './guide';import {Flag, keys} from './util';import {MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith, VgEncodeChannel} from './vega.schema';
export type BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = AxisOverrideMixins<ES> & VLOnlyAxisMixins & Omit<MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith<BaseAxis, ES>, 'labelOverlap'>;
interface AxisOverrideMixins<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> { // Position and tickMinStep are not config in Vega, but are in Vega-Lite. So we just copy them here.
/** * The anchor position of the axis in pixels. For x-axes with top or bottom orientation, this sets the axis group x coordinate. For y-axes with left or right orientation, this sets the axis group y coordinate. * * __Default value__: `0` */ position?: number | ES;
/** * The minimum desired step between axis ticks, in terms of scale domain values. For example, a value of `1` indicates that ticks should not be less than 1 unit apart. If `tickMinStep` is specified, the `tickCount` value will be adjusted, if necessary, to enforce the minimum step value. */ tickMinStep?: number | ES;
// Override comments to be Vega-Lite specific /** * A boolean flag indicating if grid lines should be included as part of the axis * * __Default value:__ `true` for [continuous scales]( that are not binned; otherwise, `false`. */ grid?: boolean;
/** * Indicates if the first and last axis labels should be aligned flush with the scale range. Flush alignment for a horizontal axis will left-align the first label and right-align the last label. For vertical axes, bottom and top text baselines are applied instead. If this property is a number, it also indicates the number of pixels by which to offset the first and last labels; for example, a value of 2 will flush-align the first and last labels and also push them 2 pixels outward from the center of the axis. The additional adjustment can sometimes help the labels better visually group with corresponding axis ticks. * * __Default value:__ `true` for axis of a continuous x-scale. Otherwise, `false`. */ labelFlush?: boolean | number;
/** * The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If `false` (the default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to `true` or `"parity"`, a strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear axes). If set to `"greedy"`, a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes). * * __Default value:__ `true` for non-nominal fields with non-log scales; `"greedy"` for log scales; otherwise `false`. */ labelOverlap?: LabelOverlap | ES;
/** * The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the edge of the enclosing group or data rectangle. * * __Default value:__ derived from the [axis config]('s `offset` (`0` by default) */ offset?: number;
/** * The orientation of the axis. One of `"top"`, `"bottom"`, `"left"` or `"right"`. The orientation can be used to further specialize the axis type (e.g., a y-axis oriented towards the right edge of the chart). * * __Default value:__ `"bottom"` for x-axes and `"left"` for y-axes. */ orient?: AxisOrient | ES;
/** * A desired number of ticks, for axes visualizing quantitative scales. The resulting number may be different so that values are "nice" (multiples of 2, 5, 10) and lie within the underlying scale's range. * * For scales of type `"time"` or `"utc"`, the tick count can instead be a time interval specifier. Legal string values are `"millisecond"`, `"second"`, `"minute"`, `"hour"`, `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`, and `"year"`. Alternatively, an object-valued interval specifier of the form `{"interval": "month", "step": 3}` includes a desired number of interval steps. Here, ticks are generated for each quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) boundary. * * __Default value__: Determine using a formula `ceil(width/40)` for x and `ceil(height/40)` for y. * * @minimum 0 */ tickCount?: number | TimeInterval | TimeIntervalStep | ES;
/** * Explicitly set the visible axis tick values. */ values?: number[] | string[] | boolean[] | DateTime[] | ES; // Vega already supports Signal -- we have to re-declare here since VL supports special Date Time object that's not valid in Vega.
