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🦕 Vim's Channel command for Deno
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import { assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "";import { buildMessage } from "./message.ts";import { Client } from "./client.ts";
Deno.test("Client.reply", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a message", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.reply(1, "Hello"); await client.reply(2, "World"); assertEquals(receives, [ [1, "Hello"], [2, "World"], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows(() => client.redraw(), Error, "send error"); });});
Deno.test("Client.redraw", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a redraw command", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.redraw(); await client.redraw(true); assertEquals(receives, [ ["redraw", ""], ["redraw", "force"], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows(() => client.redraw(), Error, "send error"); });});
Deno.test("Client.ex", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a ex command", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.ex("echo 'Hello'"); assertEquals(receives, [ ["ex", "echo 'Hello'"], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows(() => client.ex("echo 'Hello'"), Error, "send error"); });});
Deno.test("Client.normal", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a normal command", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.normal("zO"); assertEquals(receives, [ ["normal", "zO"], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows(() => client.normal("zO"), Error, "send error"); });});
Deno.test("Client.expr", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a expr command and waits for a response", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: (msgid: number) => Promise.resolve(buildMessage(msgid, `response:${msgid}`)), }; const client = new Client(session); assertEquals( await client.expr("g:vim_deno_channel_command"), "response:-1", ); assertEquals( await client.expr("g:vim_deno_channel_command"), "response:-2", ); assertEquals(receives, [ ["expr", "g:vim_deno_channel_command", -1], ["expr", "g:vim_deno_channel_command", -2], ]); });
await t.step("rejects with an error when send fails", async () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: (msgid: number) => Promise.resolve(buildMessage(msgid, `response:${msgid}`)), }; const client = new Client(session); await assertRejects( () => client.expr("g:vim_deno_channel_command"), Error, "send error", ); });
await t.step("rejects with an error when recv fails", async () => { const session = { send: () => { // Do NOTHING return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("recv error"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await assertRejects( () => client.expr("g:vim_deno_channel_command"), Error, "recv error", ); });});
Deno.test("Client.exprNoReply", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a expr command", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.exprNoReply("g:vim_deno_channel_command"); assertEquals(receives, [ ["expr", "g:vim_deno_channel_command"], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows( () => client.exprNoReply("g:vim_deno_channel_command"), Error, "send error", ); });});
Deno.test("", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a call command and waits for a response", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: (msgid: number) => Promise.resolve(buildMessage(msgid, `response:${msgid}`)), }; const client = new Client(session); assertEquals(await"foo", "bar"), "response:-1"); assertEquals(await"foo", "bar"), "response:-2"); assertEquals(receives, [ ["call", "foo", ["bar"], -1], ["call", "foo", ["bar"], -2], ]); });
await t.step("rejects with an error when send fails", async () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: (msgid: number) => Promise.resolve(buildMessage(msgid, `response:${msgid}`)), }; const client = new Client(session); await assertRejects( () =>"foo", "bar"), Error, "send error", ); });
await t.step("rejects with an error when recv fails", async () => { const session = { send: () => { // Do NOTHING return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("recv error"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await assertRejects( () =>"foo", "bar"), Error, "recv error", ); });});
Deno.test("Client.callNoReply", async (t) => { await t.step("sends a call command", async () => { const receives: unknown[] = []; const session = { send: (message: unknown) => { receives.push(message); return Promise.resolve(); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); await client.callNoReply("foo", "bar"); assertEquals(receives, [ ["call", "foo", ["bar"]], ]); });
await t.step("throws an error when send fails", () => { const session = { send: () => { throw new Error("send error"); }, recv: () => { throw new Error("should not be called"); }, }; const client = new Client(session); assertThrows(() => client.callNoReply("foo", "bar"), Error, "send error"); });});