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The npm-style script runner for Deno
import { ParallelScripts, Script, ScriptObject } from "./scripts_config.ts";
export type OneOrMore<T> = T | T[];
export const isWindows = == "windows";
export function escape(str: string, ...exp: string[]): string { return exp.reduce( (str, e) => str.replace(RegExp(e, "g"), `\\${e}`), str, );}
export function makeFileExecutable(filePath: string) { try { Deno.chmodSync(filePath, 0o0755); } catch (e) { // Windows }}
export async function spawn(args: string[], cwd?: string): Promise<string> { const process ={ cmd: args, cwd, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const { code } = await process.status(); if (code === 0) { const rawOutput = await process.output(); process.close(); return new TextDecoder().decode(rawOutput); } else { const error = new TextDecoder().decode(await process.stderrOutput()); process.close(); throw new Error(error); }}
export const isScriptObject = (script: any): script is ScriptObject => script instanceof Object && "cmd" in script;
export const isParallelScripts = (script: any): script is ParallelScripts => script instanceof Object && "pll" in script;
export const isMultiCompositeScript = ( script: any,): script is Array<Script | ParallelScripts> => Array.isArray(script);
export const notNull = (o: any) => o != null;