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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
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import Initialize from "../strategies/initialize.ts";import Creator from "../command-line/creator.ts";
import { colors, fs, path } from "../lib/deps.ts";
const read = { name: "read" } as const;const write = { name: "write" } as const;const run = { name: "run" } as const;
const resRead = await Deno.permissions.request(read);const resWrite = await Deno.permissions.request(write);const resRun = await Deno.permissions.request(run);
const arg = Deno.args[0];const bundler = new (Initialize as any)();
if (resRead && resRun && resWrite) { if ((/create/i).test(arg)) { const repo = Deno.args[1];
if (repo) { await fs.ensureDir(`${Deno.cwd()}/${repo}`); Deno.chdir(`${Deno.cwd()}/${repo}`); await Creator(repo); } else { await Creator(); } } if ((/build/i).test(arg)) { let configFile;
for await (const file of fs.walk(".")) { const currFile = path.parse(file.path); if ( === "vno.config") { configFile = currFile; } }
if (configFile) { const config = await Deno.readTextFile( `${Deno.cwd()}/${configFile.base}`, ).then((res) => JSON.parse(res));
await bundler.config(config); } else { console.warn( colors.yellow( ">> could not locate vno.config.ts \n" + ">> run test in root directory or create vno.config.ts", ), ); } }} else { console.warn( colors.yellow( ">> Deno needs read/write/run permissions to run vno", ), );}

export default bundler.config