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A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import type { AggregateOp, BandScale, BaseScale, BinOrdinalScale, ColorValueRef, Compare as VgCompare, ExprRef as VgExprRef, GeoShapeTransform as VgGeoShapeTransform, IdentityScale, LayoutAlign, LinearScale, LogScale, Mark, MarkConfig, NumericValueRef, OrdinalScale, PointScale, PowScale, ProjectionType, QuantileScale, QuantizeScale, RangeBand, RangeRaw, RangeScheme, ScaleData, ScaleDataRef, ScaledValueRef, ScaleMultiDataRef, ScaleMultiFieldsRef, SequentialScale, SignalRef, SortField as VgSortField, SqrtScale, SymLogScale, ThresholdScale, TimeInterval, TimeIntervalStep, TimeScale, Title as VgTitle, Transforms as VgTransform, UnionSortField as VgUnionSortField} from 'vega';import {isArray} from 'vega-util';import {Value} from './channeldef';import {ExprOrSignalRef} from './expr';import {SortOrder} from './sort';import {Dict, Flag, keys} from './util';
export type {VgSortField, VgUnionSortField, VgCompare, VgTitle, LayoutAlign, ProjectionType, VgExprRef};
// TODO: make recursiveexport type MappedExclude<T, E> = { [P in keyof T]: Exclude<T[P], E>;};
export type MapExcludeAndKeepSignalAs<T, E, S extends ExprOrSignalRef> = { [P in keyof T]: SignalRef extends T[P] ? Exclude<T[P], E> | S : Exclude<T[P], E>;};
// Remove ValueRefs from mapped typesexport type MappedExcludeValueRef<T> = MappedExclude<T, ScaledValueRef<any> | NumericValueRef | ColorValueRef>;
export type MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith<T, S extends ExprOrSignalRef> = MapExcludeAndKeepSignalAs< T, ScaledValueRef<any> | NumericValueRef | ColorValueRef, S>;
export interface VgData { name: string; source?: string; values?: any; format?: { type?: string; parse?: string | Dict<unknown>; property?: string; feature?: string; mesh?: string; }; url?: string; transform?: VgTransform[];}
export type VgScaleDataRefWithSort = ScaleDataRef & { sort?: VgSortField;};
export function isSignalRef(o: any): o is SignalRef { return o && !!o['signal'];}
// TODO: add type of value (Make it VgValueRef<V extends ValueOrGradient> {value?:V ...})export interface VgValueRef { value?: Value<null>; field?: | string | { datum?: string; group?: string; parent?: string; }; signal?: string; scale?: string; // TODO: object mult?: number; offset?: number | VgValueRef; band?: boolean | number | VgValueRef; test?: string;}
// TODO: add vg prefixexport type VgScaleMultiDataRefWithSort = ScaleMultiDataRef & { fields: (any[] | VgScaleDataRefWithSort | SignalRef)[]; sort?: VgUnionSortField;};
export type VgMultiFieldsRefWithSort = ScaleMultiFieldsRef & { sort?: VgUnionSortField;};
export type VgRange = RangeScheme | ScaleData | RangeBand | RangeRaw;
export function isVgRangeStep(range: VgRange): range is VgRangeStep { return !!range['step'];}
export interface VgRangeStep { step: number | SignalRef;}// Domains that are not a union of domainsexport type VgNonUnionDomain = (null | string | number | boolean | SignalRef)[] | VgScaleDataRefWithSort | SignalRef;
export type VgDomain = BaseScale['domain'];
export type VgMarkGroup = any;
/** * A combined type for any Vega scales that Vega-Lite can generate */export type VgScale = Pick<BaseScale, 'type'> & { range?: RangeScheme | RangeBand | ScaleData; // different Vega scales have conflicting range, need to union them here nice?: boolean | number | TimeInterval | TimeIntervalStep | SignalRef; // different Vega scales have conflicting range, need to union them here zero?: boolean | SignalRef; // LogScale only allow false, making the intersection type overly strict} & Omit< // Continuous Omit<LinearScale, 'type'> & Omit<LogScale, 'type'> & Omit<SymLogScale, 'type'> & Omit<Partial<PowScale>, 'type'> & // use partial so exponent is not required Omit<SqrtScale, 'type'> & Omit<IdentityScale, 'type'> & Omit<TimeScale, 'type'> & // Discretizing Omit<QuantileScale, 'type'> & Omit<QuantizeScale, 'type'> & Omit<ThresholdScale, 'type'> & Omit<BinOrdinalScale, 'type'> & // Sequential Omit<SequentialScale, 'type'> & // Discrete Omit<BandScale, 'type'> & Omit<PointScale, 'type'> & Omit<OrdinalScale, 'type'>, 'range' | 'nice' | 'zero' >;