/** * A non-negative integer indicating the z-index of the axis. * If zindex is 0, axes should be drawn behind all chart elements. * To put them in front, set `zindex` to `1` or more. * * __Default value:__ `0` (behind the marks). * * @TJS-type integer * @minimum 0 */ zindex?: number;}
interface VLOnlyAxisMixins { /** * [Vega expression]( for customizing labels. * * __Note:__ The label text and value can be assessed via the `label` and `value` properties of the axis's backing `datum` object. */ labelExpr?: string;
/** * A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the axis. A style is a named collection of axis property defined within the [style configuration]( If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles. * * __Default value:__ (none) * __Note:__ Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, an x-axis mark with `"style": "foo"` will use `config.axisX` and `` (the specified style `"foo"` has higher precedence). */ style?: string | string[];}
export type ConditionalAxisProp = | 'labelAlign' | 'labelBaseline' | 'labelColor' | 'labelFont' | 'labelFontSize' | 'labelFontStyle' | 'labelFontWeight' | 'labelOpacity' | 'labelOffset' | 'labelPadding' | 'gridColor' | 'gridDash' | 'gridDashOffset' | 'gridOpacity' | 'gridWidth' | 'tickColor' | 'tickDash' | 'tickDashOffset' | 'tickOpacity' | 'tickSize' | 'tickWidth';
export const CONDITIONAL_AXIS_PROP_INDEX: Record< ConditionalAxisProp, { part: keyof AxisEncode; vgProp: VgEncodeChannel; } | null // null if we need to convert condition to signal> = { labelAlign: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'align' }, labelBaseline: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'baseline' }, labelColor: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'fill' }, labelFont: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'font' }, labelFontSize: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'fontSize' }, labelFontStyle: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'fontStyle' }, labelFontWeight: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'fontWeight' }, labelOpacity: { part: 'labels', vgProp: 'opacity' }, labelOffset: null, labelPadding: null, // There is no fixed vgProp for tickSize, need to use signal. gridColor: { part: 'grid', vgProp: 'stroke' }, gridDash: { part: 'grid', vgProp: 'strokeDash' }, gridDashOffset: { part: 'grid', vgProp: 'strokeDashOffset' }, gridOpacity: { part: 'grid', vgProp: 'opacity' }, gridWidth: { part: 'grid', vgProp: 'strokeWidth' }, tickColor: { part: 'ticks', vgProp: 'stroke' }, tickDash: { part: 'ticks', vgProp: 'strokeDash' }, tickDashOffset: { part: 'ticks', vgProp: 'strokeDashOffset' }, tickOpacity: { part: 'ticks', vgProp: 'opacity' }, tickSize: null, // There is no fixed vgProp for tickSize, need to use signal. tickWidth: { part: 'ticks', vgProp: 'strokeWidth' }};
export type ConditionalAxisProperty<V extends Value | number[], ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = (ValueDef<V> | ES) & { condition: ConditionalPredicate<ValueDef<V> | ES> | ConditionalPredicate<ValueDef<V> | ES>[];};
export function isConditionalAxisValue<V extends Value | number[], ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef>( v: any): v is ConditionalAxisProperty<V, ES> { return v && v['condition'];}
export type ConditionalAxisNumber<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty< number | null, ES>;export type ConditionalAxisLabelAlign<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty< Align | null, ES>;export type ConditionalAxisLabelBaseline< ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty<TextBaseline | null, ES>;export type ConditionalAxisColor<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty< Color | null, ES>;export type ConditionalAxisString<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty< string | null, ES>;
export type ConditionalAxisLabelFontStyle< ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty<FontStyle | null, ES>;export type ConditionalAxisLabelFontWeight< ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty<FontWeight | null, ES>;
export type ConditionalAxisNumberArray<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> = ConditionalAxisProperty< number[] | null, ES>;
// Vega axis config is the same as Vega axis base. If this is not the case, add specific type.export type AxisConfigBaseWithConditionalAndSignal<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = Omit< BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>, ConditionalAxisProp | 'title'> & AxisPropsWithCondition<ES>;
