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A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
/* * Constants and utilities for encoding channels (Visual variables) * such as 'x', 'y', 'color'. */
import {RangeType} from './compile/scale/type';import {Encoding} from './encoding';import {Mark} from './mark';import {EncodingFacetMapping} from './spec/facet';import {Flag, keys} from './util';
export type Channel = keyof Encoding<any>;export type ExtendedChannel = Channel | FacetChannel;
// Facetexport const ROW = 'row' as const;export const COLUMN = 'column' as const;
export const FACET = 'facet' as const;
// Positionexport const X = 'x' as const;export const Y = 'y' as const;export const X2 = 'x2' as const;export const Y2 = 'y2' as const;
// Arc-Positionexport const RADIUS = 'radius' as const;export const RADIUS2 = 'radius2' as const;export const THETA = 'theta' as const;export const THETA2 = 'theta2' as const;
// Geo Positionexport const LATITUDE = 'latitude' as const;export const LONGITUDE = 'longitude' as const;export const LATITUDE2 = 'latitude2' as const;export const LONGITUDE2 = 'longitude2' as const;
// Mark property with scaleexport const COLOR = 'color' as const;
export const FILL = 'fill' as const;
export const STROKE = 'stroke' as const;
export const SHAPE = 'shape' as const;export const SIZE = 'size' as const;
export const ANGLE = 'angle' as const;
export const OPACITY = 'opacity' as const;export const FILLOPACITY = 'fillOpacity' as const;
export const STROKEOPACITY = 'strokeOpacity' as const;
export const STROKEWIDTH = 'strokeWidth' as const;export const STROKEDASH = 'strokeDash' as const;
// Non-scale channelexport const TEXT = 'text' as const;export const ORDER = 'order' as const;export const DETAIL = 'detail' as const;export const KEY = 'key' as const;
export const TOOLTIP = 'tooltip' as const;export const HREF = 'href' as const;
export const URL = 'url' as const;export const DESCRIPTION = 'description' as const;
const POSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX = { x: 1, y: 1, x2: 1, y2: 1} as const;
export type PositionChannel = keyof typeof POSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX;
const POLAR_POSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX = { theta: 1, theta2: 1, radius: 1, radius2: 1} as const;
export type PolarPositionChannel = keyof typeof POLAR_POSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX;
export function isPolarPositionChannel(c: Channel): c is PolarPositionChannel { return c in POLAR_POSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX;}
const GEO_POSIITON_CHANNEL_INDEX = { longitude: 1, longitude2: 1, latitude: 1, latitude2: 1} as const;
export type GeoPositionChannel = keyof typeof GEO_POSIITON_CHANNEL_INDEX;
export function getPositionChannelFromLatLong(channel: GeoPositionChannel): PositionChannel { switch (channel) { case LATITUDE: return 'y'; case LATITUDE2: return 'y2'; case LONGITUDE: return 'x'; case LONGITUDE2: return 'x2'; }}
export function isGeoPositionChannel(c: Channel): c is GeoPositionChannel { return c in GEO_POSIITON_CHANNEL_INDEX;}
// color color: 1, fill: 1, stroke: 1,
// other non-position with scale opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 1, strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWidth: 1, strokeDash: 1, size: 1, angle: 1, shape: 1,
// channels without scales order: 1, text: 1, detail: 1, key: 1, tooltip: 1, href: 1, url: 1, description: 1};
export type ColorChannel = 'color' | 'fill' | 'stroke';
export function isColorChannel(channel: Channel): channel is ColorChannel { return channel === COLOR || channel === FILL || channel === STROKE;}
export type FacetChannel = keyof EncodingFacetMapping<any, any>;
const FACET_CHANNEL_INDEX: Flag<keyof EncodingFacetMapping<any, any>> = { row: 1, column: 1, facet: 1};
export const CHANNELS = keys(CHANNEL_INDEX);
const {order: _o, detail: _d, tooltip: _tt1, ...SINGLE_DEF_CHANNEL_INDEX} = CHANNEL_INDEX;const {row: _r, column: _c, facet: _f, ...SINGLE_DEF_UNIT_CHANNEL_INDEX} = SINGLE_DEF_CHANNEL_INDEX;/** * Channels that cannot have an array of channelDef. * model.fieldDef, getFieldDef only work for these channels. * * (The only two channels that can have an array of channelDefs are "detail" and "order". * Since there can be multiple fieldDefs for detail and order, getFieldDef/model.fieldDef * are not applicable for them. Similarly, selection projection won't work with "detail" and "order".) */
export type SingleDefChannel = typeof SINGLE_DEF_CHANNELS[number];
export type SingleDefUnitChannel = typeof SINGLE_DEF_UNIT_CHANNELS[number];
export function isSingleDefUnitChannel(str: string): str is SingleDefUnitChannel { return !!SINGLE_DEF_UNIT_CHANNEL_INDEX[str];}
