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🌬 A template engine for Deno & Node
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import analyze from "./js.ts";
export type TokenType = "string" | "tag" | "filter" | "comment";export type Token = [TokenType, string, number?];
export interface TokenizeResult { tokens: Token[]; position: number; error: Error | undefined;}
export default function tokenize(source: string): TokenizeResult { const tokens: Token[] = []; let type: TokenType = "string"; let position = 0;
try { while (source.length > 0) { if (type === "string") { const index = source.indexOf("{{"); const code = index === -1 ? source : source.slice(0, index);
tokens.push([type, code, position]);
if (index === -1) { break; }
position += index; source = source.slice(index); type = source.startsWith("{{#") ? "comment" : "tag"; continue; }
if (type === "comment") { source = source.slice(3); const index = source.indexOf("#}}"); const comment = index === -1 ? source : source.slice(0, index); tokens.push([type, comment, position]);
if (index === -1) { break; }
position += index + 3; source = source.slice(index + 3); type = "string"; continue; }
if (type === "tag") { const indexes = parseTag(source); const lastIndex = indexes.length - 1; let tag: Token | undefined;
indexes.reduce((prev, curr, index) => { const code = source.slice(prev, curr - 2);
// Tag if (index === 1) { tag = [type, code, position]; tokens.push(tag); return curr; }
// Filters tokens.push(["filter", code]); return curr; });
position += indexes[lastIndex]; source = source.slice(indexes[lastIndex]); type = "string";
// Search the closing echo tag {{ /echo }} if (tag?.[1].match(/^\-?\s*echo\s*\-?$/)) { const end = source.match(/{{\-?\s*\/echo\s*\-?}}/);
if (!end) { throw new Error("Unclosed echo tag"); }
const rawCode = source.slice(0, end.index); tag[1] = `echo ${JSON.stringify(rawCode)}`; const length = Number(end.index) + end[0].length; source = source.slice(length); position += length; }
continue; } } } catch (error) { return { tokens, position, error }; }
return { tokens, position, error: undefined };}
type status = | "single-quote" | "double-quote" | "regex" | "literal" | "bracket" | "comment" | "line-comment";
/** * Parse a tag and return the indexes of the start and end brackets, and the filters between. * For example: {{ tag |> filter1 |> filter2 }} => [2, 9, 20, 31] */export function parseTag(source: string): number[] { const indexes: number[] = [2];
analyze(source, (type, index) => { if (type === "close") { indexes.push(index); return false; }
if (type === "new-filter") { indexes.push(index); } else if (type === "unclosed") { throw new Error("Unclosed tag"); } });
return indexes;}