export interface AxisPropsWithCondition<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> { labelAlign?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelAlign'] | ConditionalAxisLabelAlign<ES>; labelBaseline?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelBaseline'] | ConditionalAxisLabelBaseline<ES>; labelColor?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelColor'] | ConditionalAxisColor<ES>; labelFont?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelFont'] | ConditionalAxisString<ES>; labelFontSize?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelFontSize'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; labelFontStyle?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelFontStyle'] | ConditionalAxisLabelFontStyle<ES>; labelFontWeight?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelFontWeight'] | ConditionalAxisLabelFontWeight<ES>; labelLineHeight?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelLineHeight'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; labelOpacity?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelOpacity'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; labelOffset?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelOffset'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; labelPadding?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['labelPadding'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; gridColor?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['gridColor'] | ConditionalAxisColor<ES>; gridDash?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['gridDash'] | ConditionalAxisNumberArray<ES>; gridDashOffset?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['gridDashOffset'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; gridOpacity?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['gridOpacity'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; gridWidth?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['gridWidth'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; tickColor?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickColor'] | ConditionalAxisColor<ES>; tickDash?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickDash'] | ConditionalAxisNumberArray<ES>; tickDashOffset?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickDashOffset'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; tickOpacity?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickOpacity'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; tickSize?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickSize'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; tickWidth?: BaseAxisNoValueRefs<ES>['tickWidth'] | ConditionalAxisNumber<ES>; title?: TitleMixins['title'];}
export type AxisConfig<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = Guide & VlOnlyGuideConfig & AxisConfigBaseWithConditionalAndSignal<ES> & { /** * Disable axis by default. */ disable?: boolean; };
export interface Axis<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> extends AxisConfigBaseWithConditionalAndSignal<ES>, Guide { /** * Mark definitions for custom axis encoding. * * @hidden */ encoding?: AxisEncoding;}
export type AxisInternal = Axis<SignalRef>;
export type AxisPart = keyof AxisEncoding;export const AXIS_PARTS: AxisPart[] = ['domain', 'grid', 'labels', 'ticks', 'title'];
/** * A dictionary listing whether a certain axis property is applicable for only main axes or only grid axes. */export const AXIS_PROPERTY_TYPE: Record<keyof VgAxis, 'main' | 'grid' | 'both'> = { grid: 'grid', gridCap: 'grid', gridColor: 'grid', gridDash: 'grid', gridDashOffset: 'grid', gridOpacity: 'grid', gridScale: 'grid', gridWidth: 'grid',
orient: 'main',
bandPosition: 'both', // Need to be applied to grid axis too, so the grid will align with ticks.
aria: 'main', description: 'main', domain: 'main', domainCap: 'main', domainColor: 'main', domainDash: 'main', domainDashOffset: 'main', domainOpacity: 'main', domainWidth: 'main', format: 'main', formatType: 'main', labelAlign: 'main', labelAngle: 'main', labelBaseline: 'main', labelBound: 'main', labelColor: 'main', labelFlush: 'main', labelFlushOffset: 'main', labelFont: 'main', labelFontSize: 'main', labelFontStyle: 'main', labelFontWeight: 'main', labelLimit: 'main', labelLineHeight: 'main', labelOffset: 'main', labelOpacity: 'main', labelOverlap: 'main', labelPadding: 'main', labels: 'main', labelSeparation: 'main', maxExtent: 'main', minExtent: 'main', offset: 'both', position: 'main', tickCap: 'main', tickColor: 'main', tickDash: 'main', tickDashOffset: 'main', tickMinStep: 'main', tickOffset: 'both', // Need to be applied to grid axis too, so the grid will align with ticks. tickOpacity: 'main', tickRound: 'both', // Apply rounding to grid and ticks so they are aligned. ticks: 'main', tickSize: 'main', tickWidth: 'both', title: 'main', titleAlign: 'main', titleAnchor: 'main', titleAngle: 'main', titleBaseline: 'main', titleColor: 'main', titleFont: 'main', titleFontSize: 'main', titleFontStyle: 'main', titleFontWeight: 'main', titleLimit: 'main', titleLineHeight: 'main', titleOpacity: 'main', titlePadding: 'main', titleX: 'main', titleY: 'main',
encode: 'both', // we hide this in Vega-Lite scale: 'both', tickBand: 'both', tickCount: 'both', tickExtra: 'both', translate: 'both', values: 'both', zindex: 'both' // this is actually set afterward, so it doesn't matter};