export function isChannel(str: string): str is Channel { return !!CHANNEL_INDEX[str];}
export type SecondaryRangeChannel = 'x2' | 'y2' | 'latitude2' | 'longitude2' | 'theta2' | 'radius2';
export const SECONDARY_RANGE_CHANNEL: SecondaryRangeChannel[] = [X2, Y2, LATITUDE2, LONGITUDE2, THETA2, RADIUS2];
export function isSecondaryRangeChannel(c: ExtendedChannel): c is SecondaryRangeChannel { const main = getMainRangeChannel(c); return main !== c;}
export type MainChannelOf<C extends ExtendedChannel> = C extends 'x2' ? 'x' : C extends 'y2' ? 'y' : C extends 'latitude2' ? 'latitude' : C extends 'longitude2' ? 'longitude' : C extends 'theta2' ? 'theta' : C extends 'radius2' ? 'radius' : C;
/** * Get the main channel for a range channel. E.g. `x` for `x2`. */export function getMainRangeChannel<C extends ExtendedChannel>(channel: C): MainChannelOf<C> { switch (channel) { case X2: return X as MainChannelOf<C>; case Y2: return Y as MainChannelOf<C>; case LATITUDE2: return LATITUDE as MainChannelOf<C>; case LONGITUDE2: return LONGITUDE as MainChannelOf<C>; case THETA2: return THETA as MainChannelOf<C>; case RADIUS2: return RADIUS as MainChannelOf<C>; } return channel as MainChannelOf<C>;}
export type SecondaryChannelOf<C extends Channel> = C extends 'x' ? 'x2' : C extends 'y' ? 'y2' : C extends 'latitude' ? 'latitude2' : C extends 'longitude' ? 'longitude2' : C extends 'theta' ? 'theta2' : C extends 'radius' ? 'radius2' : undefined;
export function getVgPositionChannel(channel: PolarPositionChannel | PositionChannel) { if (isPolarPositionChannel(channel)) { switch (channel) { case THETA: return 'startAngle'; case THETA2: return 'endAngle'; case RADIUS: return 'outerRadius'; case RADIUS2: return 'innerRadius'; } } return channel;}
/** * Get the main channel for a range channel. E.g. `x` for `x2`. */export function getSecondaryRangeChannel<C extends Channel>(channel: C): SecondaryChannelOf<C> | undefined { switch (channel) { case X: return X2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; case Y: return Y2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; case LATITUDE: return LATITUDE2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; case LONGITUDE: return LONGITUDE2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; case THETA: return THETA2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; case RADIUS: return RADIUS2 as SecondaryChannelOf<C>; } return undefined;}
export function getSizeChannel(channel: PositionChannel): 'width' | 'height';export function getSizeChannel(channel: Channel): 'width' | 'height' | undefined;export function getSizeChannel(channel: Channel): 'width' | 'height' | undefined { switch (channel) { case X: case X2: return 'width'; case Y: case Y2: return 'height'; } return undefined;}
/** * Get the main channel for a range channel. E.g. `x` for `x2`. */export function getOffsetChannel(channel: Channel) { switch (channel) { case X: return 'xOffset'; case Y: return 'yOffset'; case X2: return 'x2Offset'; case Y2: return 'y2Offset'; case THETA: return 'thetaOffset'; case RADIUS: return 'radiusOffset'; case THETA2: return 'theta2Offset'; case RADIUS2: return 'radius2Offset'; } return undefined;}
// NONPOSITION_CHANNELS = UNIT_CHANNELS without X, Y, X2, Y2;const { x: _x, y: _y, // x2 and y2 share the same scale as x and y x2: _x2, y2: _y2, latitude: _latitude, longitude: _longitude, latitude2: _latitude2, longitude2: _longitude2, theta: _theta, theta2: _theta2, radius: _radius, radius2: _radius2, // The rest of unit channels then have scale ...NONPOSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX} = UNIT_CHANNEL_INDEX;
export const NONPOSITION_CHANNELS = keys(NONPOSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX);export type NonPositionChannel = typeof NONPOSITION_CHANNELS[number];
export const POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX = { x: 1, y: 1} as const;export const POSITION_SCALE_CHANNELS = keys(POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX);export type PositionScaleChannel = keyof typeof POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX;
export function isXorY(channel: ExtendedChannel): channel is PositionScaleChannel { return channel in POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX;}
export const POLAR_POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX = { theta: 1, radius: 1} as const;
export function getPositionScaleChannel(sizeType: 'width' | 'height'): PositionScaleChannel { return sizeType === 'width' ? X : Y;}
