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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
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import * as parse from "../lib/parser.ts";import Component from "../factory/Component.ts";import Storage from "../factory/Storage.ts";import Queue from "../factory/Queue.ts";import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../lib/deps.ts";import { patterns } from "../lib/constants.ts";import { yellow } from "../cli/fns.ts";
const testRoot = new Component("Test", "./test-components/Test.vue");const testChild = new Component("TestChild", "./test-components/TestChild.vue");
const storage = new Storage();const queue = new Queue();storage.root = testRoot;storage.cache(testChild.label, testChild);
Deno.test({ name: "\n\nparse.template successfully adds a 'template' property\n", fn() { parse.template(testRoot);
yellow("\n>> Component's template has a value && typeof string\n");
assertNotEquals(testRoot.template, null || undefined); assertEquals(typeof testRoot.template, "string");
yellow(">> Component's template contains not HTML comments\n");
assertEquals(testRoot.template?.match(patterns.htmlComment), null);
yellow(">> Component's template contains no carriage returns\n");
assertEquals(testRoot.template?.indexOf("\r"), -1); },});
Deno.test({ name: "\n\nparse.script successfully adds a 'script' property\n", async fn() { await parse.script(testRoot, storage, queue);
yellow("\n>> Component's script has a value && typeof string\n");
assertNotEquals(testRoot.script, null || undefined); assertEquals(typeof testRoot.script, "string");
yellow(">> parse.script removes comments\n"); assertEquals( testRoot.script?.match("// this is a javascript comment\n"), null, );
yellow(">> parse.script does not remove URLs\n"); assertNotEquals( testRoot.script?.match(""), null, );
yellow(">> testRoot has a child reference to its dependant\n"); assertEquals( testRoot.dependants?.head, testChild, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "\n\ successfully adds a 'styles' property\n", fn() {;
yellow("\n>> Component's styles has a value && typeof string\n");
assertNotEquals(testRoot.styles, null || undefined); assertEquals(typeof testRoot.styles, "string");
yellow(">> removes comments\n"); assertEquals( testRoot.script?.match("some CSS comments"), null, );
yellow(">> detects scss from source\n"); assertEquals( testRoot.style_data[0].lang, "scss", ); },});