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The npm-style script runner for Deno
import { kill } from "../deps.ts";import { getEnvVars } from "./env.ts";import { escape, isWindows, notNull, OneOrMore } from "./util.ts";import { log } from "./logger.ts";import { Command, CompoundCommandItem, isParallel, ParallelCommands,} from "./command.ts";import { buildCommandString } from "./build_command_string.ts";import { ArgsForwardingMode } from "./run_script.ts";
const runningProcesses: Set<Deno.Process> = new Set();
interface RunCommandsOptions { shell: string; cwd: string; commands: CompoundCommandItem[]; prefix?: string; additionalArgs?: string[]; argsForwardingMode?: ArgsForwardingMode;}
export async function runCommands({ shell, cwd, commands, prefix, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode,}: RunCommandsOptions): Promise<void> { const _runCommands = async ( commands: OneOrMore<CompoundCommandItem>, ): Promise<unknown> => { if (!commands) return; if (Array.isArray(commands)) { for (let command of commands) { await _runCommands(command); } } else { if (isParallel(commands)) { return Promise.all( => _runCommands(c))); } const command = commands as Command; return runCommand({ shell, cwd, command, prefix, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode, }); } }; try { await _runCommands(commands as Array<Command | ParallelCommands>); } catch (e) { runningProcesses.forEach((p) => { kill(, { force: true, tree: true }); p.close(); }); throw e; }}
type RunCommandOptions = Omit<RunCommandsOptions, "commands"> & { command: Command;};
async function runCommand({ shell, cwd, command, prefix, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode,}: RunCommandOptions): Promise<void> { const cmd = buildCommandString(command); const runOptions: Deno.RunOptions = { cmd: [ shell, ...buildShellArgs({ shell, command: cmd, prefix, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode, }), ], cwd, env: getEnvVars(command), }; log.debug(`Running ${JSON.stringify(runOptions, null, " ")}`); const process =; runningProcesses.add(process); const status = await process.status(); process.close(); runningProcesses.delete(process); if (status.code !== 0) { throw new Error(`Command returned error code ${status.code}`); }}
type BuildShellArgsOptions = Omit<RunCommandOptions, "command" | "cwd"> & { command: string;};
function buildShellArgs({ shell, command, prefix, additionalArgs, argsForwardingMode,}: BuildShellArgsOptions): string[] { const cmd = [ prefix, command, argsForwardingMode === ArgsForwardingMode.DIRECT && additionalArgs && additionalArgs.length > 0 ? => `"${escape(a, '"')}"`).join(" ") : null, ].filter(notNull) .join(" "); if (isWindows && /^(?:.*\\)?cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i.test(shell)) { return ["/d", "/s", "/c", cmd]; } return [ "-c", cmd, ...(argsForwardingMode === ArgsForwardingMode.INDIRECT && additionalArgs ? additionalArgs : []), ];}