// NON_POSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL = SCALE_CHANNELS without X, Yconst { // x2 and y2 share the same scale as x and y // text and tooltip have format instead of scale, // href has neither format, nor scale text: _t, tooltip: _tt, href: _hr, url: _u, description: _al, // detail and order have no scale detail: _dd, key: _k, order: _oo, ...NONPOSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX} = NONPOSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX;export const NONPOSITION_SCALE_CHANNELS = keys(NONPOSITION_SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX);export type NonPositionScaleChannel = typeof NONPOSITION_SCALE_CHANNELS[number];
export function isNonPositionScaleChannel(channel: Channel): channel is NonPositionScaleChannel { return !!NONPOSITION_CHANNEL_INDEX[channel];}
/** * @returns whether Vega supports legends for a particular channel */export function supportLegend(channel: NonPositionScaleChannel) { switch (channel) { case COLOR: case FILL: case STROKE: case SIZE: case SHAPE: case OPACITY: case STROKEWIDTH: case STROKEDASH: return true; case FILLOPACITY: case STROKEOPACITY: case ANGLE: return false; }}
/** List of channels with scales */export const SCALE_CHANNELS = keys(SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX);export type ScaleChannel = typeof SCALE_CHANNELS[number];
export function isScaleChannel(channel: Channel): channel is ScaleChannel { return !!SCALE_CHANNEL_INDEX[channel];}
export type SupportedMark = Partial<Record<Mark, 'always' | 'binned'>>;
/** * Return whether a channel supports a particular mark type. * @param channel channel name * @param mark the mark type * @return whether the mark supports the channel */export function supportMark(channel: Channel, mark: Mark) { return getSupportedMark(channel)[mark];}
const ALL_MARKS: Record<Mark, 'always'> = { // all marks arc: 'always', area: 'always', bar: 'always', circle: 'always', geoshape: 'always', image: 'always', line: 'always', rule: 'always', point: 'always', rect: 'always', square: 'always', trail: 'always', text: 'always', tick: 'always'};
const {geoshape: _g, ...ALL_MARKS_EXCEPT_GEOSHAPE} = ALL_MARKS;
/** * Return a dictionary showing whether a channel supports mark type. * @param channel * @return A dictionary mapping mark types to 'always', 'binned', or undefined */function getSupportedMark(channel: ExtendedChannel): SupportedMark { switch (channel) { case COLOR: case FILL: case STROKE: // falls through
case DESCRIPTION: case DETAIL: case KEY: case TOOLTIP: case HREF: case ORDER: // TODO: revise (order might not support rect, which is not stackable?) case OPACITY: case FILLOPACITY: case STROKEOPACITY: case STROKEWIDTH:
// falls through
case FACET: case ROW: // falls through case COLUMN: return ALL_MARKS; case X: case Y: case LATITUDE: case LONGITUDE: // all marks except geoshape. geoshape does not use X, Y -- it uses a projection return ALL_MARKS_EXCEPT_GEOSHAPE; case X2: case Y2: case LATITUDE2: case LONGITUDE2: return { area: 'always', bar: 'always', image: 'always', rect: 'always', rule: 'always', circle: 'binned', point: 'binned', square: 'binned', tick: 'binned', line: 'binned', trail: 'binned' }; case SIZE: return { point: 'always', tick: 'always', rule: 'always', circle: 'always', square: 'always', bar: 'always', text: 'always', line: 'always', trail: 'always' }; case STROKEDASH: return { line: 'always', point: 'always', tick: 'always', rule: 'always', circle: 'always', square: 'always', bar: 'always', geoshape: 'always' }; case SHAPE: return {point: 'always', geoshape: 'always'}; case TEXT: return {text: 'always'}; case ANGLE: return {point: 'always', square: 'always', text: 'always'}; case URL: return {image: 'always'}; case THETA: return {text: 'always', arc: 'always'}; case RADIUS: return {text: 'always', arc: 'always'}; case THETA2: case RADIUS2: return {arc: 'always'}; }}
export function rangeType(channel: ExtendedChannel): RangeType { switch (channel) { case X: case Y: case THETA: case RADIUS: case SIZE: case ANGLE: case STROKEWIDTH: case OPACITY: case FILLOPACITY: case STROKEOPACITY:
// X2 and Y2 use X and Y scales, so they similarly have continuous range. [falls through] case X2: case Y2: case THETA2: case RADIUS2: return undefined;
case FACET: case ROW: case COLUMN: case SHAPE: case STROKEDASH: // TEXT, TOOLTIP, URL, and HREF have no scale but have discrete output [falls through] case TEXT: case TOOLTIP: case HREF: case URL: case DESCRIPTION: return 'discrete';
// Color can be either continuous or discrete, depending on scale type. case COLOR: case FILL: case STROKE: return 'flexible';
// No scale, no range type.
case LATITUDE: case LONGITUDE: case LATITUDE2: case LONGITUDE2: case DETAIL: case KEY: case ORDER: return undefined; }}