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The npm-style script runner for Deno
import { Command, CompletionsCommand } from "../../../deps.ts";import { version } from "../../version.ts";import { ScriptIdType } from "../types/script_id_type.ts";import { ConfigData } from "../../load_config.ts";import { RunCommand } from "./run.ts";import { ExportCommand } from "./export.ts";import { ArgsForwardingMode, runScript } from "../../run_script.ts";import { RunHookCommand } from "./run_hook.ts";import { VR_HOOKS, VR_LOG, VR_SHELL } from "../../consts.ts";import { checkGitHooks } from "../../git_hooks.ts";import { validateConfigData } from "../../validate_config_data.ts";import { UpgradeCommand } from "./upgrade.ts";import { withUpdateChecks } from "../../update_notifier.ts";
export class VrCommand extends Command { constructor(private configData: ConfigData | null) { super();"vr") .version(version) .description( "🦖 Velociraptor\nThe npm-style script runner for Deno\n\nDocs:", ) .env( `${VR_SHELL}=<value:string>`, "The path to a shell executable to be used for executing scripts", ) .env( `${VR_LOG}=<value:string>`, "Log verbosity. One of: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL", ) .env( `${VR_HOOKS}=<value:boolean>`, "If 'false', prevents velociraptor from installing and running git hooks (ie for CI)", ) .type("scriptid", new ScriptIdType(this.configData), { global: true }) .arguments("[script:scriptid] [additionalArgs...]") .stopEarly() .action((_, script: string, additionalArgs: string[]) => { return withUpdateChecks(async () => { validateConfigData(this.configData); await checkGitHooks(this.configData as ConfigData); await runScript({ configData: this.configData!, script, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode: ArgsForwardingMode.DIRECT, }); }); }) .command("run", new RunCommand(this.configData)) .command("run-hook", new RunHookCommand(this.configData)) .command("export", new ExportCommand(this.configData)) .command("upgrade", new UpgradeCommand()) .command("completions", new CompletionsCommand().hidden()) .reset(); }}