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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
import { Application, path, send } from "../utils/deps.ts";import { WebSocketClient, WebSocketServer } from "../utils/deps.ts";import * as print from "./stdout.ts";import { exec } from "../utils/deps.ts";import { watchAndRebuild } from "./liveRebuild.ts";import { event } from "../utils/events.ts"

export const server: Application = new Application();
export const runDevServer = async function (port: number, hostname: string) { const wss = new WebSocketServer(8080); wss.on("connection", function (ws: WebSocketClient) { ws.send('[LiveReload is watching...'); // create event listener that listens for "buildDone" event const reloadWindow = () => { console.log("[back to you Client!]"); ws.send('reload window'); event.removeListener("buildDone", reloadWindow); };
event.on("buildDone", reloadWindow);
ws.on("message", function (message: string) { console.log(message); }); });

//server route handler server.use(async (ctx, next) => { const { pathname } = ctx.request.url;
if (pathname === "/") { await send(ctx, pathname, { root: path.join(Deno.cwd(), "public"), index: "index.html", }); } else if (pathname === "/build.js") { ctx.response.type = "application/javascript"; await send(ctx, pathname, { root: path.join(Deno.cwd(), "vno-build"), index: "build.js", }); } else if (pathname === "/style.css") { ctx.response.type = "text/css"; await send(ctx, pathname, { root: path.join(Deno.cwd(), "vno-build"), index: "style.css", }); } else await next(); });
// server error handling server.addEventListener("error", (e: unknown) => console.error(e)); // listen for active server // Ensure watchAndRebuild does not get called incessantly on more requests to server. let running = false; server.addEventListener("listen", () => { print.LISTEN(port, hostname); if (running === false) { watchAndRebuild({ ssr: false }); running = true; } }); await server.listen({ port, hostname });
return server;};