export interface AxisEncoding { /** * Custom encoding for the axis container. */ axis?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for the axis domain rule mark. */ domain?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for axis gridline rule marks. */ grid?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for axis label text marks. */ labels?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for axis tick rule marks. */ ticks?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for the axis title text mark. */ title?: GuideEncodingEntry;}
export const COMMON_AXIS_PROPERTIES_INDEX: Flag<keyof (VgAxis | Axis<any>)> = { orient: 1, // other things can depend on orient
aria: 1, bandPosition: 1, description: 1, domain: 1, domainCap: 1, domainColor: 1, domainDash: 1, domainDashOffset: 1, domainOpacity: 1, domainWidth: 1, format: 1, formatType: 1, grid: 1, gridCap: 1, gridColor: 1, gridDash: 1, gridDashOffset: 1, gridOpacity: 1, gridWidth: 1, labelAlign: 1, labelAngle: 1, labelBaseline: 1, labelBound: 1, labelColor: 1, labelFlush: 1, labelFlushOffset: 1, labelFont: 1, labelFontSize: 1, labelFontStyle: 1, labelFontWeight: 1, labelLimit: 1, labelLineHeight: 1, labelOffset: 1, labelOpacity: 1, labelOverlap: 1, labelPadding: 1, labels: 1, labelSeparation: 1, maxExtent: 1, minExtent: 1, offset: 1, position: 1, tickBand: 1, tickCap: 1, tickColor: 1, tickCount: 1, tickDash: 1, tickDashOffset: 1, tickExtra: 1, tickMinStep: 1, tickOffset: 1, tickOpacity: 1, tickRound: 1, ticks: 1, tickSize: 1, tickWidth: 1, title: 1, titleAlign: 1, titleAnchor: 1, titleAngle: 1, titleBaseline: 1, titleColor: 1, titleFont: 1, titleFontSize: 1, titleFontStyle: 1, titleFontWeight: 1, titleLimit: 1, titleLineHeight: 1, titleOpacity: 1, titlePadding: 1, titleX: 1, titleY: 1, translate: 1, values: 1, zindex: 1};
const AXIS_PROPERTIES_INDEX: Flag<keyof Axis<any>> = { ...COMMON_AXIS_PROPERTIES_INDEX, style: 1, labelExpr: 1, encoding: 1};
export function isAxisProperty(prop: string): prop is keyof Axis<any> { return !!AXIS_PROPERTIES_INDEX[prop];}
// Export for dependent projectsexport const AXIS_PROPERTIES = keys(AXIS_PROPERTIES_INDEX);
export interface AxisConfigMixins<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> { /** * Axis configuration, which determines default properties for all `x` and `y` [axes]( For a full list of axis configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of the axis documentation]( */ axis?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * X-axis specific config. */ axisX?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Y-axis specific config. */ axisY?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-axis along the left edge of the chart. */ axisLeft?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-axis along the right edge of the chart. */ axisRight?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-axis along the top edge of the chart. */ axisTop?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-axis along the bottom edge of the chart. */ axisBottom?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for axes with "band" scales. */ axisBand?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for axes with "point" scales. */ axisPoint?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for axes with "point" or "band" scales. */ axisDiscrete?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for quantitative axes. */ axisQuantitative?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for temporal axes. */ axisTemporal?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-axes with "band" scales. */ axisXBand?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-axes with "point" scales. */ axisXPoint?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-axes with "point" or "band" scales. */ axisXDiscrete?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-quantitative axes. */ axisXQuantitative?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for x-temporal axes. */ axisXTemporal?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-axes with "band" scales. */ axisYBand?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-axes with "point" scales. */ axisYPoint?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-axes with "point" or "band" scales. */ axisYDiscrete?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-quantitative axes. */ axisYQuantitative?: AxisConfig<ES>;
/** * Config for y-temporal axes. */ axisYTemporal?: AxisConfig<ES>;}
const AXIS_CONFIGS_INDEX: Flag<keyof AxisConfigMixins<any>> = { axis: 1, axisBand: 1, axisBottom: 1, axisDiscrete: 1, axisLeft: 1, axisPoint: 1, axisQuantitative: 1, axisRight: 1, axisTemporal: 1, axisTop: 1, axisX: 1, axisXBand: 1, axisXDiscrete: 1, axisXPoint: 1, axisXQuantitative: 1, axisXTemporal: 1, axisY: 1, axisYBand: 1, axisYDiscrete: 1, axisYPoint: 1, axisYQuantitative: 1, axisYTemporal: 1};