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The npm-style script runner for Deno
import { Command } from "./command.ts";import { log } from "./logger.ts";import { EnvironmentVariables } from "./scripts_config.ts";
const envCache: Record<string, EnvironmentVariables> = {};
export function getEnvVars(cmd: Command): EnvironmentVariables | undefined { const envVars: EnvironmentVariables = {}; if (cmd.envFile) { if (Array.isArray(cmd.envFile)) { for (const file of cmd.envFile) { Object.assign(envVars, parseEnvFile(file)); } } else { Object.assign(envVars, parseEnvFile(cmd.envFile)); } } if (cmd.env && Object.entries(cmd.env).length > 0) { Object.assign(envVars, stringifyEnv(cmd.env)); } if (Object.entries(envVars).length > 0) { return envVars; }}
function parseEnvFile(envFile: string): EnvironmentVariables { if (envCache[envFile]) { return envCache[envFile]; } try { const buffer: Uint8Array = Deno.readFileSync(envFile); return envCache[envFile] = new TextDecoder() .decode(buffer) .split(/\r?\n/g) .reduce((env: EnvironmentVariables, line: string) => { line = line.trim(); if (line && line !== "#") { const [name, value] = line .replace(/^export\s+/, "") .split("=", 2) .map((val: string) => val.trim()); env[name] = stripeQuotes(value); } return env; }, {}); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { log.error(`envFile not found: ${envFile}`); } else { log.error(`Failed to parse envFile: ${envFile}`); } throw error; }}
function stripeQuotes(value: string) { const first = value[0]; const last = value[value.length - 1]; if ((first === '"' || first === "'") && first === last) { return value.slice(1, -1); } return value;}
function stringifyEnv(env: EnvironmentVariables): EnvironmentVariables { for (let key in env) { if (key in env) { env[key] = String(env[key]); } } return env;}