export interface RowCol<T> { row?: T; column?: T;}
export interface VgLayout { center?: boolean | RowCol<boolean>; padding?: number | RowCol<number>; headerBand?: number | RowCol<number>; footerBand?: number | RowCol<number>;
titleAnchor?: 'start' | 'end' | RowCol<'start' | 'end'>; offset?: | number | { rowHeader?: number; rowFooter?: number; rowTitle?: number; columnHeader?: number; columnFooter?: number; columnTitle?: number; }; bounds?: 'full' | 'flush'; columns?: number | {signal: string}; align?: LayoutAlign | RowCol<LayoutAlign>;}
export function isDataRefUnionedDomain(domain: VgDomain): domain is VgScaleMultiDataRefWithSort { if (!isArray(domain)) { return 'fields' in domain && !('data' in domain); } return false;}
export function isFieldRefUnionDomain(domain: VgDomain): domain is VgMultiFieldsRefWithSort { if (!isArray(domain)) { return 'fields' in domain && 'data' in domain; } return false;}
export function isDataRefDomain(domain: VgDomain | any): domain is VgScaleDataRefWithSort { if (!isArray(domain)) { return 'field' in domain && 'data' in domain; } return false;}
export type VgEncodeChannel = | 'x' | 'x2' | 'xc' | 'width' | 'y' | 'y2' | 'yc' | 'height' | 'opacity' | 'fill' | 'fillOpacity' | 'stroke' | 'strokeWidth' | 'strokeCap' | 'strokeOpacity' | 'strokeDash' | 'strokeDashOffset' | 'strokeMiterLimit' | 'strokeJoin' | 'strokeOffset' | 'strokeForeground' | 'cursor' | 'clip' | 'size' | 'shape' | 'path' | 'innerRadius' | 'outerRadius' | 'startAngle' | 'endAngle' | 'interpolate' | 'tension' | 'orient' | 'url' | 'align' | 'baseline' | 'text' | 'dir' | 'ellipsis' | 'limit' | 'dx' | 'dy' | 'radius' | 'theta' | 'angle' | 'font' | 'fontSize' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontStyle' | 'tooltip' | 'href' | 'cursor' | 'defined' | 'cornerRadius' | 'cornerRadiusTopLeft' | 'cornerRadiusTopRight' | 'cornerRadiusBottomRight' | 'cornerRadiusBottomLeft' | 'scaleX' | 'scaleY';
export type VgEncodeEntry = Partial<Record<VgEncodeChannel, VgValueRef | (VgValueRef & {test?: string})[]>>;
// TODO: make export interface VgEncodeEntry {// x?: VgValueRef<number>// y?: VgValueRef<number>// ...// color?: VgValueRef<string>// ...// }
export type VgPostEncodingTransform = VgGeoShapeTransform;
const VG_MARK_CONFIG_INDEX: Flag<keyof MarkConfig> = { aria: 1, description: 1, ariaRole: 1, ariaRoleDescription: 1, blend: 1, opacity: 1, fill: 1, fillOpacity: 1, stroke: 1, strokeCap: 1, strokeWidth: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, strokeDash: 1, strokeDashOffset: 1, strokeJoin: 1, strokeOffset: 1, strokeMiterLimit: 1, startAngle: 1, endAngle: 1, padAngle: 1, innerRadius: 1, outerRadius: 1, size: 1, shape: 1, interpolate: 1, tension: 1, orient: 1, align: 1, baseline: 1, text: 1, dir: 1, dx: 1, dy: 1, ellipsis: 1, limit: 1, radius: 1, theta: 1, angle: 1, font: 1, fontSize: 1, fontWeight: 1, fontStyle: 1, lineBreak: 1, lineHeight: 1, cursor: 1, href: 1, tooltip: 1, cornerRadius: 1, cornerRadiusTopLeft: 1, cornerRadiusTopRight: 1, cornerRadiusBottomLeft: 1, cornerRadiusBottomRight: 1, aspect: 1, width: 1, height: 1, url: 1, smooth: 1
// commented below are vg channel that do not have mark config. // x: 1, // y: 1, // x2: 1, // y2: 1,
// xc'|'yc' // clip: 1, // path: 1, // url: 1,};
export const VG_MARK_INDEX: Flag<Mark['type']> = { arc: 1, area: 1, group: 1, image: 1, line: 1, path: 1, rect: 1, rule: 1, shape: 1, symbol: 1, text: 1, trail: 1};
// Vega's cornerRadius channels.export const VG_CORNERRADIUS_CHANNELS = [ 'cornerRadius', 'cornerRadiusTopLeft', 'cornerRadiusTopRight', 'cornerRadiusBottomLeft', 'cornerRadiusBottomRight'] as const;
export interface VgComparator { field?: string | string[]; order?: SortOrder | SortOrder[];}
export interface VgJoinAggregateTransform { type: 'joinaggregate'; as?: string[]; ops?: AggregateOp[]; fields?: string[]; groupby?: string[];}