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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
import * as path from "";import * as fs from "";import { Language, minify } from "";
export type Mapped<T> = { [key: string]: T };
/** * Individual path data exported from 'getStaticPaths'. */export interface PathData { params: Mapped<string>;}
/** * Passed to 'getStaticProps'. */export interface GetStaticPropsContext { params: Mapped<string>; fetch: typeof fetch;}
/** * Passed to 'getStaticPaths' */export interface GetStaticPathsContext { fetch: typeof fetch;}
/** * vno .vue file export. */export interface VueExport { default: { name: string; getStaticProps?: (ctx: GetStaticPropsContext) => any; getStaticPaths?: ( ctx: GetStaticPathsContext, ) => Promise<PathData[]> | PathData[]; css?: string[]; data?: () => any; };}
/** * Get exports from a js script as a string. */export const getExport = async (script: string) => { const tmpPath = path.join(Deno.cwd(), ".vno", "exports"); await fs.ensureDir(tmpPath);
const jsPath = path.join( tmpPath, `${Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)}.js`, );
let obj: VueExport | null = null; let created = false;
try { await Deno.writeTextFile(jsPath, minify(Language.JS, script)); created = true; obj = (await import("file://" + jsPath)) as VueExport; } finally { if (created) await Deno.remove(jsPath); }
if (!obj) throw Error("could not import script"); return obj;};
/** * Get the unique tags from html. */export const getTags = (html: string) => { const matches = html.matchAll(/(?<=<)[\w\d]+(?=[\s*|>|/>])/gi);
return new Set([...matches].map((match) => match[0]));};
/** * Debounce a function. */export const debounce = (func: (...args: any) => any, duration = 300) => { let id: any = null;
return (...args: any) => { if (id) { clearTimeout(id); }
id = setTimeout(() => { func(...args); }, duration); };};