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The npm-style script runner for Deno
/** * Script file model */export interface ScriptsConfiguration extends ScriptOptions { scripts: Scripts;}
/** * The scripts object. * Keys are script identifiers, values are `ScriptDefinition`s. * * ```yaml * # scripts.yaml * scripts: * start: deno run server.ts * test: deno test * ``` */export type Scripts = Record<string, ScriptDefinition>;
/** * Either a script or a list of scripts */export type ScriptDefinition = Script | CompositeScript;
/** * Either a command string or an object representing the script */export type Script = string | ScriptObject;
/** * An object representing the script */export interface ScriptObject extends ScriptOptions { /** * A command or list of commands */ cmd: string | CompositeScript; /** * A textual description of what this script does. * This will be shown in the list of available scripts, * when calling `vr` without arguments. */ desc?: string; /** * A git hook where to execute this command */ gitHook?: GitHook;}
/** * An array of scripts or an object representing script * to be executed in parallel */export type CompositeScript = ParallelScripts | Array<Script | ParallelScripts>;
/** * An object representing scripts * to be executed in parallel */export interface ParallelScripts { /** * A textual description of what this set of scripts do. * This will be shown in the list of available scripts, * when calling `vr` without arguments. */ desc?: string; /** * The list of script to be executed in parallel */ pll: Script[];}
/** * Additional script options * * These can be applied both in `ScriptObject`s and at top-level * in which case they're applied to all the scripts defined in the file */export interface ScriptOptions extends DenoCliOptions { /** * A file with a list of environment variables to be passed to the script */ envFile?: string | Array<string>; /** * A map of environment variables to be passed to the script */ env?: EnvironmentVariables;}
export interface DenoCliOptions { /** * A list of boolean `--allow-*` deno cli options or * a map of option names to values * * ```yaml * # scripts.yaml * scripts: * start: deno run server.ts * allow: * - net * - read * ``` */ allow?: Array<keyof AllowFlags> | AllowFlags;
/** * Require that remote dependencies are already cached */ cachedOnly?: boolean;
/** * The path to a PEM certificate file, * passed to deno cli's `--cert` option. */ cert?: string;
/** * The path to a deno/TypeScript configuration file, * passed to deno cli's `--config` option. */ config?: string;
/** * The path to an import map json file, * passed to deno cli's `--import-map` option. */ importMap?: string;
/** * The hostname and port where to start the inspector, * passed to deno cli's `--inspect` option. */ inspect?: string | true;
/** * Same as `inspect`, but breaks at start of user script. */ inspectBrk?: string | true;
/** * The path to an _existing_ lockfile, * passed to deno cli's `--lock` option. * * **Note** This doesn't create the lockfile, use `--lock-write` manually * when appropriate */ lock?: string;
/** * The log level, passed to deno cli's `--log-level` option. */ log?: string;
/** * Skip type checking modules */ noCheck?: boolean;
/** * Do not resolve remote modules */ noRemote?: boolean;
/** * Suppress diagnostic output */ quiet?: boolean;
/** * Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) */ reload?: boolean | string | string[];
/** * Enable unstable APIs */ unstable?: boolean;
/** * A list of boolean V8 flags or * a map of V8 option names to values * * ```yaml * # scripts.yaml * scripts: * start: deno run server.ts * v8Flags: * - expose-gc * - async-stack-trace * ``` */ v8Flags?: string[] | FlagsObject;
/** * Watch for file changes and restart process automatically. * Local files from entry point module graph are watched by default. * Additional paths might be watched by passing them as arguments to this option. * * 🧪 Unstable */ watch?: boolean | string | string[];}
export interface AllowFlags { all?: boolean; env?: boolean; hrtime?: boolean; net?: string | boolean; ffi?: boolean; read?: string | boolean; run?: boolean; write?: string | boolean;}
export type FlagsObject = Record<string, any>;
export type EnvironmentVariables = Record<string, string>;
export type GitHook = | "applypatch-msg" | "pre-applypatch" | "post-applypatch" | "pre-commit" | "pre-merge-commit" | "prepare-commit-msg" | "commit-msg" | "post-commit" | "pre-rebase" | "post-checkout" | "post-merge" | "pre-push" | "post-update" | "push-to-checkout" | "pre-auto-gc" | "post-rewrite" | "sendemail-validate";