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🦕 Vim's Channel command for Deno
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import { assert, assertEquals, AssertionError, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "";import { deadline, DeadlineError,} from "";import { deferred } from "";import { Channel, channel, pop, push,} from "";import { buildRedrawCommand } from "./command.ts";import { buildMessage, Message } from "./message.ts";import { Session } from "./session.ts";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function createDummySession(): { input: Channel<Uint8Array>; output: Channel<Uint8Array>; session: Session;} { const input = channel<Uint8Array>(); const output = channel<Uint8Array>(); const session = new Session(input.reader, output.writer); return { input, output, session };}
function ensureNotNull<T>(value: T | null): T { if (value === null) { throw new AssertionError("value must not be null"); } return value;}
Deno.test("Session.send", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is not started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
const command = buildRedrawCommand(); assertThrows( () => session.send(command), Error, "Session is not running", ); }, );
await t.step( "sends a command to the specified writer", async () => { const { session, output } = createDummySession();
const command = buildRedrawCommand(); await session.send(command); assertEquals( JSON.parse(decoder.decode(ensureNotNull(await pop(output.reader)))), command, ); }, );
await t.step( "sends a message to the specified writer", async () => { const { session, output } = createDummySession();
const message = buildMessage(0, "Hello"); await session.send(message); assertEquals( JSON.parse(decoder.decode(ensureNotNull(await pop(output.reader)))), message, ); }, );});
Deno.test("Session.recv", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is not started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
assertThrows(() => session.recv(-1), Error, "Session is not running"); }, );
await t.step( "waits a command response message and resolves with it", async () => { const { session, input } = createDummySession();
const response = session.recv(-1);
const message = buildMessage(-1, "Hello"); await push(input.writer, encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(message))); assertEquals(await response, message); }, );});
Deno.test("Session.start", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is already started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
session.start(); assertThrows(() => session.start(), Error, "Session is already running"); }, );
await t.step( "locks specified reader and writer", () => { const { session, input, output } = createDummySession();
session.start(); assert(input.reader.locked, "reader is not locked"); assert(output.writer.locked, "writer is not locked"); }, );
await t.step( "calls `onMessage` when a message is received", async () => { const received: Message[] = []; const { session, input } = createDummySession(); session.onMessage = (message) => { received.push(message); };
const message: Message = [1, 3]; await push(input.writer, encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(message))); assertEquals(received, [message]); }, );});
Deno.test("Session.wait", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is not started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
assertThrows(() => session.wait(), Error, "Session is not running"); }, );
await t.step( "returns a promise that is resolved when the session is closed (reader is closed)", async () => { const output = channel<Uint8Array>(); const guard = deferred(); const session = new Session( // Reader that is not closed until the guard is resolved new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { await guard; controller.close(); }, }), output.writer, );
const waiter = session.wait(); await assertRejects( () => deadline(waiter, 100), DeadlineError, ); guard.resolve(); await deadline(waiter, 100); }, );});
Deno.test("Session.shutdown", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is not started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
assertThrows(() => session.shutdown(), Error, "Session is not running"); }, );
await t.step( "unlocks specified reader and writer", async () => { const { session, input, output } = createDummySession();
session.start(); await session.shutdown(); assert(!input.reader.locked, "reader is locked"); assert(!output.writer.locked, "writer is locked"); }, );
await t.step( "waits until all messages are processed to the writer", async () => { const input = channel<Uint8Array>(); const guard = deferred(); const session = new Session( input.reader, // Writer that is not processed until the guard is resolved new WritableStream({ async write() { await guard; }, }), );
session.start(); await session.send(["redraw", ""]); const shutdown = session.shutdown(); await assertRejects( () => deadline(shutdown, 100), DeadlineError, ); // Process all messages guard.resolve(); await deadline(shutdown, 100); }, );});
Deno.test("Session.forceShutdown", async (t) => { await t.step( "throws an error if the session is not started", () => { const { session } = createDummySession();
assertThrows( () => session.forceShutdown(), Error, "Session is not running", ); }, );
await t.step( "unlocks specified reader and writer", async () => { const { session, input, output } = createDummySession();
session.start(); await session.forceShutdown(); assert(!input.reader.locked, "reader is locked"); assert(!output.writer.locked, "writer is locked"); }, );
await t.step( "does not wait until all messages are processed to the writer", async () => { const input = channel<Uint8Array>(); const guard = deferred(); const session = new Session( input.reader, // Writer that is not processed until the guard is resolved new WritableStream({ async write() { await guard; }, }), );
session.start(); session.send(["redraw", ""]); // Do NOT await const shutdown = session.forceShutdown(); await deadline(shutdown, 100); }, );});